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Everything posted by ronmexico

  1. Put them in two concurrent tabs and then flip between them, the shading is clearly a lot better on the png. The jpg is a lot lighter and blurrier seeming due to that.
  2. My guess would be that a full fledged png would be equal to a psd.
  3. PSD is the complete package I thought, including everything in the render, so I don't see why it would be less clear. I think that discussion was about jpeg vs png.
  4. PSD is lower quality then PNG?
  5. I nearly went to Binghampton for college, good choice not too it seems.
  6. Ha ha ha That's one of the better things I've read since the Bobby Abreu is more consistent than Pujols thread. (that seems to be the theme of the day) :D
  7. Off topic but, ROFLMAO :lmao: Max Power, perfect username for Homer. Albie, make sure there is a file in My Documents/MVP Baseball 2005 with your username profile.
  8. The Griffey one's the prettiest, though it's tough to decide for that and the Peavy one. The reason I chose the Griffey, the colors blend better then blue and sand color, black and red just happen to mix better. The Ortiz tends to look like the stuff you made earlier, so it looks like you are using similar stocks for that.
  9. Kinda creeped out by the purple on Joe =
  10. Thats not true, how would the best get better?
  11. Sorry, can't provide you with one of those =
  12. I can make a super totally not awesome one...if that'll do you fine?
  13. Did you just paste the c4d on there without doing anything to it?
  14. NYM, please if you have time, a Henke sig for me :p
  15. I'm just pissed about history, my teacher doesn't teach, and the lecturer is 150 years behind the material and I have a midterm tomorrow. I can't concentrate on it because of personal issues and I'm thinking I'm going to P/NC this class. Edit: 3 kids have passed a quiz so far, meaning, out of the 4 quizzes there have been 3 passing grades. =
  16. Cause, I'm a New Yorker. I don't live in Jersey, I don't live on Long Island and I sat through the **** years and I sat through '94 so I'm a Ranger fan =)
  17. Very hot sig NYM. Wanna hit me up with a Rangers sig? Preferably a Henke sig.
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