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Posts posted by ronmexico

  1. The Griffey one's the prettiest, though it's tough to decide for that and the Peavy one. The reason I chose the Griffey, the colors blend better then blue and sand color, black and red just happen to mix better. The Ortiz tends to look like the stuff you made earlier, so it looks like you are using similar stocks for that.

  2. it was 10 minutes of work xD.

    But your giving like tips on text and **** but what is so great about this?:|


    eh text is crap, uhm coloring is crap, there is no depth, the outerglow around the text makes it even worse, uhm lets see the clipping mask is just wrong.

    Don't give advice if u make stuff thats even worse:O

    Thats not true, how would the best get better?

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