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Posts posted by DJEagles

  1. Away I go...

    All this overtime at work sucks. Sure I love the money, or should I say my wife loves the money...but I miss my MVPMods...

    Should be back to normal for me next monday...can't wait. Haven't even picked up a controller in three weeks...

    Christmas is just around the corner. Looking forward to it...our Christmas Parade is this saturday, so that means I shall turn my XMas lights on this weekend...

    Can't wait for the Wii....can't believe I just typed that...

    See you all next week...

  2. Better late then never...

    I miss this site. I am stuck doing over time at work until the 15 or so of November...Yes, I even miss the spammers...

    Wow, the Cardinals won. I though for sure the Tigers were gonna take it...Pujols is the best ballplayer in the world...hands down.

    Christmas is right around the corner, and my son has a list a mile long...a couple of video games that I would like to play though, so I have to make sure Santa brings them.

    I still love you ABC006...spam or no spam, your a good guy. Don't take anything I say or type to heart...I love you all....

    Have a good couple of weeks, and I will peek in from now and then..

    Take Care.

  3. ok, a couple of things to sort out:

    first of all, i love this site, it's one of the greatest. not only does it create absoloutely amazing mods for my favrotie game, it's also a whole community of people who just love baseball, and i'd like to be a part of this great community for a long time.

    second of all, i'm sorry if it was seen as a "spam". The first time was just a little fun, i was bored. i never thought it was funny to begin with. then i accidentally deleted my post with my thoughts. i didn't want it to go to waste. so, "foolishly" if you want to call it that, i repated it. now that i look back, i probably should've just left it alone, or at least edited the post i just did. but still, i think people are making too big a deal of some minor so-called "spamming". so somebody makes a "stupid" mistake and posts like two "stupid" posts. i think we shouldn't be wasting our time arguing, which seems to be becoming more and more popular, and focusing on what we love best. It just seems that we all go through a "phase" in which we work our butts of making something, and then it all goes to waste. this is very common for a windows '95 user, but also to just everybody in general. what i'm trying to say is, i think people should just give a couple of people a break when they make a small mistake.

    not to instigate another argument, but i defenitely didn't try to insult or make fun of any members, if you mean the "fake" apologies with kraw and NYM06. again, although they can make mistakes like every other human being in the world, they are still very valuable parts of the mvpmods "chain", so i wouldn't want to insult anybody.

    so just basically, i'm sorry for whatever i did wrong, but we shouldn't be wasting our time on "trivial" things like this. let's do some real and valuable modding, ok?

    You sir are a spammer....and don't worry yourself with Kraw and NYM06...Kraw knows how to deal with him. I am sure your a nice guy...but 9 times out of 10, your posts are meaningless dribble....until you realize that, you will be stuck in the darkside.

  4. v0.20 now available. Fixed the small problem with long names. Also added pitching attributes. Let me know if you have any problems.

    By the way, in the next version, I will make it possible to give pitching attributes to a player that was not originally a pitcher, and remove pitching attributes from pitchers converted to other positions.

    Edit is in bold

    That answers my question from a couple of posts ago...my bad.

  5. Wow...just tried this out Tywiggins. You never cease to amaze me. Thanks for all your hard work!

    Just tried to switch a position player to a pitcher. Edited his pitches, etc. Went to play a game, and non eof his pitches are shown in-game, so you cannot pitch with him. He is on the mound, but there are no pitches listed...hope that makes sense.

  6. Of course not. I just wanted to get this back on course. I just did what I was able to do, sticky this thing and now we have it in one thread so we can concentrate on what can be done instead of wasting time on things that don't matter anyway.

    Besides, how can I take over? Kraw's a genius. :stickman:

    I am sure you know this already, but I was just joking with you.

    Obviously Kraw is brilliant and planning on the takeover of the world, through his drug he gives out in little doses...his mods are as addictive as crack.

    Kraw in 2008 for president...bring peace to the world, one mod at a time!

  7. I sense Deja Vu...are you trying to take over this project Y4L???? An official thread???? I smell a coup d'tat....


    Looking forward to the mod...you guys never cease to amaze me.

    I would love to see the 2B djeagles11 of the forum fanatics...higher ratings...I need to be the best in the game...screw Bonds...LOL!

  8. I don't condone NYM's actions, but there are alot of Noob's here that have been dumping on him, and they are borderline spammers themselves. NYM cause his own problems, and Kraw has every right to demand an apology from him...but these noob's are like a mob...and they all jump in where they are not wanted.

    I know exactly who UncleMo is talking about, but wouldn't want to cause embaressment by saying their names here...I am sure the admins will take the appropriate actions that are needed.

    And Kraw, your the man...lookinh forward to the 07 beta...pm me if you need a tester again.

  9. My random thought was going to be about this very thing. Thank you for noticing at least one individual in particular. I hope you spot the other two on my mind. I'm sick of it. SICK. OF. IT.

    Makes me want to stay away from threads they are actively involved in. I know what a spammer is by reading their posts. NYM06 is a normal member around here compared to what I've been seeing the past few weeks.

    ...Another thought. I'm tired of the sissy fights back and forth. That, WITH the spammers, make me get tired of this site. Who do we think we are, really? This is just a video game and we're going to be cussing each other out of a video game? People are more important. Not our egos. Not our mods. Not this game. People.

    ...Note to self. Shute up, Mo. You sound like a nerd softy sissy wuss. Note over.

    ...Considering all of the mods I've done and the lack of desire for anyone to have them in the MVP 06 total conversion, I guess I'm relieved that I have no desire to have anything to do with modding in general right now or for the 07 mod since my crap work won't be desired by the masses anyway. I'm better of actually playing the game (for once).

    I know exactly who you are talking about...they are taking over the site. Used to be able to come in here and get really good conversation...it's starting to get harder now, because these guys are driving up their posts counts, cause they think it's cool.

  10. NYM06 is a moron and has me 2nd guessing myself for defending him in the past

    getting 2 hours of sleep a night this past week was not enough

    I have to find where the boy put my max drive disc

    I have the hitters for 2006 updated in the hist.dat file (with correct teams)

    What the hell was on Rogers palm in the 1st inning, maybe he laid his hand on a bat before he started pitching

    What did he do now???

  11. ...Away I go...

    ...I like how all the Mets fans just kind of kept quiet after they lost in the NCLS. Some talked like they were owed the World Series this year...was nice to see them lose...

    ...Wow, the Tigers looked bad last night. We may actually have a series. I am not a fan of either team, so whoever ends up winning is good enough for me...

    ...I am watching "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" on TBS. I just have to say that Selma Hayek is the best looking actress in Hollywood. Growwwllll!

    ...I read that article also Y4L. The food must be great on the inside...

    ...Halloween next week. My wife refuse to buy junkfood for the house, but then goes and spends $20 on bars to pass out to the neighbour kids. Then has the nerve to rag on me when the said bars go missing...I may have eaten two or three...

    ...Smallville has been okay this season...I miss Pa Kent, he was the one clear voice on the show...Lana Lang is pissing me off...but the chick that plays Lois Lane is dang hot...

    ...See you all next week...

  12. Well it's Tuesday, better late then never...

    ...Anybody else find the leader of N.Korea, a creepy looking little fellow????

    ...Tigers made the World Series! Who saw this at the start of the season??? Not I.

    ...RIP Cory Lidle. Still shocking to think how he passed on...

    ...Lost has been excellent so far. The first two episodes were great, with the Red Sox reference at the end of last weeks a great ending...

    ...Just over 2 months until Christmas, and my 7 yeard old boy has a list the size of my arm...LOL! Good thing there is a Santa Claus...

    ...Halloween is in 2 weeks, I always enjoy it...the candy is a good thing. I always eat more then I pass out, which makes my wife mad...

    ...Don't forget to hug your CTS creator today...LOL!

    ...See you next week...

  13. ...Away I go...

    ...The Yanks are gone from the Play-Offs. No, I am not a Yankees fan, but what happens to the Yanks, usually sets the tone for the off-season...

    ...Torre as the Jays manager...makes my heart skip a beat...a man can dream can't he?

    ...I don't see Johnson, and A-Rod in pinstripes next season...for all the on-field troubles A-Rod has had, there isn't a team in the league that wouldn't want him...

    ...Bernie Williams is a class act, he would make a great coach. Something I hope he realizes and strives for next season. His playing days should be behind him...

    ...I suspect we will see Zito in pinstripes...or Ted Lilly...scares me being a Jays fan...Losing just makes the George madder...

    ...Anybody watch the new Showtime series, "Dexter"....amazing, and creepy...

    ...Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians....enjoy your turkey and football...

    ...See You Next Week...

  14. Away I go...

    To expand on Fuzzy's thought: "Total Classics, The Answer To World Peace!"

    Joey, you have no idea what women are like...write again in 10-20 years, then you'll understand...LOL! At the age of 13, they are girls...

    The Jays finished second! The Jays finished second! Still not a playoff berth...

    NHL season starts this week...and the Country of Canada goes crazy in anticipation, while all 4 fans in the U.S. celebrate quietly...

    My pick for the Wirld Series: Jays over Mets in 7 games, with Josh Towers pitching a 1 hit shut-out...figured since us Jays fans are do "happy" with second place, they should be given a playoff spot, and automatic bye into the WS. If you can claw your way into second place in the East, then that is a feat in itself...

    Red Sox in third thiugh, just doesn't sound right...

    See you all next week.

  15. Away I go...

    ...Bought NHL 07 for the PC. I am loving it! The graphics are nice, and the "new" controls are great!

    ...Anyone watch "Smith" this week. I think it was an amazing first episode. Love Ray Liotta...looking forward to this weeks. Also, Studio 60 was quite good!

    ...The new MVP 06 Mod is excellent...great work, finally got to play it!

    ...The new upgrades to the site are really great! Nice improvement! The individual team forums are a great idea also. Now everyone has a voice!

    ...Smallville season premiere this Thursday...Can't frigging wait. Going to be amazing!

    ...Baseball season is almost over, means NHL is coming up!

    ...Looking forward to helping moderate the site. Thanks again Trues for the opportunity to help out!

    ...See you all next week!

  16. ...Hey from Calgary...

    Went from beautiful summer weather, to blustery, winter weather in the span of 24 hours...I thought I left the maritimes???

    Saw the Chili Peppers play last night...what a hell of a show! Wow! I have tickets to Elton John, which is a different kind of music, but just as excited for!

    Bought tickets to see the Calgary Flames play Vancouver tuesday night...can't wait! It's only exhibition, but still the NHL.

    Work is good out here...miss my wife and son, but I will see them in November...

    ...Speaking of November...Can't play the final 06 mod until then! Dang, been waiting to see the forum Fanatics and Mod Squad teams!

    See you all next week.

  17. Hello from Calgary...

    I am in Calgary until November...as beautiful out here as always! The air is clean, but the heat is horrible.

    Doing consulting work for a company out here...big catering company. My wife and son are still in New Brunswick. That's rough, but we are making do.

    I would love to move here, but my wife is dead set against it...there isn't any decent work in New Brunswick...

    Went and saw World Trade Centerwhile I was out here, second time I saw it...puts life in perspective.

    Like Y4L said, thanks to all the men and women who gave their lives for 9/11.

    See you all next week.

  18. Its monday and I missed it! O well its only a half hour in.

    - As much as I hate school and love being off in the summer, I'm kind of glad school is starting up again. Get to see a whole bunch of friends I didn't see over the summer. Also means its starts up the football games in the park after school. It's the best in October-November when its about 30-40 degrees and it gets dark at around 4-4:30. You go home from school put some sweats on, play football from 3-5 and play under the lights (if you can call three lights "under the lights". I look foward to doing this every winter, and this one is no exception.

    - As you may have sensed from my last post, I'm not a fan of hot weather. I like it and all, but when late August comes rollin around, I can't wait for the colder weather to come around. I'm a big fan of 30 degree weather. I love the cold. Air feels so fresh and smells so clean.

    -Shootin for a 95 average in school this year. It should be no problem. I'm smart, and the school work isn't that hard. I just suffer from laziness. I slacked off in the end of the year last year, and I ended up with a 85 average. I was dissapointed because the works not that hard. Lookin to get some good grades, you got to start thinking about college sometime.

    - I don't know what to expect from the Jets this season. As long as there over .500 I'll consider it a success. I wish the would get rid of Pennington. I just don't see him as a reliable QB.

    - Mets are doing above and beyond this year of what we (mets fans) expected. Yes we expected to go to the playoffs, but a double digit lead in the division is great.

    - Hockey starts soon. I hope the rangers make the playoffs this year. They should, Lundquist is a great goalie. He reminds me of Richter in a lot of ways. He seems confident, and in control. Now what to do with the devils.

    - Getting NHL 07 for the 360. Looks like a great game.

    Guess thats it.

    I like the colder weather also...means winter, hockey, and Christmas is coming...

    I hope you are right about the Rangers, and I hope Shanny brings some offense to the team! Lundqvist is a great young goalie, let's hope he doesn't hit the sophmore wall!

  19. ...Away I go...

    ...Well heading to Calgary, Alberta for 90 days of work. Got the call back on Monday. Leaving my wife and son behind. Applied went out was out there for a wedding in July. In three months there, I will make almost as much as I would in 9 months here...I leave on Tuesday morning...

    ...Sorry to hear about MVP Mods The League...but to much change isn't always a good thing...

    ...Well the Jays are crapping away the season...Good job guys...

    ...Looking forward to Prison Break tomorrow night...

    ...Hopefully I can post next week...If not see you all in December...

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