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Everything posted by abc006

  1. ok, a couple of things to sort out: first of all, i love this site, it's one of the greatest. not only does it create absoloutely amazing mods for my favrotie game, it's also a whole community of people who just love baseball, and i'd like to be a part of this great community for a long time. second of all, i'm sorry if it was seen as a "spam". The first time was just a little fun, i was bored. i never thought it was funny to begin with. then i accidentally deleted my post with my thoughts. i didn't want it to go to waste. so, "foolishly" if you want to call it that, i repated it. now that i look back, i probably should've just left it alone, or at least edited the post i just did. but still, i think people are making too big a deal of some minor so-called "spamming". so somebody makes a "stupid" mistake and posts like two "stupid" posts. i think we shouldn't be wasting our time arguing, which seems to be becoming more and more popular, and focusing on what we love best. It just seems that we all go through a "phase" in which we work our butts of making something, and then it all goes to waste. this is very common for a windows '95 user, but also to just everybody in general. what i'm trying to say is, i think people should just give a couple of people a break when they make a small mistake. not to instigate another argument, but i defenitely didn't try to insult or make fun of any members, if you mean the "fake" apologies with kraw and NYM06. again, although they can make mistakes like every other human being in the world, they are still very valuable parts of the mvpmods "chain", so i wouldn't want to insult anybody. so just basically, i'm sorry for whatever i did wrong, but we shouldn't be wasting our time on "trivial" things like this. let's do some real and valuable modding, ok?
  2. wow, that one is defenitely by far your best. you should enter that into the NSL.
  3. i'm not sure i really like the distortion on the left side, it doesn't really fit, and magglio is a bit stretched, and the text is a bit bland... i'ts not too bad, but you've done better.
  4. sorry, i accidentally deleted my comments. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  5. not too bad. actually, it's half decent. however, i'm not able to enjoy the sig as much for the fact that i simply hate football. still, nice work. by the way FF, that's a sweet avy.
  6. very nice, however, it seems the whole thing is a bit too light, so it makes it kind of hard to see or read the letters. but still, nice work!
  7. it may freeze. for me it usually doesn't until i try to put text. then it just crashes, there must be something that wasn't installed. text and the help, they both crash, so i do text on another image program. i can't wait until i get photoshop.
  8. actually, im interested in what you guys think. is it a pipe or isn't it? :twisted:
  9. it's not really some inside joke or anything, i guess. although it helps to know some history about the art movement of dada, specifically this piece of art my Rene Magritte. It transalates to "This is not a pipe." Do you say it's a pipe or not? although it wasn't directly influenced, i just happened to know that.
  10. like my new avi and sig? :D
  11. whoah, very nice, like the font. what is that font, by the way?
  12. hmm... not sure. don't care, cause it makes a nice sig!
  13. whoah, you posted my sig before i posted it! just kidding, i just edit the posts around. but yeah, i tried to manually cut out sori and it didn't work to well. the background looks bland, but it was kind of cool up close.
  14. new sig i just did. (hey that rhymes!)
  15. okay, looked up on an online dictionary, so here goes, kind of plain now that i think about it, but still:
  16. how do you say mister in japanese?
  17. correction: there WILL be enough CTS to last forever... as soon as we release the greatest CTS package ever comprised! okay, that's my bit of advertising, now for a serious question. i'm doing a so taguchi sig right now, and i need a little catchphrase below his name. any sigesstion? get it? get it? sigestions? isn't that funny? hahaha...
  18. errrr... how about after we do all the cts, okay? hehe...
  19. whoah - people have favorite wrestlers? sorry, but i'm not really wrestling - especially fake wrestling - at all.
  20. yeah, i've noticed that about photobucket too, it gets really annoying...
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