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Everything posted by ronmexico

  1. Wow, I've almost forgotten about this site... that's about it.
  2. Been to Citi 3 straight days now, must say the park is gorgeous, and seems kinda like a compilation of a lot of HOK stadiums. The seats are from CBP, and kind of the way they are arranged. The scoreboard reminds me of Cincy, the outside is completely unique to the Mets, while the walls kind of remind me of Arizona. Can't wait till I know the intricacies of it like I did at Shea, if I can afford to go to a lot of games there since prices are pretty high. In short, can't wait for Opening Day (which really begins tomorrow ).
  3. Haven't been here in a bit, please excuse this post while I shake the rust off... -Now that Facebook has become basically Twitter with picture albums, I decided to get one of those too... twitter.com/ronm3xico if you wish to follow. -I can't wait for opening day, key days till then. 4/2 Should buy a new Mets hat. 4/3 MLB At Bat for iPhone gets released, Mets vs Red Sox at Citi (which I should be going to). 4/5 Longest day of the year, God help me find something to do to get through it without thinking about the Mets too much. 4/6 Opening Day. -Hopefully Maine, Perez and Pelfrey can show themselves this year, and Livan gives us at least a reasonable couple months out of that 5 spot. Our rotation may be the new pen :\ Around the Rest of the League -On the other side of town, looks like Gardner is making a good run for legendary CF on the Yankees being bffls with Girardi. -In the windy city, looks like Gregg's amazing spring has wrapped up the closers post for him, good job from Marmol though doing his best Ankiel imitation this spring hitting 5 batters. -Curt Schilling calls it quits. Little tidbit I heard about him, if he goes into the hall of fame, he'd be the first pitcher elected to make his debut after 1968. It's amazing how long it's been. -Still on the board, a lefty reliever with a 3.68 ERA last year, probably willing to pitch for crumbs of bread at this point, Will Ohman remains unsigned. -Will Zumaya ever regain his pre-Guitar Hero form? Only time will tell, but keep him away from Rock Band in case he hasn't heard of it. -Good for the Rays and Orioles, keep your best pitcher and player down for a couple months so you don't have to pay him, it's the smart baseball move for sure... -The Phillies earlier this week acquired the most useless lefty reliever, Jack Taschner. Lefties hit .297 against him last year and .317 the year before. My Final Thought -I don't quite get the consistent negative press Reyes gets. When he said he would move to the 3rd position in the batting order if the team asked him, they called it a passive-aggressive approach. When Hanley was offered the same position he was considered to be warm and appealing because he said "That means I'm dangerous". Then Hanley comes in with "I'm Sick of This S**t" sharpied on his stomach demanding a trade because he didn't want to cut his hair and take off his jewlery. I get that Reyes has been immature in the past, but theres no reason to hold it against him now, there are 2 eras for him, pre-Manuel and post. The post has shown maturity and leadership (despite whatever you want to say about his dancing) while the pre was a child in a man's body. Either Florida needs more media or people need to be a little more forgiving and give a second chance to Reyes.
  4. Ok, now how do I get to the last page of a thread from the forum home?
  5. -I'm going skiing for a week 15 minutes outside of Quebec City. -Gonna be colder there then back in NYC, we'll be lucky if it hits the side above 0 on the thermometer. -Packed under armour long johns for the skiing, on top of the mountain last time I went it was -40 :| -Bowie is amazing, also been listening to a decent amount of Prince and Michael Jackson. Bowie is to awesome what Prince is to sex and Michael is to love. -Have a bunch of movies lined up for the trip up there, back, and the 4 days there. -I really should be asleep, but I've messed up my regimen so bad that I don't see that happening for a bit. -I won't get to work out for the next few days, which has become almost a daily ritual over the last year, but 8 hours of skiing the first day and 12 the other 3 should be a decent compensation. -Could use a vacation... seems that's all I can think about.
  6. On that note, I love the minimized image thing that you set up.
  7. There's probably nothing too important and I never use this feature but... According to my math 13 posts in 70 topics would be quite difficult to imagine.
  8. Every time I visit the site, I have to re-login, not sure if it's isolated to me, but figured you might want that information.
  9. Everythings good, except the lime. :\ It loads a helluva lot faster though, so I can't complain.
  10. F*cking sick, first time in a while... and yes, the weather is 5 below brick around here too, f*cking east coast winters.
  11. Yes you can tell the difference, it's like watching real life, compared to living real life, dvd vs blu-ray that is. Why are you hoping the Lions don't go winless? Want that first pick again? ;)
  12. Haven't heard Chinese Democracy yet but I can't imagine anything special, even if it did take 17 years to come up with. The important part about Chinese Democracy is http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081120/ap_on_...roses_dr_pepper Getting a iPhone 3G soon to replace my iPhone since I'm switching to AT & T instead of T-Mobile for business expenses. Yay GPS and 3G speeds. (Sean O's in love with these sentiments) I'm getting sick of coding... and this semester... Oklahoma is getting their asses handed to 'em on a silver platter. Watching 30 Rock, gonna see how well that goes, it's good so far. I just caught up on all my shows now. I slept way too late today...
  13. It'll keep doing that, make something smaller it has less graphics to render, search the forums, there are a couple of posts on this at least, because I remember doing this myself a while back.
  14. Not too sure what exactly is wrong with this world... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/08/04/kn...s_templar_pope/
  15. My request is for you to do xNc1212x's Pelfrey sig.
  16. KJuggs, as much as it pains me to help a Phils phan, what you do is. Take image, to a site like imageshack.com, xs.to, tinypic.com (that's the one I use) and browse for it, upload it. Then take the direct link out of the options it gives you. Then put that direct link between and you should be set to go.
  17. Isn't that counter-intuitive from following tutorials? And also he just wanted comments on the concept, he never claimed it was his own.
  18. Isn't that counter-intuitive from following tutorials? And also he just wanted comments on the concept, he never claimed it was his own.
  19. Very impressed by the Fukudome one because it is not your usual style, love the Fukudome text in it too. The Janssen one is much like ones I've seen you do before, not that it's a bad thing, just the Fukudome one is a true departure from your usual style. Lovin the Bedard one too. About the Cubs one though, maybe not have Fukudome blocking the E in the text?
  20. Wow, look whose making a cameo in this thread, happy belated birthday Y4L.
  21. It can't take you 3 hours when you reply 50 minutes after the person asks for the sig with a sig done for them... Whose a jerk?
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