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Posts posted by ronmexico

  1. ...so just when i thought rafael palmeiro had disappeared off the face of the earth, he showed up to his son's high school baseball scrimmage against my high school. even though he isolated himself from the rest of the fans, you could definitely tell he had not gotten out of shape (he had to be a good 220-230 lbs and this weight was definitely not fat). anyways, we beaned his son (lol) and then we picked him off first base, which got the "i dont believe it" reaction from palmeiro. oh yeah, he also drove an $80,000+ convertible rolls royce and his son was a good 6'5" 230 lbs.

    ROFLCopter if this is true. You got cojones.

  2. ...Back from Israel,, had an amazing 10 days.

    ...Been working out a lot recently, I have pecs now, and I seemed to have picked up a couple miles on my fastball =)

    ...Pumped for todays games, Go Chargers :p

    ...Sick right now, found out that Tylenol Cold is insanely strong and just knocks you out.

    ...I'm pissed the Knicks are winning, they never do anything good for themselves, as Scott Leyden once said, the worst place to be is in NBA purgatory, not good enough to win anything but not bad enough to get a good draft pick. I know we're still bad, but if we keep going at a .400 pace then we'll be slightly out of the realm for a terrific player in the draft.

    ..Also annoyed at the Jets for winning that last game and dropping from 3 to 6 in the draft.

    ...Good time to be a New York fan, just not my teams...

  3. Done, tried some different stuff here. If you don't like it, I could try to make you another one.


    Not to be a burden, but it seems to be a tad dark for me, if you could try another style it would be greatly appreciated.

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