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Posts posted by spitoon

  1. After installing the bat selector, what file/folder are you supposed to delete? (you are supposed to delete a folder after installing the bat selector, right?)

    No, actually you should delete the /bmps folder BEFORE you install the selector...but ONLY if you've installed previous versions of my Bat Selector.

    I changed the naming scheme, so installing the new one will just result in a bloated /bmps folder with around 230 bats (65 duplicates) instead of 162. It shouldn't really effect how the program works since the old .bmps simply won't be used, it just takes up disk space.

    You can go ahead and delete CHOICE.EXE if you want. Just make sure you leave CHOICE.COM. You might have to click "Tools", "Folder Options", and "Veiw" then un-check the "Hide extensions for known file types" box in order to see the .EXE and .COM.

  2. First, I installed the selector (v. 3) and every bat looked red. I tried deleting all of the Selector files. No luck. So i reinstalled everything (game and mods) and the bats looked great. NOW, I can choose a different bat for each slot and the bats will appear as they are supposed to, but 7 of the 9 players will have the same bat. Tried deleting and reinstalling again (not the game this time) and still no luck. The only thing that I have changed is d/l a few stadiums. Oh, and I have to delete one of the Choice icons to make the program work. Any help would be appreciated.

    For some reason when EA made the rosters most of the players use only one of two bats eventhough there are 8 to choose from. You can use the "Edit Player" option in the game, or you can use MVPEdit before you start your season as EZDriver mentioned.

    As far as having to delete one CHOICE file, that's correct, although it shouldn't have effected how the Bat Selector worked (unless you are using WinME). In my first release I included CHOICE.EXE which I have since discovered doesn't work with WinME. I replaced it with CHOICE.COM in Bat Selector V3.0 which should work with WinME and WinXP. If both are present, I'm not sure which one your computer will choose to use, but it doesn't matter, unless you are running WinME.

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