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Everything posted by ronmexico

  1. It's kinda random looking... no need for the logo there, the 12 is out of place and the text is hard to read. Also try n blend Soriano instead of plopping him on.
  2. Can't see the "vs" text, don't like what the text says, don't like the font, too small an image and please change the font.
  3. Not quite Sunday, but now I'm published and going to sleep because as the article says I've barely slept in the last 40 hours. Theres an article about me and my two friends at the draft. http://sports.aol.com/fanhouse/2008/04/26/...eep-and-sparks/ I'm the one in the middle (Joseph) quoted about booing Joe Namath.
  4. As a Mets fan, I kinda wanna see that, because it would be the funniest thing I've ever seen, and I'd be doing it there on [home] opening day, but it's also the most awful thing ever, so I would hate that with a great passion.
  5. It was a picture of an etch a sketch, then a plus symbol, then Michael J Fox, then an equal sign and a blank etch a sketch. I was told this was offensive to a member here and it was promptly removed.
  7. Likin the Saigon sig most, big fan of the Beltran. All of them are really good though.
  8. -Java's scanner class needs adaptation. -Spring break just started for me. -I'm quite tired of working on a computer from 1997, which I can't even find the mother board drivers for, I think I'm just going to buy a barebones pc and fix it up for my grandma. -I'm quite tired... period.
  9. New sig... love across the universe... =) Too bad Photoshop is horrible in Leopard and bumps CPU usage to about 77% or else I would have spent more time on it.
  10. Really nice, but I'd say just a tad darker would be less blinding :p
  11. He means that the cuts make him go O_o Try the lasso tool, and try to blend them so they don't stick out as much on the wallpaper.
  12. ...Back from Israel,, had an amazing 10 days. ...Been working out a lot recently, I have pecs now, and I seemed to have picked up a couple miles on my fastball =) ...Pumped for todays games, Go Chargers ...Sick right now, found out that Tylenol Cold is insanely strong and just knocks you out. ...I'm pissed the Knicks are winning, they never do anything good for themselves, as Scott Leyden once said, the worst place to be is in NBA purgatory, not good enough to win anything but not bad enough to get a good draft pick. I know we're still bad, but if we keep going at a .400 pace then we'll be slightly out of the realm for a terrific player in the draft. ..Also annoyed at the Jets for winning that last game and dropping from 3 to 6 in the draft. ...Good time to be a New York fan, just not my teams...
  13. I just kinda don't get the c4d, it seems out of place, and coming out of nowhere. Other then that it's pretty good.
  14. Not to be a burden, but it seems to be a tad dark for me, if you could try another style it would be greatly appreciated.
  15. I thought the Wayne Rooney was terrific, I made it my background despite the fact that I'm not very much into EPL.
  16. Did you ever live in NYC Y4L? Just curious. Fun place to live, expensive as hell, but fun for sure.
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