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Posts posted by DJEagles

  1. Good afternoon guys, a few days ago I had a press conference in the Yaquis de Obregón clubhouse with the team president and some players (including the one on my sig) and it appeared on the most popular news paper in my state pic here: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1237.snc4/156967_1572871033979_1001628990_31301531_1304602_n.jpg

    I also printed a cover I made for Caribe 2010 which features Agustin Murillo and he signed it too! I got it hanged up in my bedroom to remember that moment, you can see it here: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1355.snc4/162789_472028933070_54905108070_5715053_1848743_n.jpg

    Yesterday I got in touch with someone related to TV Azteca (one of the two biggest national networks) and they are willing to make a little segment about MVP Caribe this week, they'll take me with them to Navojoa to watch one game of the Obregon vs Navojoa series that will end the season and in the segment a Obregon player will play MVP Caribe against a Navojoa player, awesome! Just wanted to share that with you my friends :)

    By far, the most impressive mod to ever be shown on this site. Congrats for all your success, Hector!

  2. Updated to December 12, 2010:

    - Good thing the Yanks have resigned their Captain, cause it sure looks like they aren't going to get much more done this offseason. I could be wrong, but I see Lee in a rangers uniform next season.

    - The Red Sox seem to be restocking, watch out American League...the Boys may get back to The Show.

    ...and the Jays trade away arguably their second best pitcher for a cocky, douchebaggy, prospect....here`s hanging in there with the Yanks and Red Sox....atleast the Rays cupboards appear to be getting raided. There maybe a third place finish yet!

    ...I fear we may see Manny in a Jays uniform next season....God help us all....

    - Christmas in a couple of weeks. My kids are bouncing off the walls. I can`t wait.

    - Of course, my condolences go out to Y4L`s family. I am truly sorry for your loss.

  3. So I find myself bored this evening, with a slate of new uniforms available for the 2011 season for me to create, wondering if I should give the modding season another go.

    Would you all be interested in another season of updates to my STANDARD and PLUS uniform sets? If so, would you be interested in a restructuring of the donate-to-download system of years past? If this season's updates were all free to download, would you consider, as many of you had said in the past, donating a dollar amount if not required?

    If you have any other suggestions, or would like to add your thoughts, please do so. If it is still fashionable to criticize me, please do so, as well. Not sure what the interest level in this game is still, as I've been away from the community for quite some time, so let me know what you guys think about all this...

    I think the option to donate may go over over well for quite a few people. I am wondering if it would even be worth your time otherwise? I dunno what you have had donated to you in the past, but like you, I think the need for new mods may be less in demand. I could be wrong, but there has to be a reason why traffic here, and over at MLBMods is at it's lowest. I don't think there are enough guys here left, that would be willing to pay for them, without the option to not. If that makes any sense.

  4. Who knows "Gin & Juice" by Snoop Dogg? Well, now meet "Gin & Juice" by The Gourds.


    I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. :lol:

    Isn't that Phish?

    EDIT: Nevermind, just Wiki'd it. I guess Phish oftens gets credit, even though it isn't them.

  5. I have been to Olympic Stadium in Montreal. Was in July of 1997.

    Minor Leagues:

    The Park in Ottawa, Ontario, to see the Ottawa Lynx play the Toledo MudHens. That was 1995.

    In 2008, I went to Hadlock Field in Portland, Maine to see the Portland Sea Dogs play the New Britian Rock Cats(?)

    Going to Calgary, Alberta in June, and have tickets to see the Golden Baseball League's Calgary Vipers vs. Victoriaville. This is an Independent League, so it should be fun.


    Now, for the next 6 months, I get to read how horrible Red Sox fans are, and how horrible Yankee fans are...Cracks me up.

    Thank God for Jays fans...for the most part, we are a quiet few....at least on this site.

    Saw Hot Tub Time Machine...hilarious.

    Brian Tallet is the Jays second pitcher....hilarious, what an frigging joke. Wasting a slot in the rotation on a pitcher that has no business being in the starting rotation. Should be Marcum, Romero, Morrow, Cecil, and then whoever.

    Anyway, Happy Easter, and enjoy Opening Night.

  7. I guess for the amount of time you have put into your mods, which is years, then yes, $5.00 is well worth it. It would scare me though, if everyone started charging for their mods....that would add up quickly.

    My question is, do you want to provide another update, or is it a money thing? Are you still doing it because you love modding, or because you want the cash?

  8. Y4L:Everything you said here is true. Now look at this from my perspective for a second. Ever since Boston won their championships, their fans have become more and more intolerable. They act like they are better than everyone else and if you dare disagree with them they'll act all offended and they'll run off and tell on you. It's almost like since they finally saw their team win a championship it gave them the right to push people around and find fault in them when you don't agree with them.

    This is not a personal jab at anyone, but it amazes me how Yankees and Red Sox fans are so similar, yet constantly ***** about each other. The Yankees have some of the MOST obnoxious, self-entitled fans in ALL of sports, yet think that the Sox fans are worse.

    I'll tell you right now, obviously I am a fan of neither team, and there are days I dread coming in here, because of the crap that takes place between certain members, and their teams. Both sets of fans have some obnoxious, sometimes rude fans, and then there are some fans that are a treat to talk with. What cracks me up is, if it wasn't for their almost, obsessive, cult-like following of their teams, they would be a treat to converse with all the time.

    So please, before any of you comment on how horrible the other teams fans are, remember, you could be rooting for the Jays, Royals, Reds, or any other team that has no hope in Hell.

  9. I am not an overly religious man, but I find myself this Sunday, Praying to God that Bret Favre does not make another Super Bowl. This is not hate for the Vikings...just Favre.

    Haven't been around much, in a long time. Work, and parenthood seem to consume all my time these days. Not that it's a bad thing, but I do miss my nightly chats on here.

    Still trying to warm up to being a Phillies fan now. My relationship with the Blue Jays is beyond repair. I honestly cannot cheer for that team anymore. Now watch them go out and win it all in 2010...LOL.

    My XBox 360 crapped out on me. Three RROD. No warranty...gonna have to buy a new one.

    I came home from work two weeks ago, to find out that my wife had purchased 4 tickets to fly out to Calgary, Alberta in June. Her sister, husband and their three kids live there, and it's been four years since we have seen them. I am looking forward to going, and the airline tickets were cheap, $1700 for us all to fly return, as my 1 year old is free. Looked up their local minor league/ independent baseball team, the Calgary Vipers. Think I am going to check them out.

    For a man that was near death, with a possible career ending illness, Brock Lesnar sure look a-okay to me. Bull crap, me thinks.

    Less then a month to pitchers and catchers report. Gives me plenty of time to get used to my Phillies cap.

    Why does every natural disaster seem to happen in one of the world's poorest countries? CNN has tugged at my heart strings this past 10-12 days. Horrifying to watch, but I find myself not able to turn the channel. Makes you realize we are all just human beings, trying to survive this world.

    ...Go Saints.

  10. Long time, no see:

    - Been working ALOT, lately. Far to much for a human. LOL. I am being laid off for two weeks in December, so whatever extra cash I can make now, the better.

    - Jeez, the Jays are still playing ball? I forgot about them in July. What a mess of a team. The only bright spots being Adam Lind, Aaron Hill, and Roy Halladay.

    - Been playing a bit of NHL10 for the Xbox 360. Like it, but I don't LOVE it. Maybe it's because I live the modding aspect the PC games offer. As pretty as the graphics are, I love having a rink full of ads, etc.

    - The Ultimate Fighter 10 has been great so far. Waiting to see what Kimbo does next week.

    - Iran is a country full of crazies. No offense to anyone that maybe from Iran, or have Iranian roots, but my God, I fear for what may happen over the coming months.

    - The prospect of the Yankees in the play-offs, bores me. Same with the Red Sox. Time to expand the play-off format.

    - The Pats look like a team, whose at the beginning of the end. The Giants are looking like a team who is going to be a powerhouse for a long, long time.

    - Can't wait for Modern Warfare 2. Pre-ordered a month ago. What a hell of a game that's going to be. Have to get online and shoot me some BigRog, again. LOL.

  11. Thanks man... yeah... this game has become a small sensation in very short time... everyone who have installed the AI and "total conversion rebuild" have been very surprised.

    We never advertised the game anywhere before... but it's very nice that we get more people onboard... the game can become only better from here...!!

    Personally, I'm waiting for that 1997 season mod like no other...it'll be great to play with Gretzky, Coffey and Lemieux.

    Speaking of Gretzky, Lemieux, etc....I opened your rosters with NHLView, went into the hidden players hoping to pull out Mark Messier, Roy, etc...and could only find Mario. Do you guys delete the hidden players when making your rosters?

  12. I joined the community this morning, and installed the mods! Fantastic! It is like a brand new game...best hockey I have played on the PC, in a long, long time.

    Installed the CBC Hockey Night In Canada Into Video, and even that adds to the overall, "television feel"! Great stuff!

  13. Happy Mothers Day to all.

    I see A-Rod is back...does anyone outside of Yankee fans even give a crap about this guy anymore? He's a steroid user like the rest of 'em, and classless to boot. This guy can bash as many homers as he wants, but until he produces in October, then the guy is a waste.

    CC finally pitches a good game for the Yanks, then they go out and lose again the next day....to bad for them, but great for the Jays!

    Funny, but I find myself quickly enjoying the Red Sox more and more. Before I get jumped all over, I am a die-hard Jays fan, but as long as the Yanks don't win, I'm happy. Spend all the money you want, your still 5.5 games out of first, and looking like a LOST team.

    I have zero expectations for my Jays this year, but I will say that I am happy with how the season has gone so far. I cannot imagine what they would be doing, if their pitching staff wasn't mostly hurt. Amazing. Thanks, Cito.

    Tampa is looking like the Tampa of old, which helps. Having Baltimore playing like a last place time, is great too. The East is wide open this year, and I think the Wild Card is at least attainable for the Jays. Maybe even the division.

    To bad to hear about Fat Manny, no one is safe from speculation now.

    Lost season finale this week. Nice.

    Star Trek was amazing. Thanks, J.J. Great job!

    Wolverine blew chunks.

    Let's go Canada. Gold today!

    Bye. Bye. Bruins.....Choke.

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