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Everything posted by ronmexico

  1. I like your sig now, it's quite creative, the wallpaper is good, not nearly as good as the sig though.
  2. If you can Dan an apple sig of any type would be appreciated to show off my fanboy-ness. Darn, didn't notice campo's request earlier.
  3. I'm not saying I don't like his work, I think it's quite good, just as the saying goes "variation is the spice of life".
  4. I think a lot of the stuff in here is very similar, but I think people vary what they do. I mean I'm not a bonafide sig maker by any means but in my naive opinion, people do try and vary what they do.
  5. Well not to get anything started here, but it's the same thing as the player walls/sigs you make. Image centered, bigger version behind him, a good stock I must say behind that. I do like the effects though, but what wrigley said has some validity, and I wouldn't just write it off as, you don't know what you are seeing, people either like stuff or not.
  6. Lucas, how'd you get so damn good with c4d? You're giving Dan a run for his money :D
  7. I don't konw if this is your style or just in general, but you can use the cuts on the right side or left side and text on the rest, in a non-overlaying fashion.
  8. One hint is that you should put effects around your people in the sig, the glows and effects should be added because it gives an extra feel to your sigs.
  9. The bluriness in Soriano needs to be fixed, it's even a strain on the eye in general. The backgrounds not bad though, try and get some brushes.
  10. Hmm, random thoughts. -Can't watch a Mets game for the next 2 weeks unless I get some internet going and stream through sopcast, which this is the public internet and no ones on it because it's 6AM and I happened to be the only one up. -Speaking of that, massive jet lag, even though I don't really feel it. -I'm remembering my passion for real football (soccer to y'all). -The temperature is perfect here, Finland for the next 2 days, then I'm off to Norway, where we'll be about 130 KM above the arctic circle, which tends to be a tourist attraction, but I love skipping that stuff, going straight onto the stuff people tend not to see, in this case Alta, a city on the Northern coast of Norway which has ancient cave drawings to the extent that modern artists would have had difficulty painting with readily available supplies right now. -After that we head south 1800 KM where we have friends in Oslo, who we will be staying with, and she apparently has a fjord close to her, which we will have seen in Alta, but all of them are different so it's all good. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fjord -Then I hit up Sweden, a little town, about 4 hours from Stockholm, Malmö. We have friends there, and from there we are 1 and ½ hours from Copenhagen, and it happens to be quite an easy ride to Stockholm. (They have a key for ½, which is quite cool IMO) -After we check out Copenhagen for a day, we go on to Stockholm where at the music festival we are currently at (my brother is a pianist) we met our tour guide of Stockholm, a 31 year old pianist from there. -Past Stockholm there isn't much more, so we take a ferry back to Helsinki and have a hotel room 0.4KM from the airport, so that should make an easy trip. Hopefully I'll make it off the 12 hour ferry and the 9 hour plane ride safely and can be posting on this site regularly again.
  11. I'm usually one to like your sigs 59, but I have to agree with KG on this one, because the backwards Byrd is not working for me either.
  12. It should read "Shut your mouth Sheff" =) But the sig itself is very Dan-like and that is a good thing.
  13. None of those things apply cause SI is less a part of NY then New Jersey. Staten Island is just New Yorks garbage dump and New Jersey is just Staten Island's :p
  14. What movie? The text is unreadble to me.
  15. Not sig fight related, but I forgot a border on that avatar I made, and borders seem to be the trend around here, so here you go:
  16. I'll hit you up with one later, just can't do it at the moment, but for the wait, I'll try n make it extra nice I'll even go get a brush or 2 for you :D
  17. I forgot that I didn't have any brushes on my computer, but here's what I whipped up right now for D-Unit.
  18. Lucas, what does it say one the right side of your Griffey sig? It's very good btw.
  19. Numbers and layers are a seperate layer, so just treat them the same way. You can make shadows and everything around them.
  20. 4 (or 5) words. School's out for summer! Goodbye high school...
  21. Dayum, Roger is good at Yoga Nah, I kid, I'm diggin the WP, I especially like the effect in the interlocking NY.
  22. First week of school-ish. Why, are you hoping to repeat or something? Go Stony Brook Sea Wolves =( my new alma mater (or atleast when I graduate).
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