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Major Leaguer

Major Leaguer (4/10)

  1. if you download microsoft visual C++ 2005 Express trial and register it you can access very good e books from microsoft that help you alot in learning the basics of making a windows program
  2. haha most peope who realy undertand programming take years worth of classes to really get it it aint taking you so long i mean this is the simpeest barebones of programming but still you arnt moving so slow
  3. search for it in downloads youll and KG thanks man that worked great a litte bit of apin in the *** cuz i i have heavily edited models big file tat i didnt want to mess wit so i had to extract all the face files from Shmoozs' but it fixed everything
  4. sweet thanks
  5. you should check the cyber face on your latest relese then cu i think the cyberface might be wrong cuz he judt didnt look right at all
  6. oh and while im here is ther a program out there that does something similar to kraws portrait maker for faces cuz im pretty good at photoshp but have no clue how to tun them into cyberface files that mvp understands
  7. hmm idk thats kinda weird are you sure its the right size
  8. try selecting the whole image and cpoying it to your clipbord then go file-new and set the new image to the correct size and make it greyscale the whe you save make sure it says 8 bit i always do it that way and ive never had a problem
  9. you can use any photo editing software really to greyscale it but i think it needs to be 8-bit to work in mvp not sure tho? photoshop is the best but its not to cheap
  10. Yo kg on you latest release Adam Jones the seattle prospect has dark skined body and caucasian head not a big deal just looks kinda funny
  11. i think the best comparison is mark prior in a good year but sheets a is good one too anyway how bout them 2006 draft picks?
  12. Add the important 2006 draft picks I E guys who should be appearing on the top 100 prospects for 2007 and plz pix HUmberto shanchez andPhil HUghes they suck and they are both expcted to make bi leauge roster sometime next season some scouts even tab phil hughes as the yankees ace for the second half of 2007
  13. the only thing i an find wrong with these rosters is the lack of the 2006 draft picks and the fact that PHilip Hughes and hum berto sanchez both stink
  14. sorry but noe of us have the millions to buy the right to th players names and team logos that EA does
  15. thats not gonna happen either the only changed that can be made are cosmetic without altering the way the game is programed witch mods cant do
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