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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Install your preference with TiT. Note: the large "MVP Mods" is a watermark this site puts on the previews. It is not on the final version.
  2. We have 4 new cyberfaces in the downloads, but no official IDs.
  3. Gordo

    Faces MVP 2021

    Do we have official IDs? What are they?
  4. Gordo

    Face=Kwang-Hyun Kim

    Zipped file also does not seem to contain the proper .fsh file. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. Can't see the forest for the trees, ma man. Sorry. Good luck.
  6. The only Republicans "afraid" of Trump are the RINOs, because Trump exposed the incompetence of politicians in general by producing. That's not an opinion. The economic numbers are there. Deep state politicians on both sides of the aisle don't generally want to progress through the problems because then what is their purpose? They don't produce anything ... they don't bring on profits. Politicians know how to do one thing and do it very well: spend remember: budget "cuts" means "we're not asking for as big of an increase as last year"). Do I like Trump's personality ... no, not really. But I don't need to like my dentist's personality either. But if he's damn good and I come away better off than when I walked in, that's all I need. I'm not hanging out with Trump or seeing him at family gatherings. Trump's popularity had nothing to do with fear ... it had to do with people sick of the same old guard on the political institutions and he exposed their lack of conviction for why they were elected in the first place ... to serve us no for us to serve them! Wtf did he need to jump into the presidency for? Dude is a multi-multi-millionaire! Give up that life for dealing with all the political BS for shits and giggles? Would you do it? Hell, 99.99999% of people in the same position wouldn't. This Democrat party is not your father's Democrat party. Look around; question what you're seeing. They're employing Communist tactics. You think that's Biden leading the country? You never saw the Manchurian Candidate? I mean they're not even really hiding this. No, I would consider you're probably more of a Libertarian by today's definition than Democrat.
  7. I'm sorry for your family's health problems. Almost all families deal with this in one way or another. Mine has too. Loss, pain, suffering. It's all horrible, but I don't want to bring it to a forum where I really don't know or befriend people. That has nothing to do with the discussion going on here. Ok, maybe asinine was too strong. How about "ill informed" or "overly generalized"? My point remains that it's not systemic. Is there racism and sexism in pockets of life. Of course... always, everywhere...that won't change. The point is taking these human conditions and turning them into rampant, unbridled, unproven concepts... defining the terms by which others should live and trying to change the overall fabric of a largely great nation. It's not about anecdotal situations in Canada, it's about the larger government control. Control of what language you can use, limitations on how you can raise your kids, how much of your money the government should take, etc. Check anything by Canadian Jordan Peterson. Have an open mind when listening ... it's deep and wide.
    Well done and looking good! Somehow I missed this the first time.
  8. Seemingly partially true. But making blanket statements like "republicans bought them all" is asinine. According to msn.com (clearly a left leaning institution): "Lefties are losing their minds that I'm signing & sending copies of Green Eggs and Ham to anyone who donates $60 or more," the Texas senator said on Twitter late Friday. "We've raised $125k in just 24 hours!" If all buyers gave the minimum $60 donation, Cruz would have to put his signature in more than 2,000 copies of the book. On Twitter, he said the "hand-wringing" of his political opponents likely led to high sales of the signed books. Cruz's team was positioning the sales as an effort to fight back against the "cancel culture mob." But let's back track here. If moronic extreme leftists wouldn't be trying to cancel everything they find offensive (*cough* Fahrenheit 451 *cough*) and simply trust that commonsensical thinking people can judge for themselves what's acceptable and what isn't, then we wouldn't have any of this nonsense. Some of you who think you are "liberal" on this website probably don't get or don't want to get that that term is no longer what you know it to mean or how you think. You really want government in this country CONTROLLING you materials and even what language you use? You really, REALLY want to become Canada!? Trust me. You don't. And sabugo, this is the direction people in leadership positions are taking here now where and when they can. This notion of "systemic racism" is espoused, spouted and shoved down every possible institution, especially education systems because there is an interest to conquer and divide the family. Those examples are all over the place in all kinds of media. Just look around. Men and fathers in the U.S. are being made to look "toxic", less strong as figures in movies, shows, pictorials/publications. It's not even debatable.
    Gonna leave this review on your last uploaded file vs. 30 separate files. First off, the level of organization and the way you labeled your file/upload is exemplary. Thanks very much for doing that. It will also help me as I do rosters here and there know how to tweak the generic cyberfaced guys as I think this is a nice looking touch in-game (and ever since BallFour did the update generic facial hair). I'm sure they'll be updates and tweaks along the way and you may want to wait until Opening Day to release anything, if you will be; but to do so as a collection, not necessarily team by team is my only 2c. Thanks again!
  9. I ran into this myself and discovered that it was the stadiums I was using. When you start adding modification files any one of them could be a problem I believe. You have to test with a "known good"; in my case I used all of the original stadiums with no modifications. I tested and did not have freezing, even with suspensions and injuries set to "ON".
  10. You got to the very first post. There's a link in there to the online doc.
    Much appreciated! I know this is not easy.
    Just got a chance to try this ... lookin' real good man. Future minor update may want to change that "Opening Day" banner as that will get old fast. Other than that nice goin!
  11. Version 4.0.0


    See this thread for all details:
  12. You simply delete the 19 .dat files in the database subfolder and unzip the new rosters into the same spot.
  13. Been a long time since I posted in here but was asked about sliders for this SIM Gameplay Pack. Here ya go ... tweak to your liking.
  14. It's a bit early for this ... going to be lots of changes still to come.
  15. You may have a short season schedule in there, meaning you'll have to use the tool that corrects the freeze on the one-game playoff. It's in the tools of the downloads somewhere or PM for it later.
  16. No problem here. Might be your browser.
  17. If there's no indication, then does that mean all of the audio is updated, including PA announcers? I mainly interested in PA announcements being correct. Thanks for your work on these!
    Very nice addition! Would much rather see upper tier starting pitchers get a face versus someone like a partial or long reliever.
    Good looking mod. Not sure we needed a cyberface for a spot starter who's started 11 games in the last 3 years with an average to fair WHIP, but thanks.
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