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Everything posted by ronmexico

  1. I'd buy anyone on the Mets a steak dinner who I like, they don't have to call a press conference to call the Giants **** :D
  2. Just a couple I made today out of boredom, they're not baseball related, but still I figured they qualified as wallpapers.
  3. Take the psd and save it as a png. It's got the best bang for the buck of any format.
  4. Use Paint. Open it up, click image, stretch/skew and then do it based on percentage. To get it to fit on this forum, make it 33% for horizontal and vertical.
  5. ...Happy Mothers day. ...Happy birthday to me, via yesterday's date. ...Lets go Mets. ...This site is pretty darn nuts http://jeffmilner.com/backmasking.htm ...According to Weird Al Yankovic, "Satan eats cheez whiz" ...I think that was a compliment towards the Mets. ...No more random thoughts for today.
  6. I submitted this one in the sig competiton for eamods/mvpmods and lost, would like to know whatchu guys think I can improve upon?
  7. Oh, that's skin grafts...lol
  8. I just hate him so much =( Heres the new version: Better? I was a little less harsh on him in this one, cause he doesn't suck, just cheats...
  9. Which lettering are you refering to? and wait till you see the matching avatar! It's quite funny as well.
  10. Just made this one, I'm pretty rusty, first photoshopping in a couple months. C & C please. I'm sure theres a whole lot wrong with it.
  11. Removed sig due to suckiness =(
  12. More specifically, this is where I go for PS brushes http://browse.deviantart.com/resources/app...r=9&alltime=yes
  13. As Homer said, very nifty, liking the avatar too. Would FF mind making me a Mets sig? I'm really digging the new style, and wouldn't mind seeing one of those for myself :D
  14. I'm really likin the new style FF, is there a specific name for it? And PS, I like version 1 of the Pavano better Quite good.
  15. Can someone tell me how to get a PHP script into my sig (proper syntax). I tried to look for it, but it's in this thread somewhere and this thread is almost 500 pages... I noticed a few of the mods and admins have PHP scripts in their sigs, would any of them care to chime in if possible?
  16. Not updated cause Y4L is out of town, but I'll post some random thoughts. ...I'm enjoying my switch from Windows, Mac is versatile and easy to use, and makes stupid complex things into simple things to do. ...Mets just lost to the Braves, Unkie Mo, jump in and taunt. ...I'm going to go camp out in front of Rockefeller Center on April 28th, starting at around 3AM, because that way I can hopefully be one of the first online to get tickets to the draft. Once that happens, we (my friend and I) get tickets to next years draft if we stay for both days in it's entirity. ...Very funny column, of what to expect for the season coming http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...il&sportCat=mlb ...Dear God, it's snowing in April, who says Global Warming is real ...Michael Kay announced that Passover is over today, so I'm glad to see that I can eat bread again, oh, wait, it ends on Tuesday, oops. ...I have to go back to school on Wednesday, so I'm gonna go relax.
  17. First of all, can we add this to the site rules, for people not to ask about the pitching meter Second of all, this can be accomplished in one of many ways. Take the datafile off of your MVP cd, take a datafile off of this site, there are a bunch out there, or edit your own datafile. If you use the search function, you will find any/many of these results.
  18. I love the Kazmir sig, it's just pure awesomeness. It does feel a bit empty on the right side, though I can't think of anything to put there that would fill it up/in.
  20. ...This week: I'm gonna make my random thoughts just commentary on other peoples random thoughts ...I don't know whether or not abc is an impostor, but I sure do like his avatar, the sprial is very nice. ...MLB 2K7 is not crap, but it's noooo MVP. ...Wang being injured sucks, a whole lot, cause the Yanks can sure use him, and I too can't wait to see a live game. ...The Red Wings did get screwed on that call, but it's not like they need the points too badly. ...We could use more Royals for POTD, mostly though Alex Gordon cause I really can't think of many more Royals worthy of it. ...I really do miss seeing the Reds lead off the season, it's just tradition, coming from one of the fans in the younger group on mvpmods this should be a sign of the kinda fan I am.
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