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Posts posted by DJEagles

  1. I am going to weigh in on the whole. "adding playoff" spots. They are needed. How does a league have 30 teams, and only 6 playoff spots? It's ridiculous, and needs to be overhauled. There are far to few spots. It's the same teams every year...over and over. I love baseball. It's the greatest game on Earth, but MLB's playoff system is flawed. The league needs to figure out a new system. 6 teams weren't enough, and on top of that, it isn't always the 6 best teams. Pisses me off when a team wins the division with 85 wins, but another team in another division has more wins, but is out.

    I say that the schedule needs to be reduced by 10-15 games, and the playoffs need to be expanded.

    Oh, and I am excited by the addition of two more teams, but the one game playoff format...sucks.

  2. To bad about Y4L, he's quite vocal in his beliefs, and it bit him in the ***. I disagreed with him about ALOT of things, but I also know he loves this site. I miss conversing with him, it's not the same around here.

    This site has changed alot in the past couple of years. It's a shell of it's former self, and that's to bad.

    I will always have a place in my heart for MVPMods, but I am also a realist, and this site is dead.

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