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Posts posted by DJEagles

  1. ...Her we go...

    Y4L, TSN is "The Sports Network". Their website is great, but Sportscentre has turned into a joke. See ESPN has a small stake in TSN, so when they bought part of the channel everything was revaped to look like it's american counterpart. But lately, the old announcers are gone, and we now have guys who say "catchy one-liners", and try and be cool. Nothing worse then a bunch of whiteguys in suits trying to be cool...it has gotten so dumbed down, I can't watch it.

    ...Watched El Matador this week, Greg Kinnear and Pierce Brosnan star in it. Quite a good movie. I highly reccomend it...

    ...Got Madden 07 for the PC, I like it...I also played it for the 360...Beautiful...On that note, eveyone should check on Madden-Mods...

    ...Anyone watch the season premier of Prison Break? Excellent start to the season...but can they keep it up? I sure hope so...

    ...Again, short and sweet...

  2. ...Sorry I'm Late...

    ...Just got done watching the Prison Break Season Premier...very good! Can't believe it's almost fall though...

    ...Looks like the Jays may actually pass the Red Sox. Wow...can't get over the five game sweep by the Yankees...

    ...Still looking forward to MVP '06...should be amazing...

    ...I suspect Vernon Wells will be moved this offf-season. What Riccardi gets in return will make or break the Jays next season...

    ...short and sweet. See you next week...

  3. bravesj, first you can take steps to end your depression. Become a Mets fan.

    - first of all, your allowing the world to own you. stop letting things affect you. you have to play out life like theres no tomorrow. i live my life to the fullest, and I make sure i enjoy every day to the fullest extent. That doesnt mean I'm doing something 24/7 but I always enjoy stuff.

    - We won't go on lockdown that extreme. It can't happen in todays society.

    I mean look at it this way, there some island off the coast of Africa that can cause mass destruction to the Eastern Seaboard of the USA. Part of the island might collapse when an eruption happens (dont worry this might not happen for hundreds of years) and send a Mega Tsunami right into my neighborhood. [naughty word] it. I'm not gona worry about that. If it happens, then I'll worry, but you no what, it's not happening right now, so i won't worry.

    I'm not joking here seriously consider moving to Manhatten. I love it. I'm not there every day, but I go there a couple times a month, just havin fun. Great atmosphere always going, plenty of people just tremendous.

    I live by this:

    bad medicine, bad medicine is what I need by bon jovi. song kicks *** and i think of that line as:

    don't let bad things control you, let that [naughty word] make you enjoy life more

    I do agree with some of what you are saying NYM, but in reality you are a teenager, and have your whole life in front of you. Now wait 10 years when you are an adult, and have to face reality everyday. I am not saying life is depressing, but an adult, and a teen-ager....your 14 or 15 right, They have two totally different outlooks in life.

  4. ...Away we go...

    ...Looking forward to getting my hands on MVP '06. Many sleepless nights ahead...

    ...What's with the Blue Jays. All of a sudden the pitching looks top notch, making the Twins look like a mediocre team. I hope they can keep it up....

    ...Watched some of the NFL pre-season yesterday. Bush showed some flashes of brilliance. I am looking forward to the regular season. Vince Young also had some good moments on the field yesterday...

    ...I still say Mario Williams is going to be a bust for Texas...

    ...Y4L, you sure are right about summer. We had some drinks and a bon fire here last night, and it felt way to much like fall...and I am going camping next weekend...going to have to pack my wnter jacket...

    ...but atleast that means Christmas is coming...my favorite time of the year...

    ...See you next week...

  5. Dang its Monday...was making merry at a BBQ yesterday, so here I go...

    ...Watched The Descent this morning, as I am hung over, and didn't feel like getting up...What a crazy, scary movie! It came out in the UK last year, so I have my brothers DVD. I would pay to see it in the theatre for sure...

    ...The Jays finally won one yesterday...to little to late. What a frigging free fall. Riccardi should be disgusted with himself, and Gibbons, a good manager, leaves his startes in far to long when they are struggling...

    ...God, the summer is flying by. Pretty soon September will arrive, my son will start Grade Three, and my wife and I will have to start our Christmas shopping...

    ...A little over a month away until EA Sports release NHL 2007. My second favorite sports title...

    ...The MVPMods Online League Draft seems to be going well. It is actually alot more fun then I thought it would be...Looking forward to starting the season...

    ...See you next week...

  6. ...Away we go...

    ...My wife seems to be doing better this week, since we got home on Thursday. Thanks to all who expressed their condolences...It was much appreciated.

    ...There is an article floating online this morning. J.P. Ricccardi is telling Jays fans not to expect any trades by tomorrow. Jeez. Thanks for bailing on us J.P.! Great Job!

    ...Watching the Yankees and D'Rays on YES right now...(Rogers Sportsnet) in Canada, and I love Derek Jeter! I am a HUGE, HUGE Jays fan...but I love Derek Jeter, in a man-love sort of way!

    ...This is for all the owners and officials of MVPMods: Online League. C'mon boys, we have to pull together for the sake of the league!

    ...Have I mentioned I have a man-crush on Jeter?

    ...Heading to the beach this afternoon with my wife, son and niece. Bringing the dog along also. Looking forward to it...going to BBQ and jump off the dock....always a good time!



    Pay no attention to the mess of my desk!

    Bought this yesterday. ! We needed a new television, and with the impending world domination of HDTV, ,y wife and I crumbled and bought it. Very Nice...have my pc hooked up to it...good fun. Moving it to the television room in a few days, but right now I must enjoy the PC experience!

    See you next week!

  7. Thanks MarkB...

    My mother-in-law is waiting for my wife to have a breakdown, which, when it happens will be understandable. My wife is an amazing woman, who likes to keep her emotions in check...she is due for a good cry, and I believe it will happen when we get back home next week. I worry about her and my son, but of course that is my job...Stuff like this puts life into perspective...

  8. ...Still in Calgary, coming home on the 27th.

    ...My wife miscarried our baby last wednesday...the Lord works in mysterious ways, and I know she will get pregnant again. I feel horrible for her...not so much for myself, but I can't imagine what a woman goes through emotionally when it happens. She seems to be okay now, I think it was atleast good it happened out here, and she is around all of her family.

    ...It is frigging hot out here, I just want to go home. Thankfully my sister-in-law has the internet...

    ...Went to the West Edmonton Mall...WOW! I have been there once before back in 1999, but I had forgotten how big it was. Rode the go-karts, and bought a new Jays ball cap...very nice!

    ...Not much else is going on, so I will see you next week.

  9. ...Away I go...

    ...Here I sit in Calgary, ALB. Hot, very dry heat. Stealing a few minutes on my sister-in-laws pc, went to the Stampede on friday...pretty impressive.

    ...The trip was last minute...literally. We were going to go to T.O., but had a change of heart and came out here to visit relatives. Not to bad so far...Calgary is a great town, and hopefully get to T.O. next year.

    ...Just found out the Jays won to extra inning games against the Mariners. Nice wins....3.5 games out now.

    ...Well we are getting ready to go to Calloway Park....an amusement park or something ut here....should be fun. My son, and nephews, and niece are bouncing off the walls. We are going to check out Banff on tuesday, and travel to Edmonton so the ladies can see The West Edmonton Mall.

    ...Anyway, have a great couple of weeks. I look forward to posting more when I get back into New Brunswick on the 27th.

  10. ...Away we go...

    ...Gotta get my last three games of the online league done. Was hoping to do it today, but family came out for a BBQ...summer comes first, computer a distant fourth or fifth...

    ...Hoping to see Pirates of the Carribean 2 on monday. Love Johnny Depps' acting...really enjoyed the first one. Great popcorn flick...

    ...Damn I wish I could figure out how to turn my unirfomrs into .fsh files, to install in-game...very tricky stuff. Any help would be appreciated...

    ...Getting ready to go away next week. Leaving for Calgary, Alberta on July.13, coming back the 27th. Looking forward to it....going to the Stampede, etc....Was hoping to get to Toronto this year, but plans change...

    ...The Rolling Stones maybe coming to Halifax, Nova Scotia for a giant outdoor concert this September...gonna go if they do. Saw them in Moncton, New Brunswick last year...AMAZING...

    ...Well, the Jays split the series with the Royals...they need to pick it up...can't be splitting series with losing teams...

    Anway, I will try And update from Calgary. If not, see you guys the end of the month. Hope you enjoy your vacation Y4L!

  11. ...Away I go...

    ...Having trouble with my internet connection...my alert light keeps coming on, which in turn refuses my connection to the internet, but Windoes XP still says I am connected...have an appointment on tuesday to have it looked at...

    ...Saw Superman Returns the other day. Simply amazing. I loved the story, and visually, it was a masterpice...thank you Bryan Singer!

    ...Went away for the Canada Day week-end, just got home this afternoon. Was a good couple of days, lots of food, drinking, swimming, and such...

    ...The Jays look fantastic! I am looking forward to the second half of the season. Burnett was off today, but they can't win them all...

    ...Not much else is going on, so I will keep this short and sweet! Have a great 4th of July all you crazy Americans!

    ...See you next week.

  12. ....my two cents worth...

    ...Glad you are enjoying the summer Y4L. It has been non-stop rain here, with a sunny break inbetween...

    ...I started a new job recently, working with internet tech support, while continuing to do my catering weddings thing...being stuck behind a desk sucks! I didn't realize how much I would miss the freedom of cooking...

    ...My wife's pregnancy is going good...she is going on two months prgnant, although we have obly known for a couple of weeks or so. I am excited for this child...my son is 7, and having a new baby around will be great. My boy will make a good big brother...

    ...48 hours until I get to see Superman Returns...48 HOURS. Benn waiting since 1987 for a new Superman movie. Hope Singer does him justice...

    ...My God, BJ Ryan is a beast. Even when he is off, he's a monster. Keep this pace up, adn I would have to nominate him for Cy Young candidacy...

    ...On another note...hello Clemens, welcome back...enjoy the loss...

    I think the person spamming my email is Snepp. Something shifty about him...mark my words, theTRUTH WILL COME OUT...LOL!

    ...Wow, The Calgary Flames got Alex Tanguay from the Avalanche...that's a great trade. The more fire power, the better!

    ...See you next week...

  13. ...And away I go...

    ...Worked all weekend....uggh and of course it was sunny out...darn Mother Nature!

    ...Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final goes tomorrow night...should be nothing short of amazing! Go Oilers!

    ...MarkB's work on WaterFront Park looks great. I tested it for him earlier in the week. Has made me want to download more minor league parks. I usually just never bothered with them...

    ...Happy Father's Day to all you father's out there. Hope your day was as good as mine.

    ...Week and a half into my wife's second pregnancy...she is now almost 6 weeks...going to be a long pregnancy, but I can't wait for the end result....another little Blue Jays fan running around...or should I say anti-Yankee fan...LOL!

    ...Looking forward to Superman Returns. I have my tickets for opening night. Been waiting forever and a day to see it!

    ...See you next week!

  14. If Y4l doesn't mind, I think I will start this thing off:

    ...The Jays have a very good team this year, even without Burnett pitching. Problem is the Red Sox and Yankees also have very good teams. I think the division may actually end up being a three team race, with the one team who doesn't slip up, will win the divison.

    ...On that note, I have a feeling the A.L. Wild Card will come out of the Central this year...

    ...The Sopranos ended thier "first half season" run last sunday night. Was, overall, a very up and down season, but I did enjoy it. Looking forward to Entourage and Deadwood this evening.

    ...After playng a bad couple of games, the Edmonton Oilers look to be right

    back in the thick of things in the Stanley Cup Final, after a great game played against the Hurricanes, winning 2-1.

    ...Won 1, lost 2 in the Online League this week. I am tied for third in the division, with an 8-10 record. Been an up and down season, and for the most part entertaining, with a FEW bumps in the road.

    ...Took my son to see "Cars" over the weekend. Was a very excellent movie. It amazes how Pixar can put out a quality pick everytime, but Disney itself, has been nothingbut misses the past few years, with the exception of "chicken Little".

    ...Jason Grimsely is a HGH freak...huh, who knew, and now Bonds is looking for protection. What a mess, if Bonds gets into the Hall Of Fame, with the obvious mess he is in, then Rose and Joe Jackson should be put in the same year...

    ...Two straight weeks of rain...I used to laugh when people would say weather affects your mood...boy they are right, hard not to be depressed when you are wondering if you should be building an ark or not...

    ...See you next week...

  15. Hey JDK why don't you go to the Bahamas. I think Y4L can arrange it for you.

    Your like a whole different person since your last "vacation"! I now think you are my new God NYM06...yes, yes I think you are! I have read nothing but quality posts from you all week...All hail Lord NYM06...


    ...and yes I am serious....I can't believe how much you seem to have changed...not serious about the God thingy though...don't get a complex... :D

  16. ...Away we go...

    ...I am watching the D'Backs vs. The Braves on TBS, and I find myself jealous of the beautiful day they are having. Like Y4L, it is raining here, and has been for the last three days...uggh!

    ...My 31st birthday tomorrow, and my wife, my family, and in-laws took me out for dinner last night, then we have a big Texas Hold'Em Tournament. That was totally unexpected, and a great time. Stuff like that makes my day...

    ...Well as you know, I am the Toronto Blue Jays in the Online League. I have now managed to take sole possession of third place...after starting 1-7, my record now stand at 7-8...

    ...The season finale os The Sopranos is this beginning. It has been a really up and down season for me, but I will miss it. New season doesn't start until January 2007. Something about the theme song, that everytime I hear it, it gets me hyped up...

    ...Got an outdoor fireplace/BBQ pit from my parents for my birthday. With it raining the way it is, I hope to use it sometime before my 32nd birthday...Looks like a great rig. Can't wait to cook some steaks on it...

    ...I am pretty excited over the Oilers making the Stanley Cup Finals, not because they are a Canadian team, but because I was a huge fan of theirs in the 1980's, before they traded Gretzky and Messier. Should be exciting to watch. Something about the Stanley Cup being hoisted in Carolina doesn't sound right...

    ...What's worse then Barry Bonds...Spammers...'Nuff said...

    ...See you next week...

  17. ...Away we go...

    ...Y4L, there is a stink up here, because Americans are requiring Canadians to have a passport to enter the UNnted States in 2008!...Another one of George Bush's great ideas...it's not Canadian!

    ...I worry constantly about the Middle East! One wrong move by Iran , and the nukes will fly...

    ...The Jays are hanging in there, God Bless 'Em...Their offense has been entertaining to say the least...

    ...No new Sopranos this week...season finale is next week...Been an up and down season...

    ...Let's go Oilers!

    ...Ricky Williams to the CFL. Should be interesting if you are Canadian

    ...See you next week!

  18. Here we go...

    ...I hate interleague play. I think the American and National League teams should not meet until the World Series. The Jays are stinking against the Rockies...and that sucks. If they are going to lose, I would prefer it against an American League team, then atleast it would seem justified!

    ...Played an MVP Mods Online League game last night against Shiggins(Padres Owner)...I won 1-0 in the 23rd inning. Mosed intense game I have ever played.

    ...Wow! The last week it has been raining alot here...frigging sucks. Hope the summer isn't like this.

    ...My son turned down playing little league baseball to play soccer this year. So I know how you feel Y4L.

    ...Put a 200 GB Hard Drivein my pc, bringing it up to 240GB. I feel so free now. I am so behind in the times.

    ...Playing in a big 50 man Texas Hold 'Em Tournament on June.5. $100 buy in. I am nervous and excited.

    ...Anyway, not much else is going on. Have a good week, so you next sunday...

  19. ...Away we go...

    ...Darn that MVP Online League my Jays are 1-7! Gotta start timing my pitches, and think more carefully about the types I am going to throw...

    ...I realize why Yankees fans are dumping on Williams...he flat out cannot play anymore, but I feel bad for the guy. He always has seemed to be a class act, and it's not his fault his manager is loyal to him. Torre needs to wake up, and approach Williams about a coaching job...

    ...Been working 12 hour days at work lately, trying to get a new bar and grill off the ground. Business is picking up, and I have been having fun, so it's all good...

    ...Mothers Day today...my son got up with me this morning, and we made my wife breakfast in bed...Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers out there...

    ...Last episode of the Sopranos tonight, I believe until January...ugghhh...it came and went so fast, atleast "Rescue Me" starts May 30...

    ...Have a 200 GB harddrive coming from Dell this week...can't wait, been using a 40 GB now for three years, need more room...

    ...The Smallville season finale was excellent this week, can't wait to see what happens in september...

    ...See you next week...

  20. ...Away we go...

    ...Y4L...you must go and redownload Smallville, it was a really great episode...the last ten minutes were fantastic...

    ...Been working 12 hour days the past four days...getting tired, but atleast the money is good. Thank god they extended week three in the MVP Online League, still have two games to play against Snepp...

    ...Darn that Barry Bonds. Anyone else think he will retire after he passes Ruth???

    ...Where oh where has the MVP 2006 Mod gone? Oh Where, oh where can it be...LOL...looking forward to the final version...

    ...The weather has been beautiful here in the maritimes, which means it will rain all summer...

    ...All hail Y4L, our new league president...good to see you around the league...

    ...The Jays looked good today...Burnett was great...errr, that was Janssen...perhaps he should be given Burnett's salary...

    ...Bye Bye Calgary Flames...maybe next year...

    ...How about Albert Pujols...I would love to see him break Bonds' single season homerun record...

    ...see you next week.

  21. ...And away we go...

    ...Little under two months until "Superman Returns"...going to be the movie event of the summer. Going to go see MI:III next weekend. That should be excellent also, even though "Crazy" Cruise is the star...

    ...Smallville was alright this week...can't wait for the final couple epsisodes of the season...ZOD is coming...

    ...The Jays are really an up and down team so far....but they are atleast entertaining, and their offence is scary...

    ...Beautiful weather here...spent the day cleaning out our pool to get it ready for the summer. I can't wait...

    ...My 7 year old boy came home from school and told my wife and I he has three girlfriends...souns like a Jerry Springer episode waiting to happen...

    ...Mario Williams...wow, just...wow!

    ...I'm lost, whatever happened to Tom Arnold on "The Bast Damn Sports Show Period!"?

    ...Went and saw "RV" yesterday, was a pretty funny movie. Good family show, and Robin Williams had his moments...

    ..."Thugged out Canadians"...what's the difference between them and "Thugged out Americans????" C'mon...


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