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Everything posted by ronmexico

  1. -Why did no one tell me that the pro bowl was on yesterday? I was set to watch it today (J/K) -MVP 07 is the king on PC -I haven't heard much about this thread in a couple of weeks, but now I got the email telling me that someone posted, so I'm back. -I thought Arenas was gonna put up 50 today? With 4:55 left in the 2nd quarter, he is still being shutout. -The NBA is getting more exciting now that I'm playing basketball at a higher level again since I tore the sole of my foot. -Why will the Mets not sign actual picthing (yeah, I mean you Chan Ho)
  2. It's release date is December 9th 2063.
  3. If you are in Firefox and I think Opera, you can right click, and click "View Image" and it displays the size on the top of the browser. This one is 425x125, so its smaller then max.
  4. I'm sorry to say you're blind =(
  5. Atleast you got my avatar PS, To the poster above me, your sig is 500 pixels high, needs to be 475 or less and width is 175, should be 120. Just saying...I do like it, but I don't understand the A1 sauce bottles in there, what are they about? Anything significant?
  6. That's absolutely hilarious. I can't think of anything funnier at the moment.
  7. Good random thought -Go Colts -Go Saints -I'm not a Colts fan, I just wanna see people finally stop saying Peyton can't win the big one, maybe he can win the big one when he finally gets a defense. -Speaking of getting a defense, I don't believe in this new defense the Colts have, it's a 2-game fluke. -I don't care about the Saints affiliation with N.O, I just wanna see more Reggie Bush, that's my selfish reason for wanting them to win. -My favorite random thought of the day...25 more days 'till pitchers and catchers report (atleast for the Mets, I think the earliest is 22 more days)
  8. The difference is that the game chooses one of the three schedules at random to use as your next schedule to play. No I don't want two times and the dusk does matter, cause the file asks for a game time, and dusk games are the ones played at 17:05. EDIT: Mine doesn't have commas, just 4 boxes, meaning its something that wordpad can't read.
  9. Jeez, what I meant was that you do: (This is pseudocode...) Random Generate 1 or 2 If 1 is generated, string gets 1:30PM If 2 is generated, string gets 7:30PM PS, Aren't there also dusk games for teams like the Braves, making it not possible for your generator to work, aka Crashing the game.
  10. No, but I suppose you could make them play exactly 82 games before, also I'd suggest 81 to balance it out. I wouldn't like the same time every day nor the rotating thing. Write a random generator function, that's like 5 minutes, and if not, then I don't know what to tell you.
  11. C++ files are writable by using a C++ compiler (which is basically the answer for any language you may ask for) or you can open up notepad and save the file as "all files" with the extension of ".cpp".
  12. Don't ask me...It is completely and wholey up to you. Do whatever your heart desires. I can't make this decision for you, I don't know anything about you, all I know about you is that you ask a lot of questions ;)
  13. VB is a lot easier to learn because it is the visual version of BASIC...which was designed to be the everymans language, based on it's acronym of Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. C++ is significantly more powerful, you can do a hell of a lot more with it. If It's Basic 2005, then it must be .net, cause they don't offer VB6 support or work anymore. If your looking to learn a language (I don't know how good a coder you are) then I would suggest VB, if you are experienced, and know an OOP language, then C++ is not a bad way to go. Since your asking to learn one of those two, I'm guessing you're more of a beginner, so I suggest VB.
  14. Yea, once I learned Java in every detail (relatively speaking, because that API is thousands of pages long, along with the source code...) I realized that this is what I hope to do some day. That's why I'm gonna major in that in college, and maybe take networking as well cause everyones pressuring me..."O look, it pays 150,000 a year, and you're still working with computers.", but it's just not the same...lol. I'm just glad that my high school offers me 3 periods a day of comp sci in A+, Circuitry, Databasing and all last year Java for 3 periods, and later network+, so I hopefully will be able to decide what I want to do exactly.
  15. When I learned C++ I learned from a textbook called "Sam's Teach Yourself C++ in 24 hours". Also I used "Microsoft Visual C++.net Step by Step Version 2003" when I was learning it. I like vb, for .net programming, but I use C++ for other things. On a side note, I am quite impressed that kraw can code like that after a 10 year layoff, I'd probably need a month or so to get back in rhythm and code that. What kinda construction job requires C++? ;)
  16. WOW! Also, I like the fact that it's max size, and all the pics you used are right on, so I wouldn't make it smaller or anything like taking out one of the pictures.
  17. No, go ahead, I don't mind at all, hell, I barely understand it =D I'm not suggesting anything, just find something that you want improved in the game. I didn't like the progressions, I found where they were, and I like the game more now, cause I can play a dynasty without talent running out, since I like to play long dynastys. Do whatever makes you happy, whether it's something that won't help you in your game, or something that you wanna see improved.
  18. I'd be working on em. In short, it wouldn't. You did something that people seemed to like, and you could have used vb.net, that's all I can say on how vb.net would help. Just take some time and try to think of something that you would like to see improved in the game, and then just think about how you can code it.
  19. No clue about loclook. Anything that can be done with a gui, should (IMO) be done with vb.net. It's a very nice and simple language to code in, and it gives you everything you need, in terms of file manipulation. I don't know what mods you have in mind, but what you asked is very very vague, and I don't know how to answer it well.
  20. Split function...google if you want, "split vb.net" (only without the quotes). The first result is very good, and the rest are pretty good. All you have to do is read the file, and split around the commas, then you have it all done.
  21. A) Use vb.net, it's a lot smoother, and tends to be the language of choice nowadays. Roster.dat is not a "junk" file. C) Use one of the sorting algorithims you may know to organize (if I am understanding what you mean by organize the data). D) If I misunderstood, then what you may mean is how to get the data in each column, and for that I would say sort around "," and I think in vb.net is split(). It splits the string around the comma in this case.
  22. LOL, that would be a fun team to play against with either the forum fanatics or mod squad.
  23. Excuse me? I was not suggesting that I wanted to be on either or any teams. I was just making a point that they technically aren't forum fanatics. I assumed that I wouldn't be applicable because of my spammer title. I don't wanna be on the team, especially since I was for there not being the teams anyway... Jeez, I didn't mean to sound like I was bitching and moaning about not being on the teams.
  24. I wasn't suggesting that they weren't as respected or anything, I was just saying that the word fanatic usually implies some extreme, as a matter of fact, thats exactly what it means. I just didn't think he was a fanatic, though he is a good member on the site. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
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