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Posts posted by DJEagles

  1. Well it's Tuesday, but what the hell:

    Haven't been around much lately, working mad hours this summer. Good though, as I am receiving a month off in January.

    Speaking of January, my wife, son, and 7 other family members are planning a trip to Disney World for 7 days. None of us have ever been, so we figured it would be a good time to go. There are some really nice townhouses to rent for the week, and flying out of Bangor, main is reasonably cheap, so we all decided it would be an ideal time to take our children.

    My wife is due to have our baby girl the first of September, so she will be about 4.5 months when we go, but my boy is going to be 9, so he will will appreciate the trip. My nieces are going, my sister and her husband, my cousin and her husband, my parents, so it will be one heck of a time.

    The Jays are so up and down this season, it makes them hard to watch, but at least it is mildly entertaining. Nice to see my hometown boy, Matt Stairs contributing.

    Played exactly one round of golf so far this summer. Been far to busy to play more, but I hope to get 6 -7 more rounds in before August. Such an aggravating, yet enjoyable sport to play.

    I have been reading the blogs posted here...good work so far guys, very interesting reads.

    Anyway, take it easy, and I hope everyone enjoys their summers!

  2. Went to a funeral for my wife's aunt today. She was only 57. Nice lady, didn't deserve to die that young.

    Got home, logged online, only to find out a person I knew, only in passing, but knew enough to stop and have a conversation with him, whenever I saw him, was found dead in a park here. Murdered. Now, Saint John is a place that gets a murder once every couple of years, if that, to say I am shocked is an understatement.

    RIP Josh Hancock.

    WTF were the Pats thinking? Locker room meltdown this year?

    The Jays are still trying to find their identity. They have been fun to watch though.

    See you next week.

  3. The Jays look like a team that has fallen on a string of bad luck. I am not to worried....if they are playing like this come July, then I will hit the panic button.

    Beautiful weekend here in Atlantic Canada. I enjoyed some cold beer, sitting in front of a warm fire in our outdoor fire pit last night, listening to the Jays lose. Two out of three ain't bad.

    BBQing today. Walking down the road to partake in a little "ringtoss" tournament. It's like horseshoes, but you throw rings into a box. Pretty fun, and a little hard.

    Virginia Tech is still fresh on everyone's minds. I suspect it will be a long time until that fades from memory.

    Smallville and The Shield have been great. They are both building towards one hell of a finish.

    Let's get those SIGS into my inbox. Looking forward to the first round of competition.

  4. ...Final day of vacations ****

    ...We had great news in the MVP Caribbean Thread. One of our Spanish-modders contacted an ESPN columnist of Dominican Republic asking him if he can send us some Season Numbers of the players, the next day we got a response, he said yes and he send us a lot of information about the dominican republic players and now the project is up to 60%. But we need help with the calendars :(

    ...Why a lot of baseball games were Postponed?. Is there a big storm in the Northeast of the US?


    Nice work! I find myself looking forward to this mod, even though, to be honest, I know nothing about the League.

  5. Wow, the middle of April already. The Major League season is two weeks old, and the Jays have showed flashes of brilliance, and flashes of complete mediocrity. Should be interesting to see which team is playing in September.

    Speaking of mediocrity, what the heck is up with B.J. Ryan??? I am sure he will be fine, but he isn't having the start to the season I though he would.

    Took a second job for the summer and fall months. Head of catering, dining room at a golf course close to home. The money isn't fantastic, the tips are supposed to be good, but what hooked me, was the free golf membership! Can't wait to hit the links...would be nice for the snow to end though!

    Welcome to the staff RaptorQuiz. A very nice addition to an already great place.

    Anyone else been watching the new season of The Shield? Powerful stuff so far. The best hour of drama on television.

    Don Imus is an ***.

    See you all next week.

  6. Happy Easter Everyone!

    Been playing the Nintendo Wii none stop with my 8 year old son. He is whipping my *** in bowling. Has to be the funnest system I have ever used. Well worth the money.

    The Jays had an up and down week, but so did the rest of the AL East. Everyone's pitching has looked average, with Dice-K being the only dominant pitcher so far in the East. Although Halladay has looked good.

    Oh Y4L, where are you?

    Less then a month until Spiderman 3...can't wait!

    See you next week.

  7. O-P-E-N-I-N-G D-A-Y!!!!!!!!!

    As Borat would say, "Verrryyyyy Niiicccceeeee!!!!!!!!"

    I have to work until 9:00pm, so I will miss the first half an hour of the Mets and cards tonight. I will get home, open a beer and watch what will be the only National League game I see this season.

    Tomorrow, the Jays play at 2:05pm AST. I will see the first hour, and then have to go to work. Blahhhh! Next year I am taking my vacation the first week of baseball season.

    The New York Rangers are scaring me. I would love to see them make the playoffs, and not see them get bounced out of the first round. They are in 7th place, barely clinging to their playoff lives.

    April.1! Thank goodness spring is here in full swing. Can't wait for summer. It was nice driving to work yesterday with the windows down, listening to the Jays and Reds on the radio.

    Easter is next weekend. Damn that Bunny to hell.

    See you all next week.

  8. Not Much is new, but here goes:

    Went to a birthday party for my cousin last night. My brother and I bought a quart of Jagrmeister...don't remember much, accept my wife driving my drunk *** home.

    Leaving to take my son to see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Should be good for a laugh. He is 8 now, and has kind of grown put of them, but he still wants to see this.

    Baseball for real next week. Can't wait! Love this time of year...before you know it, it will be October, and we all will be reminiscing about the season that was.

    My wife is starting to look pregnant. Starting to get a little belly. It suits her...I am a lucky man.

    See you all next week.

  9. The Jays are looking to dump Jon Thomson already, and replace him with Josh Towers...How come I am starting to worry, and it's only March?

    I have a feeling the Jays are going to regress as a team this year, and Thomas will want out by June. Towers will self destruct, we have no reliable back-up catcher, and shortstop is still iffy, even with Clayton...another third place finish for us.

    Anyone watching the "Black Donnellys". Excellent show.

    Make sure you join in the "Ladder Competition". Carter and Trues have put a lot of work into it. Should be fun, once the games pickup.

    See you next week.

  10. A day late...

    Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy "300", Fred. I loved the movie, can't imagine seeing it on an IMax.

    Daylight savings is upon us...Was nice to step outside while at work last night, and see that it was still "light" out at 7:30 pm. Cannot wait for warmer weather to hit.

    I have been playing MLB 2K7 more and more...not a bad game. Not great, but certainly not bad.

    Still love my MVP Baseball 2005 for the PC though, will not give that up.

    Don't forget to play MVP Mods Trivia. We have 10 die-hard players, would be nice to see more.

    See you next week.

  11. Totally forgot about this thread this week...

    Anyway, my wife and I went for our first ultrasound today. My wife is 12 weeks pregnant with our second child, and because she was on fertility drugs, multiple pregnancies had to be ruled out. Well, there's only one little person in there...I have an 8 year old boy, as some of you know, but there is nothing more beautiful then seeing pictures of your baby while still in the womb. One of the many miracles in life.

    Got our taxes back also...don't know what to buy yet. Do know we are putting some of the money towards a nursery.

    Played MLB 2K7 on and off this weekend. Love the "graphics" in the replays, like the gameplay...I think this game may grow on me.

    Congrats to Raptor and Piston. Good job you guys. Enjoy your time as Moderators.

    Thanks to Y4L for putting together the contest. Was a very good idea, and well though out.

    Jays are looking good so far in Spring Training...which scares the Hell out of me.

    Saw Wild Hogs on the weekend, was actually pretty funny. Going to see a midnight showing of 300, thursday night.

    See you next week.

  12. Can anybody help me with the "cracking" of the game? I've got everything to work, but it asks me to put the correct CD in, when I already do have it in...just wondering if anyone could help me out?

    We do not discuss "cracking" the game in the forums. Cracking or downloading of the game is a no-no when posting in the forums.

  13. Well, I am a day late.

    Spring Training games start this week. Can't wait, nice to have baseball back. Hockey has been boring for me this year. Being a Canadian, I should live and die by hockey, but I am not as big a fan as I used to be.

    Healthy debate on this site is great. certain topics are a bit scary, but if debated right, can open eyes to people that are on opposites sides.

    Can the Jays starting rotation hold up this summer? I sure hope so. The team will depend on these guys, and they will only have a shot at the playoffs if the pitching holds.

    Not much else is going on. Been a pretty quiet week for me. After three snowstorms in three weeks, it is starting to feel like spring outside. Hopefully the worst of winter is over, and I can now look forward to using my pool in a few short months.

    See you next week.

  14. Here I go...

    Spring Training is here...WooHoo! I really like John Thomson's attitude. I think if he has his injuries behind him, he may be a help to the Jays starting rotation.

    Frank Thomas worries me. What does he have to play for? I sure hope he doesn't coast through the season, but something tells me he may.

    Don't forget to submit your "essay" to the Moderator Contest. A fine idea for the site.

    I have been working a couple of cyberfaces for UncleMo and BigRog, and having little luck. Man, I have the utmost respect for you Modders. it's hard, hard work! I have been working on some jerseys, which I find funner, and a little easier to do.

    What is it with people and driving in the snow????

    See you next week.

  15. Away I go:

    The MVP 07 Mod is truly amazing. Thanks to all who worked on this! I love Trues' new overlay, and the new camera work, really makes this feel like a new game.

    Two games into my 2007 Dynasty, I have lost 5 -0 with Halladay, and won 10-7 with Burnett. B.J. Ryan gave up to monster homeruns in the ninth to Detroit...the pitching is HARD! I love it though....

    Bought my wife a Dishwasher for Valentine's Day. Honest to God, that's what she wanted. $900 later, and a dozen roses ordered for Wednesday, makes my wallet alot lighter.

    Smallville is really doing a great job of building up to the season finale. really top notch work the past few episodes. Great television viewing.

    Anyone amped to see "300" and"Ghostrider"? Both look enertaining, with "300" looking like a work of art. I believe "300" is the last good graphic novel by Frank Miller before he went off the deep end.

    Keep those submissions for the "moderator contest" coming in. They have all been very well written. Great work so far.

    See you next week.

  16. -Again Best Buy said they would have a huge shipment of Nintendo Wiis Today. Did they have any... NO. I say **** best buy because they are a bunch of **** holes with their lies. :club:

    - working at dunkin' donuts SUCKS

    - for some reason my mvp wont play after i installed new audio and portraits. now im just trying to figure out which one is messing my game up

    - looking forward to the super bowl and the party tonight just not prince's half time show

    You told me in another thread that you had Red Sox season tickets, and that you got a Wii?

  17. Away we go.

    Colts are going to run rampant over the Bears tonight, and I have to work. Thank God there is a big screen there, and I can watch it in the dining room.

    Can't wait for spring training. I love this time of year. First games start in three weeks. Been craving some baseball since Christmas.

    8 weeks in, and my wife's pregnancy is going good. I am not a spiritual man, but I have found myself praying a lot lately. Been trying for four years to get pregnant again, so hopefully this all goes well, and we have another little boy or girl come the fall.

    Looking for to the '07 mod. It amazes me how much I still play MVP Baseball, and it still feels like a new game.

    If anyone has the chance, watch "The Last King Of Scotland". Forrest Whittaker deserves the oscar. What a powerful performance.

    Short and sweet. See you next week.

  18. So how am I supposed to know where my opinion is wanted? Maybe it's not wanted by you, but maybe to others it is.

    Okay. What I am trying to say is, As admins, all we want people to do is not ask about the release date for 2007. Kraw has given a date. compmaniac didn't need to post what he posted, there was no need for it. He is new here, so I will cut the guy some slack, as he wasn't here last year when this place had a different thread made everyday by someone asking when the 06 mod was being released.

    There was no need for you to ask me why I responded to him the way I did. It had nothing to do with you. That is my point. Your opinion is wanted as much as anyone else, but to me, it looked like you were looking to cause problems.

  19. That's rude.

    50+ posts since 2005. Did you just come on to cause trouble? What did the initial post have to do with you? Why did you feel the need to respond to it? Were you around here last year, when people were harrassing the modders and Kraw about release dates, and missed release dates, etc? Again, the post had nothing to do with you, so there was no need for your opinion.

    There are plenty of threads on this board, where you opinion is wanted, but it wasn't needed in this instance.

  20. Why not? He didn't say anything wrong, he just noted that it didn't come out.

    It's got nothing to do with you, so don't worry about it. What compmaniac said, could be misinterpreted as being a rude comment. We are trying to keep these comments to a minimum, when it comes to this release. The mod will be out when it is released, there shouldn't be any need for asking for a date, or making any comments when it hasn't been released.

  21. we are aiming for a release window of




    and if I miss it, then you are looking at the All-Star Break

    I kid you not

    Sincerely, Good luck. I hope you make the release window, but if not...looking forward to it in July. The real world comes first.

  22. Doesn't look like that prediction held up.

    Comments like this are a no-no. we had real problems with people constantly asking and complaining when the '06 mod was coming out. You don't have anything to do with the making of the '07 mod, so please do not comment on its release.

    Kraw will release when it is done.

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