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Everything posted by ronmexico

  1. Mr. DJ, can we please tone down the personal insults, this thread is for C & C, so criticism is to be expected, it's not a negative thing. Even though Andrew does not apply what he preaches in his own sigs, he's giving a different perspective, one from to be nice, a noob perspective, which is of course important too. Mr. Andrew, take advice and use it in your sigs please, or else it is just a waste of time for people to give a C & C. Hope I didn't step too out of line, but I felt it was my right to step in as a person who reads this thread thoroughly and often and as a person whose been here a bit to see how this site works. ;)
  2. Don't like the Harden font, the blend of him and the cut looks kinda shady, around the back of his neck and kinda low quality. Don't really like the mirroring cubs thing either, sorry.
  3. Lets just say... you don't tell the Royals that their biggest problem is pitching, cause it's not what's separating them from winning 95 games.
  4. The blendings a bit better though. Try using a bigger canvas... you seem to be cramming everything into as small a space as possible.
  5. The thumb tacks look really fake because of the other ones by comparison, the pics are obviously quite lo-res and you probably had room to sneak in another one. It's not a bad idea.
  6. Make sure to post it here, I'm pretty anxious to see.
  7. Bad c4d, don't like the glow around Ryan, not a big fan of the font or it's placement. Show us a finished product I'd say if anything, don't really know where this is going though.
  8. Just to add onto that, don't just jump into c4d, once you develop an eye for where they should be placed, it'll come easier and smoother looking. I still can't get them down, so as pretty as they may look, it's not worth jumping into them before you have some practice.
  9. I just don't know where to start, I want to C & C it but those are the only words that can come out of my mouth. I'll put it this way. The request for this sig was put in at 7:48. Lets say it took you 3 minutes to load up photoshop, that would mean you spent an hour at max on this, take some time, good work takes time.
  10. http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/03Ot0JX8Yyblp/610x.jpg Go find his press pass (press box, whatever it's called) shot and you should have enough for a sig, right?
  11. Thanks a bunch, I'll have a sig now for the first time in a while. Took long but I can see it was worth it :D
  12. To put it simple, no, not really. And try asking that after you've done more then 3 sigs in 2 days, or however many you've done. You need to start blending btw.
  13. Oh... well I can't see anything in the entire sig cause of it, like that looks like the WO in the holly wood sign, but it's quite hard to tell and if so, why WO?
  14. What is this random fog thing you've done in the last 2 sigs? I couldn't even tell that was a Vlad sig until you told me it was. Please work on your fonts, cuts and plan the sig out before you do it if you must, think about how you want it to come out.
  15. I don't like that you turned his head blue and his tie gets lost in the manipulation. Other then that it's pretty cool.
  16. Thats... almost... a valid excuse Feel better.
  17. Tiger... Reyes if you may? Please and thanks.
  18. Tigers, wanna get started on that sig for me? :)
  19. A tad less bright on the part covering Halladay I say, but besides that great work. I got lazy in making a sig, someone wanna make me a sig of Jose Reyes or John Maine?
  20. Yea, I hate when that oif tool does that thing where it doesn't let me do that other thing with Tropicana n such... *runs and wonders in writing what oif tool is* To quote pujols: <_<
  21. At some moment it should just click. You'll get it, and hell, you inspired me to work on something, if I'm not too lazy I might make one to replace this sig that DJ left me a few months ago.
  22. No lens flare... please. Get rid of the c4d, it doesn't fit at all. You should go read a tutorial on how to use them because they can be quite powerful but maybe some other PS tutorials first because that's something harder to master. I like your Manny sig, plain and simple, gets the point across, don't try to do too much.
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