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Posts posted by DJEagles

  1. Moderator, huh? I didn't travel back in time again, did I?

    LOL.....you'll have no worries from me. Nothing has changed, I am online to mind my own business when it comes to certain things.

    ...back to the mod....the Jays uniforms are fantastic....really make the game look that much better. I cannot wait for updated rosters, or the '08 mod to start a new franchise!

  2. Watched the Dodgers and Mets game yesterday....still strange to see Torre in Dodger blue.

    Like BigRog, I also love NHL 08. The odd freezing annoys me, but overall the game is top-notch!

    I also enjoy it for the PC....yes it is lacking, but like the MVP'08 mod, some NHL modders have put together a very cool "All-In-One" update....very nice.

    Lost has been fantastic this season. I am loving every minute of it.

    Can't wait for the Iron Man movie, the trilers look great, and Robert Downey Jr. looks like the perfect Tony Stark....one of the top movies of the summer!

    ...The Dark Knight being the biggest!

  3. Away I go:

    I have found myself wanting to play MVP Baseball, less and less, recently. It's a damn shame too, 'cause for the past few years, I have gotten a lot of fun out of it. But, with my purchase of an XBox 360, and my impending purchase of a PS3, I feel it may be dead for me. Sure, I'll check Kraw's fantastic '08 Mod out, but I am 99% sure my copy is going to be retired.

    ...Of course, I say this all now, then the season will start up, and I will be itching to play a great baseball game again....and if MLB: The Show and MLB 2K8 blow....then it's back to the PC I go.

    I have to agree with Y4L, there hasn't been very much in the way of movies recently, although I loved Rambo for what it was, 90 minutes of action filled gore. I ennjoyed Cloverfield, but other then that, I have spent my time catching up on some GREAT movies of '07.

    Burnett has the opportunity to opt out of his contract at the end of the season, here's hoping he does.

    Watched the slam dunk contest last night....it was great fun! I am not familiar with the Greene fellow from the Timberwolves, as I haven't watched much NBA since the Jordan-Era, but I found the guy far to cocky, and unimaginative, other then his "Birthday Cake" dunk. Dwight Howard on the other hand, was AMAZING!

    That's about it, see you later...

  4. I was going to say, I didn't see any apparent deleting by KC. The attack by Southside made no sense to me, especially when it was coming from someone who only has made 12 posts in over a year.

    Back to the Beta, the Jays uniform's are hot in game. Thanks alot Spungo!

  5. Thanks for the help, RedSox. Here's another question:

    I am doing a mod for myself, of the uniforms for the Saint John Alpine. A senior league team in my hometown. My questions is this: Why the heck are the pinstrips mapping the way they are? Can this be fixed?


  6. Updated to 1-27

    ...Well, my knee surgery went fine. Now I just have to let it heal. I can't be on for a long period of time because I have to have the leg extended, but that's ok. I'm just happy this is over.

    ...Operating rooms are intimidating and those health care people are way underpaid. Those people do a great job.

    ...I don't even want to bother counting how many surgeries I've had because I know it will be over ten.

    ...Why are the feds going after a retired player (Chuck Knoblauch) with this steroid investigation? That's one thing I don't get.

    ...R.I.P. Heath Ledger, you were a good actor and you were way too young. :(

    ...I like that Brian Cashman. He's not willing to give the Twins the key to farm system for Santana and he is sticking to his beliefs. It's my hope that he is listened to concerning this because every time I read about more Santana trade news I get worried.

    ...You know, just like a few years ago when we got rid of some good young players for the immortal Randy Johnson, who did nothing.

    ...I really think the Giants have the momentum and confidence to win next week.

    ...Because if they don't, those entitled horses*** Boston fans will be bragging around here yet again.

    ...Thank God for Directv. The President is giving a speech tomorrow night and I have no plans to watch it.

    ...Each week Psych gets better and better. It's one of the funniest shows on TV.

    This coming from a Yankees fan. Can anyone spell I-R-O-N-I-C?

    Glad your surgery went well though.

  7. Been awhile, so here I go:

    Finally took some time to check out NHL2K8 for the 360. My kids bought it for me, for Christmas, but with work, etc. I haven't been able to play. I have to say, that I have enjoyed it far more the NHL08. Not because '08 isn't a great game, because it is, but because I have not experienced any freezing with 2K8. I own both games, and NHL08 has been nothing but a headache.

    Been pretty busy around my house. My wife and I are planning a trip to DisneyWorld for next January, as our trip to New York was canceled this past November, due to her getting pregnant, and giving birth. My sister and brother-in-law are in DisneyWorld now for 2 weeks, and loving every minute of it. So, seeing as my son is 9, and my daughter will be a little over a year old next January, we figured we may as well do it then.

    Can't believe the holidays came and went as quick as they did. I love Christmas, but it all seemed very rushed this year. Ahhh well, it'll be back here before we know it.

    Not much else is going on, so I'll see you next week.

  8. Alright. I hear that this file is a great game, and I really want to play. I un-install MVP 05, install the 07 Mod, and life is good. This is the problem. I got into my MVPBaseball 05 folder, and click on the game. The opening picture pops up, and then it stats, "Please Enter Correct Disk, and Restart Application." I am so confused. Any help?

    I am assuming you do not have the original discs?

  9. Dunno. But sounds to me like it was something that really didn't need to be said.

    I'll say this though. If anyone needs help with the TiT Program, mosey on over to www.eamods.com. I am sure Kraw would be more then willing to help you out.

    Hope this helps.

  10. ...Away I go...

    ...Under a month until our new baby girls is born. As most of you know, I already have an eight year old boy, but because my newborn is going to be a girl, I am scared. I know what I was like when I was a horny teenager. She ain't dating until she is 30...

    ...Been watching Weeds and Flight Of The Conchords. Both shows are fantastic, and both are highly recommended...

    ...The Jays lack of hitting is frustrating, and quite disgusting to watch. Wells gets anew contract, and then goes and stinks up the season. Thomas is playing through the motions, and Glaus is subpar. Atleast he is injured though....that's an excuse. I hope Gibbons, and J.P. are fired...

    ...Yeah Y4L, I enjoy Ginger Ale also. I have been drinking Raspberry stuff lately. Great twist to an already enjoyable drink...

    ...Not much else is going on. Been pretty quiet here. Got into a pretty bad car accident three weeks ago, and I am not due back to work until the 20th, because of it. Getting a new car this week, as the insurance company settled pretty quickly. Lady ran a red light and went into the side of me. Totaled both my car, and hers. Thankfully I was alone in my car...

    ...See you all next week...

  11. It always amazes me at the sheer great, young talent we have on this site. The way all you guys hype yourselves up, makes me want to believe that the MLB will have great talent for many years to come.

    Although, I am sure no one is going to come right out and say they suck...so I will start. I was a mediocre baseball player, who hit for some power, but not much for an average....couldn't pitch worth a damn, but was an above-average fielder.

    Can't remember much stats, but I know they really weren't worth posting.

  12. ...Been awhile since I posted in here...

    ...Been a working...ALOT. Haven't had much time to do anything else. Been good to get the overtime though, as our new baby is due the first of September.

    ...Have had the chance to play 5 rounds of golf this year. Started slow, but my game is progressing. Very addictive sport.

    ...Damn those Jays...DAMN THEM TO HECK!

    ...Thanks to KC for his very interesting blogs. Nice to read, and be patient. Things will work out for you.

    ...Thanks goes out to Kraw for the T.I.T. program. Simply amazing, and also thanks for updating the Modders and FF teams.

    ...Watch out Red Sox fans...here comes them Yanks.

    ...See you all next week.

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