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Posts posted by DJEagles

  1. Wanted to get my two cents in before I leave for Christmas Eve festivities:

    Loved Rocky Balboa! Loved it! was a great ending to a great series of movies. Thank you Sly....it was worth the wait!

    My 8 year old has been bouncing off the walls all day. He has been funny to watch. Makes you realize that Christmas is for children.

    I don't like the pro sports plays on Christmas Day. Sitting at an NBA Arena watching basketball, just doesn't sound like Christmas to me.

    Santa Claus was going door to door in our neighbourhood earlier. Funny to see...still don't know who it was.

    Merry Christmas to you all. Happy Holidays, and may 2007 bring you happiness.


  2. Well it's Sunday here, so why not:

    Sitting here watching Saturday Night Live...been kind of funny, but I do not understand the appeal of Justin Timberlake. He is geeky looking, and his music stinks...but then again, I am a guy.

    It mystifies me how certain people on this site refuse to curb their penchant for spamming. Is it because they don't realize they are doing it??? Is it because they don't care??? Between them and the ones who enjoy causing trouble, it makes for some interesting reading...I just don't understand the spammers...The troublemakers I can kind of understand, because they are probably like that in real life, but spammers, I can't figure out. Are they lacking something in the real world, which makes them live online and post 52 times daily???

    Rocky Balboa starts on Wednesday...again I cannot wait to see Balboa go at it one more time.

    Christmas next week. Wow, time flies...next it'll be Spring Training.

    Nice to see a certain member back. His mods are invaluable here...hopefully things work out better this time.

    Wal-Mart is open 24 hours here until December 24...who in their right mind are going shopping at 4 in the morning?

    Vernon Wells signed a HUGE contract with an out clause....he'll be gone before the contract is up. Mark my words.

    See you next week.

  3. Better late then never...

    Been working alot lately. It's that time of year in the Hotel/Restaurant business, where you can go days without seeing your family. Hard thing to do, but it is part of my job. The money will be good, and will help out here, especially with Christmas right around the corner.

    I am a happily married man, with an 8 year old boy. Why is it, a ring on your finger seems to attract women? Why is it that they probably wouldn't give you the time of day, if you were single? it is like a sport to them, and seeing as I would never cheat on my wife, I find the attention mildly entertaining, but it makes it hard to work with these individuals.

    "Rocky Balboa" starts on December. 20. I have my ticket purchased for opening night. The reviews I have read online say it is amazing, and quite comparable to the original. I love Sly ,yes he has made more then his share of bombs, but I have a feeling this is going to be vintage Rocky. Who doesn't love a story about an underdog, or a comeback?

    We chopped down our Christmas tree on Saturday. It was decorated last night, while sipping eggnog, and watching "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation". I love decorating the tree with my wife and son. The fact Vacation was on, made it all that more festive.

    The Jays bombed at the winter meetings last week, and part of me is glad for that. There is something about J.P. Riccardi that I can't stand. He has an ego, and a way about him, that rubs me the wrong way. Yes, I want the Jays to succeed, but I wish it were a different General manager. I have a feeling he is going to give Vernon Wells a low-ball offer when it comes to a long term deal, and then blame Wells when they trade him. He just reminds me of a slimy used car salesman. Not my favorite person on the Jays team. I miss Pat Gillick.

    Some people are thick-headed on this site. I wonder if they are like this in real life, which leads me to wonder how often some of them get the crap kicked out of them.

    Petite back to the Yanks is a good signing, but stay away for Clemens. The man has an ego bigger then New York.

    See you next week.

  4. So.

    Why an MVP 2007 I'm wondering. What could possibly be different than, say 2006?

    I was wondering that myself....what could they possibly make any better, except an updated roster? I. of course, mean no disrespect to the Modderds and Kraw, who do a wonderful job.

  5. ...Away I go...

    Well we are finally supposed to get some snow here tonight and tomorrow. Uggh..I mean I don't mind the stuff, but I can do without it. My son is excited though. Got a really nice sled from Santa last year that he wants to use...

    Wow! That was some money shot of Britteny Spears this past week. She could have made a fortune posing in Playboy, but decided to give it all away for free. I would love to be the judge looking after her custody battle. Who the heck would you give the kids too? The Pig or the Freeloader?

    The Jays resigned Greg Zaun...good leader, average ballplayer...Frank Thomas was unveiled...where's the new pitcher? Hope Riccardi isn't waiting for Santa to deliver one...atleast shortstop isn't a questionable position anymore...

    Rocky Balboa is out on the 20th! I know that it is a very FARFETCHED story, but there is something about the Rocky movies that I love, and look forward to visiting one of my all-time favorite sports characters one last time...

    Who here thinks that the Red Sox aren't signing Masasuzka (sp?)...

    See you next week...

  6. ...Away I go...

    ...For all you "A Christmas Story" fans, you should like this:


    Pretty Cool!

    ...I agree with ABC006, late in the evening is a good time for MVPMods..although, so of the gusy can get pretty loppy late at night...your still fairly new, so you have missed some of the late night "scraps"...

    ...Still waiting to see where Barry Zito ends up...and I am anxious to see if his success away from the A's will be as bad as Mulders and Hudsons. Something tells me it may...

    ...Here's hoping the Jays get some pitching, because more offense isn't going to translate into more wins...we need pitching...or effective pitching...

    ...Watched the Macy's Parade this past Thursday...love it, and I am 31...

    ...Read "The Curtis Files"...if anything, it's imaginative...

    ...See you all next week...

  7. Away I go...

    ...Well I am back here full-time, after being stuck doing overtime for three weeks. Good to be back, I missed my daily fill of MVPMods...

    ...OJ Simpson is a piece of donkey dung...and so is Fox television. I hope the guy rots in hell when he dies, I dislike him so much. Making money off the deaths he "commited" is disgusting...

    ...Smallville has been alright so far this season. Nothing amazing, but it's been solid...

    ...Jays signed Frank Thomas. Interesting. If he stays healthy, it should be great to watch...

    ...Hope we get a solid starting pitcher, and sign Wells. Find it hard to believe we will be able to do both though...

    ...Went to our city's Santa Claus Parade last night. It was alot of fun. Took my son, and went with some friend and their children...

    ...Can't wait for Spring Training 2007...

    See you all next week.

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