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Everything posted by compmaniac

  1. When you modify a slider in the game, does it get saved to the datafile, or to your My Documents folder? If it's the latter, then is it possible to change a slider like (bat contact, bat power) in the datafile, and where?
  2. 876 downloads

    Enjoy! ~ compmaniac P.S. Name changed from Installer MAKER Thingy to Installer MAKER to appease krawhitham. Sorry kraw.
  3. 1137 downloads

    Look at the screenshot for more information. Just run the installer and enjoy! - compmaniac
  4. 772 downloads

    Most likely modders would like to use this more than regular users. Tywiggins will make an automatic portrait team logo adder tool soon. Usage: addlogo.exe Example: addlogo.exe 9999.fsh NYY That would add the Yankees logo to the portrait in 9999.fsh. Remember, this is only a MANUAL portrait team logo adder tool. - compmaniac (Thanks, tywiggins, for your help along the way!) ---------- Team Abbreviations List ---------- ANA - Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim ARI - Arizona Diamonds ATL - Atlanta Braves BAL - Baltimore Orioles BOS - Boston Red Sox CHC - Chicago Cubs CIN - Cincinnati Reds CLE - Cleveland Indians COL - Colorado Rockies CWS - Chicago White Sox DET - Detroit Tigers FLA - Florida Marlins HOU - Houston Astros KC - Kansas City Royals LA - Los Angeles Dodgers MIL - Milwaukee Brewers MIN - Minnesota Twins NYM - New York Mets NYY - New York Yankees OAK - Oakland Athletics PHI - Philadelphia Phillies PIT - Pittsburgh Pirates SD - San Diego Padres SEA - Seattle Mariners SF - San Francisco Giants STL - St. Louis Cardinals TB - Tampa Bay Devil Rays TEX - Texas Rangers TOR - Toronto Blue Jays WAS - Washington Nationals
  5. 909 downloads

    Exporter - This small tool is for people (usually modders) who want to easily export (extract) file(s) that they specify out of ALL the stadium .big files all at once, instead of manually. Importer - This small tool is for people who want to now import the exported (extracted) file(s) (you can edit the exported (extracted) files) back into ALL the stadium files. YOU HAVE TO PUT THE ALL THE FILES OF THE TOOL OF YOUR CHOICE (EXPORTER OR IMPORTER) IN THE MAIN MVP BASEBALL FOLDER TO WORK! ~ compmaniac
  6. Well, on eamods.com there's a patch available only for testing for staff, so I guess it'll probably be out soonn.
  7. frankynaky, I know you're very anxious to get the answer, but please try not to post the same question in three different threads. Wait a few days before asking again.
  8. I don't think you're supposed to install MVP 07 on top of it, first of all. Second of all, you have to use the 07-maker.exe program when starting dynasties and owner modes.
  9. Is there any command-line console program that can extract ONLY the index.fsh file out of a cram32.fsh files? nfshtool makes me extract ALL the files out of the cram32.fsh file, and it wastes time, especially for making an installer.
  10. 2500 downloads

    This mod will update the bases in your game to what they look like currently in the MLB. Just install to your MVP Baseball folder. You can choose between dirty and clean base mods. Thanks to boricuapapi1885 for letting me use his base mod as a template! ~ compmaniac If you like it, PLEASE write a review.
  11. http://eamods.com/index.php?name=Downloads...e=details&id=54
  12. 838 downloads

    (I'm still working on making the layout 100x times better... ...so if anybody is good at HTML, Javascript, please help me make a good layout.) ------------------- Directions: ------------------- 1. Place the entire unzipped folder into your MVP Baseball folder. (Make sure that there isn't a folder called MVP Schedule Reader inside the MVP Schedule Reader folder.) 2. Run ScheduleReader.exe, and it will read your schedule file and output it in an HTML file. ------------------- ~ compmaniac
  13. Woah, kraw, I just realized that before these last two posts you made, your post count was 6666!
  14. Will MVP 2007 have Hory's 2007 schedule?
  15. If we demand too much now, kraw might not have time to put them all in, and we'll have to wait until all-star break.
  16. OK. That's a good idea...I don't think people would have that many problems anymore...although some people want to keep their current install intact too...
  17. Well, I just don't get what the point of the user inserting his/her CD in is...to check if the CD is an original one? Are lots of problems crack-file-related? Anyway, even if somebody downloaded a version of the game, he wouldn't have to use a crack...he could use a mini-CD image...
  18. Huh? What do you mean? (I don't know what the asterisks mean)
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