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  1. 327 downloads

    INSTALLING: import the .txt files into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui make sure to compress the files when importing. or kuse rawhitham's Installer Thingy 2.4 for better results. PLEASE backup your datafile.big file if these new cams do not fit your needs.
  2. 1491 downloads

    INSTALLING: import the .txt files into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui make sure to compress the files when importing. or kuse rawhitham's Installer Thingy 2.4 for better results. PLEASE backup your datafile.big file if these new cams do not fit your needs.
  3. 142 downloads

    INSTALLING: import the text files into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui. make sure to compress the files when importing.
  4. 1098 downloads

    INSTALLING: import the .txt files into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui make sure to compress the files when importing. or use krawhitham's Installer Thingy 2.4 for better results. PLEASE backup your datafile.big file if these new cams do not fit your needs.
  5. 169 downloads

    INSTALLING: import wrigday.txt & wrignite.txt into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui. make sure to compress the files when importing.
  6. 122 downloads

    INSTALLING: import tropdome.txt into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui. make sure to compress the files when importing.
  7. 122 downloads

    INSTALLING: import metrodome.txt into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui. make sure to compress the files when importing.
  8. 89 downloads

    INSTALLING: import netwday.txt & netwnite.txt into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui. make sure to compress the files when importing.
  9. 97 downloads

    INSTALLING: import kaufday.txt & kaufnite.txt into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui. make sure to compress the files when importing.
  10. 220 downloads

    INSTALLING: import gabaday.txt & gabanite.txt into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui. make sure to compress the files when importing.
  11. 135 downloads

    safeco cams VER1 This will change the fielderview cams (zoom, aerial, broadcast) to fan views in the stands. great for automatic fielding setups. INSTALLING: import safeday.txt & safenite.txt into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui. make sure to compress the files when importing.
  12. 140 downloads

    INSTALLING: import skydday.txt & skydnite.txt into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui. make sure to compress the files when importing.
  13. 181 downloads

    INSTALLING: import SHEADAY.txt & SHEAnite.txt into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui. make sure to compress the files when importing.
  14. 252 downloads

    INSTALLING: import yankday.txt & yanknite.txt into programfiles/mvpbaseball2005/data/datafile/datafile using biggui. make sure to compress the files when importing.
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