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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. Gordo

    Portraits 5

    Beauty!! Though it kills me to see Frandsen with a W on his hat!!
  2. All I'm asking is can this be converted to a short sleeve mod. And I just mentioned that that particular file isn't like very well by AVAST AV. There's another sleeve file with a dead DL link. Forget it... ain't that important.
  3. Weird....usually in search engines, less is more. I'll see if I can look at it an make a modification for short sleeves. FSH files give me headaches usually. Add: AVAST showing it as a threat.... gfxpak.exe file maybe?
  4. initstay.big seems to be located in initstaz.big, no? I could get to it but couldn't extract any of the .fsh file. It acted like it exported but no file showed up.
  5. I searched "sleeve" in the Downloads sect. and saw nothing for MVP. Regardless, if this puts full sleeves on players, it would look weird. Half sleeves under the uni would look good.
  6. That's exactly what I did Homer, but got the Christmas colors on the arms. Should it not draw from the initstay file or does something have to be modded within that file?
  7. I'm assuming this is something they discovered that's part of another jersey file, not a mod file itself. Since it only affects the attrib.dat file, I would say experiment with a dummy roster set. I assume you would make the config file by copying and pasting that text above to Notepad and then change it to a cfg file and place in the MVPedit main folder. Addendum: Ok I played with it a bit and there is an existing config.txt file in the main folder (attached if someone wants to mess with it). I was able to make those labels appear in MVPedit. However, I clearly don't have something installed or it draws from a certain uniform file because I ended up with the Christmas colors for full arm sleeves. So the only thing I can tell you is that it will probably give you full arm sleeves if you want to figure it out. Backup your original config.txt file first. config.rar
  8. Davis and Dyson are especially excellent!
  9. Impossible. If you followed the instructions above, you can get a fresh install of the MVP game meaning the original stadiums are there in the <stadium> sub-folder. Has to be. Installing fresh doesn't all of a sudden change things. Here is a pic of my EA game folders. You can see that I have 3 different modded installs (MVP 14, TC1975 and MVP Online) as well as a fresh MVP2005 install as well as that same file zipped in case I mess up the original. And here's a shot of the then current rosters playing at Shibe park. I didn't do anything to the original install other than add official patch #3.
  10. Prince Fielder is in your kitchen, raiding your refrigerator (iow, you guys need to learn to read). Support thread is available for most every mod.
  11. I'm in the process of making default portraits for players who don't have a portrait, switched teams and don't have a new portrait or you think have a crappy portrait. It'll feature the team logo in place of the portrait. The only problem is that you'll need to switch the portrait ID for it to show up. This is very easy to do: Go to your roster location Open "attrib.dat" with WordPad Find slot 16. It will look something like this: 0fff0caf7,0 David,1 Aardsma,2 53,3 0,4 0,5 10,6 0,7 28,8 105,9 29,10 50,11 0,12 0,13 4,14 5,15 1,16 2522,17 1,18 2,19 5,20 0,21 4,22 43,23 4,24 4,25 12 The number after "16" is the photo/audio ID and is typically the official one. You'd have to change it to the correct number for the given team corresponding to the new default number. When an ID is updated for a given player and you want it in game, you'll need to change it back. This may not change the ID once a season has started..... not sure. I've got about a third of the teams done at this point. Example:
  12. Good resource. Of course with now more OS's since the game came out, the registry and other stuff have some different locations. It's just Gates' way of saying he doesn't know how to play MVP baseball or he stinks at it.
  13. One thing that is confusing for newer players is how to install multiple versions of the game..... understandable. If you've installed the game and then modded that install, then you already overwritten multiple files and that can't be undone. You have (it seems) 2 choices: 1) Start over. Install the game fresh, patch it with official patch #3 (no other official patch needed). Then keep it handy. Don't mod it at all. You WILL be able to copy the entire folder and then mod the COPY. 2) If you are okay with going into your registry, eliminate the following key (after backing up your registry, just in case): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node (windows 7 specific?) Electronic Arts EA Sports MVP Baseball 2005 =============> ergc key If you don't know how to get to your registry for your OS, use the world wide interwebatorium and find out. If you can't find this location fro this key, make sure "Computer" is highlighted in your registry (click on once) and then use the search function to look for "ergc key". Make sure that it's tied to MVP Baseball 2005. Essentially what eliminating this key does is fooling your PC into thinking the game is not installed. Then when you put your original disk in, the INSTALL option will be available again. BUT BACK UP YOUR REGISTRY FIRST!!!
  14. Version End of Season Ed.


    A tremendous thanks ENCbase13 for helping with updates, especially uniform number corrections!! Also a big thanks to LARO for keeping up with the trades and OSCAR for the input on batting stances. VERSION: 2014 Phase 4 (MLB Focused) ~ End of Season (last roster set of the year) Release Date: 08.23.14 *Typically, players included on 25 man roster who provided higher percentage of service during the year, some exceptions made. This includes players who have had season ending injuries. (if you think a certain player should be up on the 25-man roster instead of someone else, then it's easy enough to move players around either in game or with MVPedit). *ALL pitchers' control changed based on THIS YEAR'S ERA *Pitcher stamina fixes done for those who seemed significantly low. *Top and bottom 2 BA's for qualified players given a contact/power adjustment if needed. *A few players' speed adjusted. *Transactions to date of release (please note any corrections needed) *** Works best with MVP 08 / MVP 12 / MVP 13 Total Conversion Mods *** INSTALLATION: Delete existing 19 .dat files from your MVP2005/data/database subfolder, then unzip this roster to that location. NOTE!!! If you are getting freezes during your franchise/season, it is most likely because you have injuries and/or suspensions set to "ON". Start a new season with these turned "OFF" and attempt to sim the entire season. If successful, then freezes are occurring because there are not enough players in a given organization.
  15. File Name: BaseUp! Rosters 2014 ~ (Phase 4) File Submitter: daflyboys File Submitted: 23 Aug 2014 File Category: Rosters Version: 1.0 A tremendous thanks ENCbase13 for helping with updates, especially uniform number corrections!! Also a big thanks to LARO for keeping up with the trades and OSCAR for the input on batting stances. VERSION: 2014 Phase 4 (MLB Focused) ~ End of Season (last roster set of the year) Release Date: 08.23.14 *Typically, players included on 25 man roster who provided higher percentage of service during the year, some exceptions made. This includes players who have had season ending injuries. (if you think a certain player should be up on the 25-man roster instead of someone else, then it's easy enough to move players around either in game or with MVPedit). *ALL pitchers' control changed based on THIS YEAR'S ERA *Pitcher stamina fixes done for those who seemed significantly low. *Top and bottom 2 BA's for qualified players given a contact/power adjustment if needed. *A few players' speed adjusted. *Transactions to date of release (please note any corrections needed) *** Works best with MVP 08 / MVP 12 / MVP 13 Total Conversion Mods *** INSTALLATION: Delete existing 19 .dat files from your MVP2005/data/database subfolder, then unzip this roster to that location. NOTE!!! If you are getting freezes during your franchise/season, it is most likely because you have injuries and/or suspensions set to "ON". Start a new season with these turned "OFF" and attempt to sim the entire season. If successful, then freezes are occurring because there are not enough players in a given organization.
  16. Update: 27 teams done. After some finalizing, hoping for a Sunday release, though could possibly happen even by Saturday. If you have any observations/corrections, get them to me asap.
  17. Thank you sir. That seemed to take care of some that were needed.
  18. Clearly as you go, you're textures become more and more lifelike.
  19. You're welcome. I've got 9 teams finalized and should have about 12 before the day is out. There's a slight chance they could be done by the middle of the weekend.
  20. I like the suggestion, but there is really no was to anticipate what's going to happen for NEXT year's opening day. It would take way too much research and I assume there would be too many mistakes. You really have to go with the data at hand. Having said that, I decided it will be based on predominantly service given to the team over the course of the year, regardless of season ending injury and provided that the player is still in the organization. Yes, some guys who were traded late and don't overshadow guys who played a good amount on a give squad will be thrown down to the AAA team (e.g. Bonifacio for ATL), but people always have the option of moving guys around. I'll also be eyeballing the top and bottom 2 BA's for a given MLB team and if it looks like it warrants a look to make another contact/power adjustment, that'll happen. If he didn't have a lot of earlier data for hot/cold zone (and there are a few) I'll update that. Also, the pitchers who stay on the 25 man MLB roster will be given a makeover based on this year's ERA (e.g., Darren O'Day, BAL RP will have a high level of control). Stamina ratings for starters/LRP's will be given another look if they appear exceedingly low. And ENCbase 13 will be feeding me, and already has, cosmetic and other suggestions as we go. He's very enthusiastic. Addendum: Star Power will also be re-done.
  21. That's for 2K12. I assumed this was for MVP since it was in this support section.
  22. You know I thought dennisjames did a Nationals Park re-coloring for 2012 but it doesn't appear so. However to the OP, you guys need to search for more specifically what you want by clicking on the little cog wheel to the right of the search window and then filtering for how you want. If something doesn't come up, then it's not available. It appears though that dennis did do a slight update for 2013 Nationals Park. I guess try that one.
  23. Here's Caleb Joseph. Got the pic from ESPN player profile page. The game definitely makes the normal photo look skinny. I ended up stretching him horizontally 33% once sized to the frame, so that it ends up looking about normal proportions in game. Attached the BMPs as a sample. 6195 C Joseph.rar C Joseph portrait sample BMPs.rar
  24. Good work, but I think the problem is the timing in which you released this. I don't think too many guys want to play in their season with spring training uniforms. Nice to have options, though.
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