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Everything posted by ronmexico

  1. He has Bell's Palsy, I remember when I was a kid growing up on Kiner, he wasn't as bad, he was actually terrific. And of course the great Bob Murphy was amazing too.
  2. Rant well taken, I remember that I didn't even have to do any work for my first 5 or 6 years of school. I have parents who were educated outside this country, so they taught me how to multiply double and triple digits by the time I got to school. I sat in the back of the room marveling at how the kids couldn't comprehend c is for cat. (I knew how to read too obviously) Now I knew how to read in 2 languages and couldn't figure out how these parents could not have taught their kids to atleast understand simple phonetics. I also went to one of the better public elementary schools in NYC, so it wasn't like everyone was dumb, their education was just a matter of laziness. And then in 2nd grade, the teachers complained that I was restless, you know why? because the 40 minute assignment I would finish in 10 and have 30 minutes to do stuff that bored kids do, play around, doodle, talk to other kids. The teacher ended up bringing my parents in to complain that I was a distraction, and what my dad recommended, give him 2 pages of math problems, it'll keep him in order. After about 3 months, she was giving me 4 pages to do, while the other kids drew pictures and were still working on theyre phonetics. Moral of the story, the educational system is lacking in so many ways that it's quite saddening. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking them make kids do math problems, but as a result I got into one of the top high schools in NYC and have an opportunity at NYU (except for ******* money). O, and PS, hours upon hours of homework don't help when the kids do the bare minimum to make it look like they did their homework. Class sizes are too big, and if you look at it analytically, the more students you have, the more you farther the the ranges will be. You will have technically more able kids, but more less able kids, and those are the ones that need attention, but do not get it because they do not have the ability to participate in a discussion where the people who are more capable of participating. The weak get weaker, and the strong are stunted because they have to have the quality of the discussion lowered and the middle stay in the middle maintaining the status quo. /End rant? Edit: Sorry, I got distracted and went off topic kinda up there, too lazy to fix it though.
  3. Not with the power of Jolt Gum and 5 hour energy. =D http://www.joltgum.com/
  4. It actually varies when you start in the States, mostly on the region you live in. In Chicago they start in early August from waht I know, but in New York, we start 2nd week of September. On the West Coast it's usually in between there, but we all have the same amount of school (give or take a couple days).
  5. I stayed up all night and am a tad out of it o_O. I'm gonna go to sleep at around 5pm so I can get up at 5am.
  6. Dan, if you wouldn't mind making another Apple sig then that would be best. If you don't want to then I will take yours. Thanks either way.
  7. No, I helped BigRog create his banner for Madden and this is a modified version of it with added effects and blending and a Fake HDR effect.
  8. How are we supposed to do that? Sig or text, not both I thought.
  9. Good, god damn, that is so pretty =)
  10. Don't know if I'm right, but green and yellow just doesn't seem right to me.
  11. I wanna represent where I've spent almost every day for the last 5 years? Plus, its purdy =D
  12. Can you point out one thing besides aero that is definitevly better? There was just an article about how its not. I honestly used it for a month and switched back to XP, mostly because it caused tons of problems, like when I couldn't uninstall something, because I installed it in XP and its XP uninstaller was incompatible, and it was the most up to date version, so I couldn't install this one over it. Out of curiousity? What laptop did you get?
  13. If you take that David Wright sig, can I use your Brooklyn sig?
  14. Wow, Wrigleyville, I didn't know you swung that way.
  15. I don't have that problem, but it made the movie. I'm sorry to hear that you do though NYM I found the credits hilarious, made the movie, I thought it was over and then it just gets funnier.
  16. Weeds and FOTC FTW. Can't forget about Entourage though, it's a terrific show too.
  17. Haha, I've seen that name used in a lot of places before, so I would guess it wasn't me because I have been in a Cubs forum all but 3 times in my life.
  18. That was completely pointless.
  19. Haha, whatever you did, it's good.
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