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Posts posted by DJEagles

  1. Away we go...

    ...Smallville was okay this week. A litlle to much like "Saw" for my liking...

    ...Barry jit his forst homer of the season yesterday...oh boy! Let us all rejoice. I think Bonds' body is breaking down from the 'roid use...

    ...Y4L, I too enjoyed Quantum Leap. Does that dtae us as old guys??? On a related note, there has been talk about a t.v. movie to tie up the loose ends. I always liked the way they ended the series. Sam sacrificed his returning home, and now is leaping all over the place with no contact with Al...

    ...The Rangers got off to a horrible start in the NHL playoffs yesterday. God how I hate the New Jersey Devils...

    ...Been enjoying the MVP Online League. Was a fun first week...

    ...Hoopz27 podcast for the league was also very entertaining. Great job Hoopz...

    ...Is it me, or are all the members on here all new?

    ...Stilll looking forward to the MVP '06 final version coming out soon. Can't wait to see the finished product...

    ...Beautiful weekend here in New Brunswick, Canada. Summer is in the air...

    ...that's all for this week...

  2. ...Here we go,

    ...been traveling back and forth to work, and stayed on site a few nights...didn't realize how addicted I was to the internet...

    ...The Jays aren't off to a great start...not horrible, but not good neither...please get rid of Towers...

    ...Playoffs in the NHL start next week...woohoo...now the real season begins...

    ...I sure am glad Sidney Crosby probably won't win the rookie of the year award, a great young player, but a whiner and a showboat...

    ...Just listened to U2's "Stuck In A Moment", an olde song, but I didn't realize how much I loved it until today...beautiful...

    Happy Easter to everyone on MVPMods...a great bunch of guys...

    ...and with that 8 months until the Christmas Holidays...

    ...been addicted to Tiger Woods Golf 2006 lately...a great game...

    ...anyone see Scary Movie 4, was wondering if it was any good...

    ...Little over a month until MI:III and X-Men III: Last Stand...should be great!

  3. Here I go...

    ...Woohoo, the Jays home opener is Tuesday night, I can't wait! Finally have a reason to be excited...

    ...Wrestlemania is tonight, and like a fool I am ordering it! Have a few friends coming over to watch it. I am not even a huge wrestling fan anymore, but what the heck...

    ...Taping the White Sox/ Indians game this evening. Should be a really fun game to watch...

    ...I have to say hat's off to George Mason, you guys had a heck of a run! Congratulations!

    ...I am patiently waiting for MVP Baseball '06. Can't wait to see the final mod...want to get that Blue Jays dynasty started!

    ...Well the Commisioner of baseball has ordered an "independent" study of steriods in baseball. It's headed by George Mitchell, who just so happens to be part of the Red Sox organization...yeah....that's "independent" alright...

    ...Into the final couple of weeks of the NHL season, and my Rangers are still there! God what an exciting season it has been. Jagr has the MVP all but wrapped up, and Lundqvist has been amazing in goal! Here's hoping for a lengthy run in the playoffs...

    ...Anna, Anna, Anna, divorcing poor Kris Benson. I told her numerous times that I didn't want our relationship to interfere with her marriage! But she obviously didn't listen...now I feel guilty. Well atleast Kris has his millions! LOL!

  4. ...Here I go...

    ...Anyway watch the season finale of The Shield? That was the greatest finale of any show I have seen in a long, long time...pooer Lem...

    ...speaking of TV, The Sopranos has been amazing, and the new show Big Love has been good also...

    ...Poor Bary Bonds...go away now...

    ...been looking on the back of my milk carton lately, looking for a "missing" picture of Sammy Sosa...

    ...spring is in the air, I was out raking leaves today, it was beautiful...love this time of year...

    ...little over a week until the MLB regular season...woohoo, evryone starts off in first place...

    ...Ladies and gentlemen your 2006 AL Cy Young awar winner....Roy Halladay...

    ...The MVP MOd League seems to be on it's way out. It's to bad, the couple of games I played against Thome25, were quite enjoyable...

  5. "Those contracts are going to burn the Blue Jays, too bad they didn't spend that money when DELGADO was still on the team. At least we got to enjoy the return of Pat Hentgen."

    ...and all those fat contracts the Yankees have dished out, has helped them how? Oh right....2000???? Sure they have made the Postseason every year, but have tanked each time...Don't knock the Jays until we see them in the regular season. Pavano bombed last year, Wright bombed last year...that's the chance you take.

  6. ...Away we go....

    ...Looking forward to playing in MVPMods league. I have been working the private messages, wheeling and dealing some players. Hopefully a trade works out...

    ...The Sopranos was simply amazing last week. At the time, I thought it was the best hour of television I have seen all year, then The Shield happened on tuesday...it was simply amazing...

    ...Well A.J. Burnett's health is starting to scare me, and we aren't out of spring training...

    ...Wonder Woman or Lois Lane? If you were Superman, who would you choose?

    ...I would love to see Cuba win the WBC, that would make for some good sports headlines...

    ...I am watching Die Hard With A Vengance. God I love those movies...

    ...Speaking of movies. I saw the teaser trailer for Rocky Balboa...I can't wait! Come on Rocky...one more round...

  7. Away we go...

    ...The Sopranos season 6 begins tonight. I can't wait! It has been two years since season five ended! It should be nothing short of amazing...

    ...Barry, Barry, Barry....What to say? I love that it is all coming out in the open, and now Mr.Bonds is trying to steer all conversations to 3,000 hits rather then the home run record. The guy makes me sick...

    ...Well even though Canada is out of the WBC, the game against the United States was a thrill to watch...Congrats boys...

    ...So has Sosa retired????

    ...The New York Rangers are starting to play like they should have played all season...not that great! Being a die hard fan, I am still hoping the can right the ship, and make a great run in the play-offs...

    ...Speaking of the New York Rangers, how is it I can love them, but dislike the Yankees...weird...

    ...Who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman??? Supes has the powers, but Bats has got the darn kryptonite ring...


  8. ...Whoops, it's monday morning....

    ...Clemens is pitching to a bunch of minor leaguers at Astros camp...WHOOPPEE,! I wish the idiot would just make up his mind. You know what, retire already...I think he enjiys all this media speculation. It's pathetic...

    ...On the subject of retiring...for someone who hates the media as much as Barry Bonds does, he can't seem to stop talking about 2006 being his last/not his last season...Who Cares! Don't let the door hit you on the way out...

    ...2015...no winter....hmmmm....by the maybe EASports will have their rights to MLB back....

    ...Been bitterly cold here the past couple of days. Seems like winter has finally shown up with a few weeks until spring...

    ...Stumbled across MVP NCAA Baseball at Wal-Mart yesterday, now I don't know what to do...Buy it or don't buy it...Price is only $34.95 Canadian...

    ...NYM06, I am a huge...I mean HUGE Rangers fan. I love the fact that they are great this season, brings back memories of their Cup-winning '94 season. Wish Messier were a part of it now though...As exciting as Jagr is, I still miss the Moose...

    ...Woohoo, I know this is going to sound pathetic, but there is only a month left until Ice Age 2 comes out in theatres. My 7 year old watches the first one all the time, and got me hooked on it. One of my favorite CGI flicks...

    ...A bloody month until Smallville, pathetic! Oh well, atleast there is The Sheild, and spring training games to look forward too...


  9. ...Well guess I will start it off...

    ...The Candian Men's Hockey team looks like crap so far this olympic season. Don't get me wrong, I am a die-hard canadian, but I support amatuers in the olympics, not overpayed professionals...

    ...Smallville was very good this week, nice mid-season cliff-hanger with Lionel Luthor knowing Clark's secret...

    ...NBA All-Star game is tonight...will I watch it...NO....

    ...Spring Training is slowly beginning....YEAH....wish the season began tomorrow...

    ...frigging spyware, I am sick of it...

    ...still lovin' he MVP '06 Mod, what an amazing piece off work! Can't wait until the final release...

    ...KUDOS to Trues for switching servers, everyything seems much quicker now...

    ...See You next week...

  10. ...Away we go...

    ...Been playing MVP '06 Beta Release. Great Work!!!!! It's like a whole new game! Been goofing around with a Blue Jays Dynasty....Hallady was injured 3 Innings into the season, gone for 45 days, and Burnett, and Chacin has been lit up in their starts....hope it's not a sign of things to come!

    ...This is the week for pitchers and catchers...can't believe I am typing that, as I look out the window at the first major snow storm of the year...

    ...I second the whole "Valentine's Day" sucks! My wife keeps telling me not to buy her anything, but I know if I don't...I am screwed....

    ...How about the whole NHL/Gambling fiasco. Just what the league needs...

    ...Smallville was a bore this week, but The Shield rocked as usual...

    ...I wish Sammy Sosa would just hang it up. I am not saying he used steriods, but he was horible last season, and I don't see him doing any better this season...

    ...I hope Barry Bonds blows this year! Don't want to see him break the homerun record, or pass Ruth...although the latter is likely going to happen...

    ...Ouch this site has been slow lately...still worth the wait though...

    ...See you next Sunday...

  11. ...Smallville was excellent this past week, I actually felt for Clark at the end of the episode. Great acting!

    ...The Jays return to the playoffs this year, begins with pitchers and catchers reprting later this month...

    ...Watched Munich this weekend, an amazing movie. Spielberg is a genius.

    ...My dog is in heat...'nuff said...

    ...I won $65.00 play Texas Hold'Em this past weekend, don't feel bad taking money from my friends...

    ...Just saw Faith Hill on television...gorgeous...

    ...What a nice mild winter we have had here in New Brunswick, Canada, been like one long spring...

  12. ...Away we go...

    ...Smallville was amazing. I am a 30 year old man, and I choked up during both death scenes. Tom Welling showed in this episode, that he IS Superman...

    ...Spring Training begins in a few weeks. I can't wait. I am hoping for a much improved Jays team this season...

    ...Played Texas Hold'Em last night, one $50.00...wish the tournament was still going on here, it was a pretty good time...

    ...My wife and son are heading to Calgary, Alberta in July. Two weeks alone in my home, in the middle of summer. I can't wait...

    ...How about them New York Rangers, and better yet, Jaromir Jagr...WOW!

    ...Good Bye Mario Lemieux, always a class act...an NHL Legend...his body betrayed him, but his spirit never seemed to be broken...open the Hall to him now...

    ...PLEASE, PLEASE, Favre just retire before you tarnish your legacy...

    ...Let's go COLTS, the future 2006 NFL Super Bowl Champions...errrr....my bad....Let's Go Steelers, the 2006 Super Bowl Champions....

    ...The Shield was again excellent this week...Vic Mackey is the single greatest character on television right now...atleast until march, when Tony Soprano returns...

    ...better go cook some dinner, the WWE Royal Rumble is on tonight, and I may order it for something to do...

  13. ...It amazes me how many Yankees fans are calling the Jays a third or fourth place team....especially if ayone gets injured...same could be said about the Yanks or Red Sox...and hate to point it out, but the Jays are better then the Orioles...one more random thought, and this isn't meant to start a flame war...me thinks some Yankees fans are afraid of the Jays potential this year...

  14. ...and away we go....

    ...Smallville "100" is this week. I have read and saw some spoilers, and from what I have seen....WOW! It is going to redefine the series! Last week's eppy wasn't bad, if Pa Kent dies, I am going to miss him. John Schenider, has taken the role and made it his own!

    ...On a related Superman note...A little over 5 months until "Superman Returns"! Can't wait...going to be the best movie of the summer! Can't wait to see Kevin Spacey as Lex Luther!

    ...How about that Ovechkin kid in the NHL...has me saying "Crosby who?", and I am Canadian.

    ...Have to vote tomorrow...uggh...I fear there is going to be a new government forming...a conservative government, and anyone who follows canadian politics, and knows who Stephen Harper is should be worried.

    ...Pittsburgh vs. Seattle in the Superbowl...

    ...Epstein's Back!!! Going to make it all the sweeter when the Jays beat the Red Sox for the Wild Card...

    ...Two episodes into "The Shield", it has been amazing to say the least...best show on television...

    ...I love Sundays...

  15. ...And away we go,

    ...Smallville was back this week...seemed like a filler episode. Two more weeks until the BIG EVENT! Can't wait!

    ...Thug4Life is right, I hope Hinske is gone from Toronto sooner rather the later...

    ...Played Texas Hold'Em friday night...won some money, lost some money...got pretty drunk...

    ...Has to fire someone at work this morning, that is always hard, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy...

    ...Bye Bye Patriots, Bye Bye Colts...You heard it here, Pittsburgh or Denver is gonna be your Super Bowl Champ...

    ...Anyone watch "The Office"? Most underrated show on televison...

    ...Shed a tear the other night watching Mark Messier have his number retired at MSG! A true gentleman and fantastic hockey player...

    ...Is it me, or is Peyton Manning a GREAT regular season quarterback, and an average one in the playoffs?

    ...Andre Dawson should sue Cooperstown, just my opinion...

    ...and my god, I wish I was "Lost" with Evangeline Lilly...I mean GRRROOOWWWLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  16. You know, it is really the contributions from you other guys in this thread that make this thread great. I really like reading what you others are thinking too. Keep it up and thanks!

    Kind of like this:

    djeagles11 wrote:

    The way your pool is calling for you is the same way my central air is calling me. We got that in last year in early August and this year we'll have the whole summer to be cool. Nothing beats the summer for me, I just love it.

    I hear you, we bought our house in June, moved in the first of July. I am looking forward to a whole summer with my pool. We built a Brick BBQ at the end of last summer, so I only used it twice. Can't wait to try it out!!!!

  17. ...Random thoughts from my little part of the world...

    - Halfway through the NHL season and I still miss Mark Messier! The Rangers having an exceptional year without him, only makes it that much worse! (Although I am excited by their playoff potential!)

    - Being a Jays fan, it has been an exciting off-season...weird to watch them actually make moves on free agents...

    - Smallville is all new this week! Missed it! Counting down too the hundreth episode..expecting to see the demise of Jonathan Kent or maybe Chloe Sullivan!

    - A little over 2 days until "The Shield"! Michael Chiklis is the best actor on FX. The Shield, if this is it's final season, is going to go out with a BANG!

    - Nip/Tuck has officially "jumped the shark"...what a crappy season ender, to an otherwise subpar season.

    - Finally downloading Total Classics Four, have never tried any of them.

    - The Canadian election up here is a farce...what a bunch of crooks, theives, and deviants.

    - A couple of weeks(?) until MVP 06, NCCAA Version, looking forward to trying it out.

    - Can't wait until the summer, my pool is calling for me in my dreams...

  18. My wife bought my son and I a Playstation 2 with 9 games:

    MVP Baseball 2005

    Smackdown Vs. Raw 2006

    Ford Racing 3

    Motcross Madness(?)


    Shrek 2

    The Incredibles


    The Incredible Hulk

    Also got Lord Of The Rings Monopoly, a Starting Lineup Wayne Gretzky Figure(needed it for my collection), Clothes, Cologne,etc.

    By far the most fun thing that Santa brought for my son,was a Shell Shocker remote control toy...scares the heck out of my dog...

  19. Updated to 12-4

    ...The current baseball contract with the players ends after the 2006 season. I wonder how close they will come to strike again?

    ...I can't wait until December 14th when that King Kong movie comes out. That looks like the best movie for this holiday season.

    ...One thing going on this week that I'll be paying attention to is the baseball meetings. Here's hoping the Yankees don't do anything stupid.

    ...Thank you Brian Giles for re-signing with San Diego.

    ...and also thanks to the Florida Marlins, who are demanding Robinson Cano from the Yankees along with Sean Henn and Scott Proctor for the immortal Juan Pierre. Is there anyone else you want too?

    ...Going back a bit for anyone on here older than 21, do you remember the Prodigy service? I wonder what happened to this? I used to have that when I had dial up before Windows 95. (Prodigy was a online service similar to AOL, but at the beginning did not have internet access. I had this for DOS)

    ...Here's hoping the Colts go undefeated this year. I still have a hard time saying "Indy" when I refer to them. In my mind they still are the Baltimore Colts.

    ...Something tells me that the Cleveland Browns next year will be as good as the Bengals are this year.

    ...New Smallville episode this week after a two week hiatus. Thank God.

    ...Three full shopping weeks left until Christmas. Let's get this over with.

    Looking forward to Smallville this week. It's their first Christmas themed eppy, titled "LexMas". Looks like an "It's A Wonderful Life" type episode!

  20. I think Lost is better

    Lost is a fantastic show, has been getting better with each passing week! Nice to see it wasn't hit by the sophmore slump!

    Y4L...Lex Luthor is the greatest criminal mind of the DC Universe! Lex Luthor on Smallville is a tragic figure....you know what he is going to become, but part of you wishes it wouldn't happen! Michael Rosenbaum, up to this point is the best Luthor ever, although I look forward to Kevin Spacey's interpretation...all hail Kaiser Soze!

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