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Everything posted by tinpanalley

  1. Hey, looks good. Does this crash? Tiene algun problema esto cuando uno trata de jugar una temporada?
  2. So what exactly do I avoid doing to not cause a crash in Franchise? Is it as simple as just using Ty's or Reditor instead of the ingame tools for transactions? I'd love to just set up and play some Playoffs. Maybe a single Franchise season. Also, what does it mean that this roster has a schedule? It's a roster file, how can it have a schedule? Thanks!
    Fantastic work. Teams are perfectly set up. People can tweak for specificity but I'd challenge anyone to not find an accurate representation of their team in your roster. Well done.
  3. Does anyone have any idea where we can get these MS and XBOX drivers now? Those "total-classics" links kraw is referring to are dead.
  4. I just came back to this today thinking the passing of a few months would make me figure it out but still no luck. My wireless 360 controller that works EVERYwhere else completely fails at reading the button assigning that I try to program it to do. Get into the game and the same sub menu and pause problems happen. Is there ANYthing anyone can tell me that I might be missing?
  5. Wow, is this really a problem? Will the game really not play on Windows 10 at all? I just read through this thread expecting a solution and it doesn't seem like there is one that allows for mods to run. How can that be? What is it about the 10 architecture that breaks that ability?
  6. Just a question... is this config only capable of making the 360 controller work when it's plugged in or does it also allow the 360 controller to work wirelessly. Because I can't get the controls to stick with my controller being used wireless.
  7. Really? So strange. I'm sure they didn't actually animate two entire games. They must have done something to the 16:9 game to make it 4:3. I wonder if anyone's ever tried ripping that out of the XBOX version
  8. The game loads in stretched 4:3 for me. But when I set the monitor to 4:3 output, it really messes with my Windows desktop. Anyone have any fixes/solutions for this? I'd rather not play the game stretched.
  9. Ok, but does it work wireless with the wireless receiver? UPDATE: No dice, even with player=1 I use the 'x' button and it pulls up the pause menu. That .cfg edit isn't working for me at all.
  10. I've tried this over and over 3 times, it simply doesn't work with my X360 controller. Can anyone else with a 360 controller confirm that this works?
  11. You completely misunderstood me. Even I'm not that stupid. I was talking about a 1993 2K team into a 2K15 roster.
  12. Sorry if I didn't get this.. 2K isn't gonna have the depth of mods to pull this off? (At least not without making the 93 team myself?)
  13. So if I just wanted to get the 93 Jays and put them into this year's 2K15 roster, for example, is there a tutorial for doing something like that?
  14. Wow, I knew the fine members of this community I've been a part of for a long time would get me an answer on this. Ok, so, pretty agreed upon then that it wouldn't happen with 2K, unless I'm willing to make all the teams right? (Otherwise I'm not seeing where all the classic mods are for 2K) The reality is that I'm happy having maybe 6 teams, enough for a playoff series, names, portraits, cybers, and uniforms. To be completely honest, this began from a friend of mine asling me, "can't you get one of your modded sports games to sim a best of 7 between the 93 and 2015 Jays?" To which I said, sure that would be fun. But as a lifelong devotee of modded sports titles, I instantly thought, "how about an entire season of Jays teams all playing each other followed by a playoff to see who would win?" Crazy, I know, and plus it's not like these games have the kind of mathematical accuracy that would give you a statistician's level of analysis. Maybe OOTP would be even better. But the fun would be in playing a best of 7 or even watching one. I really appreciate all the help. I think a full league of teams gets too complicated. What I really want to do is faceoff the 93 and 15 Jays and be able to play. If it's in 2K all the better just because I enjoy it more.
  15. I'm not sure where to ask this because it's, in fact, about both MVP and 2K but I think the classics community is bigger here. I want to take a bunch of Blue Jays teams and put them into one league. Obviously, being an AL team, that kills the fun of running an entire Blue Jays league complete with playoffs because half of them would have no DH. But I wouldn't mind getting about 10 of the teams since 1977 and doing a playoff or tournament. Is MVP going to be the best place for me to start assembling those teams from other mods, etc? Or do I have as good of a chance with 2K? I tried on The Show but the mechanics of the game and the UI make it tough to import, copy players, etc. No PC tools like with these two games. Any opinions? And if there's a better place in the forum, please let me know, I don't wanna go against any rules. Thanks!
  16. ​I gotta look that up. Ok, so 2K12 it is. I just came across this start screen freeze that clearly everybody is familiar with. Was there never any patch released from 2K to fix that? I don't really have to change the date on my computer EVERY time I play, do I?
  17. Is there a particular reason that rosters aren't made for 2K13 and that people seem to focus on 2K12?
  18. ​This is amazing. I'm shocked and eager to try everything. What a great game this is. Love that the community is still here!
  19. ​Cool. Thanks. Amazing that people were able to get that changed. Did they go in and change career numbers and previous season stats as well for in game graphics?
  20. Though I've been a member here for 10 years (couldn't believe it when I checked my profile) I've been away from the 2K series for a while and every now and then remember how great 2K was. Just wondering if any mod has ever corrected for the Astros moving to the AL or any other changes like stadium names, added playoff series, etc.? Is there a mod that does these things or do people just play with the old game and updated rosters? Thanks!
    Fantastically well done. Some of the best I've ever seen here.
  21. Ok, gonna try that...
  22. How do you do that in Ty's Editor? Do you mean Roster Editor 1.1? I can only put guys into the lineup that are on the bench, but I can't reorder lineups.
  23. In case anyone's interested, what I'm doing is that since I only play Franchise mode for a single season and handle all trades myself, I barely care what's going on in AAA much less A ball so I simply trade that player for an A player on the other team. They'll never end up affecting the outcome of anything I'm playing anyway. I just wish there was a way to change up lineups from another application. The in-game tools are really tedious.
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