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Everything posted by DoubleD

  1. 291 downloads

    In this mod you play every other team once. It's mostly 5 games per month. One month you'll play AL east teams, another NL east teams, another AL central, ect.
  2. are you in shape or out of shape? I don't want this to come off offensively but if you're out of shape that's probably it. 2 hours is a lot of time.
  3. I hope I'm not that only one that giggled at "Jeter Juice"
  4. Weighed myself for the first time in awhile 181 9 more pounds until my goal of 190 Although I'm kinda disappointed with how small I am at this weight so I'm sure I'll set a new goal once I hit it...probably around 220-230. Well, I like the size of my legs, it's the upper body I'm disappointed with.
  5. Yeah I live in FL Really only time I go on vacations is during the summer. Only time I've been on vacation during the winter was last year for the National Title game and that was in Arizone.
  6. I've never seen snow Well it did freeze one time back in 1990 but I was only 3 at the time and don't remember it at all.
  7. "We are a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need." <3 Chuck Palahniuk. Amazing book.
  8. Last Gator home game of the year...always great to kill FSU. Probably will be able to get tickets for the Bowl game though so atleast have one more game to go to. Always get teary eyed on Senior day though.
  9. I don't know if you've finished evey team, but I went through the Marlin's system and it looked real nice, good job on it.
  10. oh haha sorry...I don't check the download section, only posts
  11. KG: I hate to be one of "those guys", but I haven't seen any post concerning the issue...when do you think your next roster will be released? Not looking for a specific date, but are you planning on releasing one soon, or one sometime during this offseason, or will there not be an update until spring training?
  12. ughhhh I miss baseball so much Last year I atleast had UF Football...then UF Basketball...and once march madness is over it's baseball time again. I mean I still have UF football/basketball this year but they're rebuilding years, they aren't going to be nearly as exciting as last year's were....and it still doesn't compare to baseball... There's just no sport like baseball man. Plus the fact that it's played nearly everyday....doesn't matter what happens in the day, you know at the end you can sit back and enjoy your team from 7-10....really helps you get through the day....now there's nothing.... UF Baseball starts FEB 22nd...so gotta wait nearly 4 months before the next baseball game...someone hold me :(
  13. Don't know myself and have a hard time finding anything. The fact that he's in the FSL should help now though, and I'll ask for people that go to Jupiter games to get a write up....though only a few games left, so might not be able to. I think he's in line for only one more start but too lazy to double check. The only thing I can find is the fact that he has a plus curve that moves sharply away from lefties, and that he can throw for some power (I'm guessing real low-90's), and ofcoarse that he's a finesse/control guy. I'm guessing he doesn't have many pitches, might just be Fastball/Curve/Change kinda like Barone (Though Barone throws a slider). Reason I say that is because I read he'll be tried as both a starter and a reliever, even though he's very durabe and eating innings up (He averaged over 6 and a half innings per start at Greensboro, including 3 CGs). Only reason I can think of for that then would be that he doesn't have many good pitches. And it's also possible to own the minor leagues with only very good control of your fastball, Barone showed that this year on his way to getting hammored in the majors.
  14. Oh and since we're complaining about the school system... My mom is 56 and has been a teacher for 30+ years, including being at her current school for...well, I know atleast 20 years. She makes a grand total of around 36k a year. bull man, bull.
  15. Man I hated school. Proud to say I'm a high school drop out (Well, I have my GED which is essentially a high school diploma) with no financial worries (Sold wholesale stuff online originally, now I'm into real estate). F' the public school system which teaches the majority of people nothing they will need in life. Oh and lets not forget instilling into kids that they need a college degree to be successful in life. Do I want my doctor spending 10 years at a college? Ofcoarse. But how many people become doctors, lawyers? Have fun knowing you wasted so much of your time devoted to school even though you wind up with the normal 9-5 job that you would have gotten even without the education you have.
  16. KG, I was wondering if there was any chance of "normalizing" the minor league ratings. Something that's always bothered me with all the rosters is how most of the time, minor league players have similiar ratings for contract and power against both lhp and rhp. Like, the main split I follow is John Baker's. His past three years in AAA he's put up the line of: Baker- RHP:.271/.343/.412/.755 LHP:.210/.323/.272/.595 .061 difference in batting average, and a .140 difference in SLG. You look at that, Baker only has a .062 ISO against LHP, wheras it's .141 against RHP. So a big difference in both contact and power numbers but ingame his ratings are LHP: 51 contact/44 power RHP: 54 contact/48 power Hardly a difference and again it's not just Baker, but a lot of minor leaguers. Now ofcoarse going through every minor league player's splits would take a lonnnng time, but it'd still be cool if the minor league ratings were more realistic.
  17. KG- Chris Coghlan is getting called up to A+ Jupiter, first game Wednesday. I know you don't add prospects until they hit the A+ level, so giving you the heads up. He was ranked the #9 prospect in the Marlin's system by Baseball America before this year, #2 hitting prospect behind Gaby Sanchez. Most consider Coghlan to now be the #1 hitting prospect after what he's done so far this year. He's 2b main, 3B second. Not a very strong arm (Main reason he was moved to 2B from 3B, though also had to do with lack of 3b-like power), average fielder (bunch of blurbs in the future's game but he's not that bad), good eye, good speed Splits in Greensboro: http://www.minorleaguesplits.com/cgi-bin/p...&tm=GrbSAL&bp=b .
  18. Grienke does have filthy stuff. He also has problems upstairs. Bad example. you also misunderstand what "awesome" means in the game.
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