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Posts posted by ronmexico

  1. well what about my nintendeo i made for you


    That one hasn't been up in a couple days. I was walking around with no sig, because it went down off the site for some reason. If I'm not mistaken, yours is down right now too.

  2. Wow 5 people on 1 sig, I'll give it a shot but I'm not sure who nicely that will turn out. I'll make sure Delgodo's on it though ;) lol.

    Dan - You're right about the grunge thing, I dont use it too often but I think it kinda represents the whole steelers persona. Thanks for making a tutorial though. I would never have begun making sigs if it wasnt for your tutorials. Thanks again.

    I'm pretty sure after seeing your Big Ben I'm sure you can do it. Also, I saw one with 7 or 8 Chipper Joneses above, and I never wanna see that many again. It was very good though, and that was his 1st sig, so I figured I'd ask you if you could do it. Good luck.

  3. Thanks for the compilments guys. I'm willing to take requests as long as I can find hi-res pics of whomever you want.

    EDIT: new sig:


    Woah that Big Ben is off the hizzy. I mean, I'm not much on sigs, but WOW! I really like it. I don't know what it is about it, probably the color scheme, but as a Jets fan, I gatta say that one is awesome. Damn you Doug Brien. Can you make me one with Reyes, Wright, Delgado, Lo Duca, and Beltran, something about that 1-5 lineup that rocks.

  4. Lol, I can't make sigs for my life. I'm gonna go try, but personally I got Big Rog to do mine. KC, I suppose you could pm him, Big Rog says that he got a lot of help from him, and it definetly shows. I'm gonna go get Photoshop CS2 and see what I can do. It will probably end up looking like something that everyone else can make in Paint, but I will still wear it proudly. :wink:

  5. Here is my first sig. lmk know how I did. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


    Really good for a first sig, try to have a bit less chipper, and no I'm not saying that because I'm a Mets fan. On the right side, its just a tad cluttered. It really is very good though.

  6. ...I guess I'm not really open for freelancing right now - only select jobs. It's actually pretty nice to not have anything right now - I can get to work on learning this PHP crap.

    ...Haven't had a girlfriend since the beginning of June. =( I miss it. (No, I didn't mean 'her'.)

    ...7th isn't as bad as the kids a grade up said it would be. They were all like 'the teachers are all mean' and 'ugh we get homework every night'. Their backpacks would always be stuffed with books...apparently that was for studying - something I don't usually need to do. Thank God.

    ...Haha, TO wrote a book. 'TO Learns to Share' [naughty word]


    7th grade was awesome, that was the year that I realized that I was smarter then all the other kids, so I just stopped going to school. I was absent about 36 times that year, and still having the 2nd highest average in my grade.

    We all miss having girlfriends.

    I plan to buy that T.O. book.

    Go for it with PHP, I learned that last year, it's like Javascript + HTML. Such a young ambitious fella, I remember being that, it was fun.

    Last random thought...BAMA, that WAS NOT A ROUGHING THE PASSER!!!

    We suck today. **** the Jets, I'm gonna concentrate on my Mets.

  7. Yes, that smilie is called tongue, and it represents when I yammer on for a while like this. :tongue: When I first saw that one, I was wondering if such vulgar things were allowed on mvpmods, but then I realized, its not vulgar, its just for people who talk a lot. Also the popcorn one is for a situation like this.

    G2G, going out, guess where. :popcorn:

    Did you get where?

    A popcorn convention.

  8. Thanks to our amazing, aruably the best in the league, defense, and an easy schedule.

    And by that are you suggesting we suck? We beat Dallas, Pittsburgh, and gave Indy hell.

    I am not suggesting that you suck, I just didn't see the Jags as a 12 win team. 12 wins means that you are in about the top 4 in the league, and I saw them as about the 6th or 7th best team in the league last year. I saw them as more of a 10 win team.

  9. -NHL07 rules, to piggy back on a couple of you.

    -New PSP developments and me being at firmware 1.5 is the awesomest.

    -This thread was a great idea.

    -KC, be happy you are in NY, cause public transportation could be worse, believe me, I'm on it 3 hours a day, atleast.

    -I can't believe I never noticed this thread earlier.

    -The Jets are beating the Bill 14-10 at the half, come on, pull this one out for me.

    -To agree with KC, money is good and I want it for this among other things, more necessary; http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/drives/8714/

    -I can't the Mets season is almost over, it didn't really hit me until reading this thread.

    -How long is this karma thing gonna last?

    -I want a NLEast champions patch to get sewn onto my hat. I don't wanna pay the $24.95

    -Mexico out :mexican:

    Hey another thought, 400th post.

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