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Posts posted by rolie

  1. ...... can I keep drafting big objects and doing decent graphic work and let everyone else figure out the crazy crap? 'cuz while I'm extraordinarily happy that we're figuring it out, there's no way I have the energy to take care of it myself.

    keep up the good work!

    Well I'm just the trendsetter round here. Everyone said Zmod was a pain and now we have a more stadium modders. And I mod with my socks raised up to keep circulation to my brain.

  2. Pan01.gif

    The stadium datafile values override the main datafile values. You can also add other main datafile lines into the stadium datafile, further customizing the way the stadium handles/looks or even plays.

    For instance:

    0xb38e54d3= This Line is the header for the various cams throughout the game.

    This value is found in both datafiles. They each have a slightly different way of listing the corresponding values. For instance in the aao1nite Stadium datafile it lists the FOV value under ;51. The same value in the main dafile lists it ;53. So it's always a good idea to check that header (0xb38e54d3) for figuring which values go where.

    After the 0xb38e54d3 heading. There is a list of the cameras: bullpen, random pans, start cams etc. The ones listed in the stadium datafile are customized and different than the main datafile.

    These camera lines usually come in pairs. A START cam and an END cam line.

    The camera pans in the stadium are completely random. Meaning it chooses form the list under 0xb38e54d3. It makes testing a camera a major pain. Instead of restarting the game just to find the camera I figured a more convenient method.

    I inserted the following values from the main to stadium's datafile.

    0xe29ba5b9 79<PanDefensiveIntro.cam1>
    0xe29ba5b9 79<PanDefensiveIntro.cam1>
    This camera is used when showing fielder locations. It is always shows during gamestarts. After that value I placed the containing values inside
    0x51c0a35 79<Pan01.cam1>
    0x51c0a36 79<Pan01.cam2>
    This makes a easier to locate cams and test them out. Pan01 has a header value of 2.223 and Pan02 a value of 2.419. This will slightly rotate the camera to the left. But there is major clipping going on. We can move that black clipping by moving the camera setting the way you want. Also before adding new line I had to add the heading first than apply the new lines.
    0xb38e54d3 115 2...

    That first value had to edited to 2 beacause there were 2 lines in that section

  3. rolie, what happens if you add a new line to the datafile.

    Say you took

    <HomeDugoutActor00> <AwayDugoutActor00> location of dugout players 5 in each team

    0,1,2- xyz coordinates

    5 angle

    And replicated it with different coordinates. Would it give you the same people but somewhere else in the stadium or would it just crash?

    Furthermore, in the part of the file where it loads the 'actors', what if you added actor15 and gave him another job (like on bench)?

    No go, I tried adding an extra actor by adding

    <HomeDugoutActor06> but nothing changed in game. I aslo tried duplicating one of the actor lines and changing some locations but still showed same thing. I wondering if there is something in the main datafile or some other file contaiing that info and also which player is on the list.

  4. I'm trying to figure this beast out. A lot of it was learning how the main datafile works from the hundreds of threads here.

    Each section has header that list the various uses of each line.

    Like 0xb38e54d3 is found in probably all of them and lists what each value does. Values are separated by a semi colon and the number and value number.



    <HomeDugoutCornerFrontLeft>controls y plane(height) for dugout players

    <bullpen_home_1_pitcher_camera_01.StartCam><bullpen_away_1_pitcher_camera_01.StartCam> bullpen cam update

    24 BodyPart1 23 TargetObject

    <home_bullpen_static><away_bullpen_static> - bullpen camera view

    <HomeDugoutActor00> <AwayDugoutActor00> location of dugout players 6 in each team

    <HomeOnDeckCircle><AwayOnDeckCircle> on deck batter camera

    <home_manager_01><away_manager_01> manager camera

    <HomeBullpenMoundLeft> <HomeBullpenMoundRight>

    <HomeBullpenPlateLeft> <HomeBullpenPlateRight>

    <AwayBullpenMoundLeft> <AwayBullpenMoundRight>

    <AwayBullpenMoundLeft> <AwayBullpenPlateRight> bullpen mounds and plate locations










    0xe29ba5b9 79<PanDefensiveIntro.cam1>

    0xe29ba5ba 79<PanDefensiveIntro.cam2>


    Coordinate system difference between Oedit and Zmod/3dsmax values

    (o)X=(z)X flipped = (-1)·(x 0.01)


    (o)Y=(z)Z ·(0.01)

    I think some of the angles like pitch & heading are given in radian measure.

    angle in radians = angle in degrees * Pi / 180


    radian degrees:

    0 first base 0 = 0

    30 between 1st & 2nd pi/6 = 0.52359877559829887307710723054658

    45 second base pi/4 = 0.78539816339744830961566084581988

    60 between 2nd & 3rd pi/3 = 1.0471975511965977461542144610932

    90 third base pi/2 = 1.5707963267948966192313216916398

    180 reverse first base pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

    210 reverse 1st & 2nd 7pi/6 = 3.6651914291880921115397506138261

    225 reverse second base 5pi/4 = 3.9269908169872415480783042290994

    240 reverse 2nd & 3rd 4pi/3 = 4.1887902047863909846168578443727

    270 reverse third base 3pi/2 = 4.7123889803846898576939650749193

    360 full first base = 2·pi = 6.283185307179586476925286766559

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