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  1. Bautista's moment in the playoffs was special; the playoffs, THAT crowd, everything on the line. It was a very intense moment. I don't think he was doing that to show up the pitcher, but rather, to release exhilaration from coming up huge when his team needed him most. I have absolutely no problem with that. It was awesome to watch. It's when guys start taunting opposing players or do some ritualized dance to pander to the audience that gets annoying. Everyone's "selling their brand" in sports these days. Aaron Rodger making TV spots out of his championship belt taunt. Colin Kaepernick legitimately copyrighting the term "Kaepernicking". They're not spontaneously doing these out of exuberance; they're meticulously planning it in order to get endorsement deals. Pretty lame. If I want to watch some narcissist beat their chest and sell me merchandise I'll watch pro wrestling(and I do...it's great!). The "unwritten rules" thing is in place to keep some of the egomaniacal behavior at bay because....NO ONE LIKES THE GUY THAT SKATES BACKWARDS AT THE ROLLER RINK! I digress... Does it get tiring to hear traditionalists preach the unwritten rule as gospel? Sure. It's like your grandpa telling you not to do something. You still want to do it. Maybe you want to do it more so now out of defiance. I think that's where the Harper interview comes in to play. A young guy who plays with fire getting told to cool his jets because it's not the prototypical old timey baseball way. He's lashing out now and trying to break the prototype. Goose Gossage is just being an old crow. Nothing to see here... I will say this. I always cringe when I watch an interview with a young player and you can tell they're making a concerted effort to hit buzz phrases like "playing the game the right way" or "play with humility". It's like they're reciting lines that they've memorized from the unwritten book of baseball cliches. Yuck. The 2015 revision to the unwritten rule should just be "Have fun but don't be a d**k about it."
  2. I agree. I think just slapping a fresh coat of '16 paint on the MVP15 mod would suffice quite nice.
    This is truly an outstanding mod. I'm grateful that there are so many talented people out there that are keeping my all time favorite baseball game relevant 11 years after its original release. I've been continually impressed over the years. I tip my cap to you. Thank you.
  3. Thanks Gordo! I'll have to download this next time I'm home. I'm getting antsy for baseball and this will definitely help!
  4. Great read. My buddy sent me the link to this because he knew of my appreciation for what you folks have been doing here for 10 years. Much deserved acknowledgment for a fantastic community. Cheers!
  5. I bought a replacement copy of MVP '05 just to use this mod and it's been worth every cent. Top notch work. I've been having a blast playing this the past few days!
  6. Great work here!
  7. Hey guys, thanks for the replies. @Yankee4Life - Some of the Amazon and EBay listings are either missing the proper discs or lack pictures of the actual items so I question the condition they are in. And some of the price points are more than I value the game. Heck, if I knew people fetching 80 bucks for their copies I would've kept mine lock n' key lol. There are a couple ok posts that aren't too exorbited on eBay and it's reassuring to hear people had legitimate transactions. I'll have to keep an open mind. Wow, I didn't there was Buy/Sell section in the forum. I would've posted this in there had I known. I will have to check that out. I like the idea of finding a seller from a community that respects the game as it might be kept in better condition. I have no intention of using the illegitimate copy. I remember reading tons of messages of people having issues back in the day. I want none of that. Instead, I've been playing the PS2 version the last month and...just...can't anymore. If for nothing more than a fresh soundtrack! I play the hitting mini game a lot...so the songs are burned in my head (ONE TWO THREE FOOOUR!). @jroh: I'll check the boards and pm ya!
  8. Hey folks. Long time MVP Mods fan here looking to get back into the game. Anyone have any tips/hints tracking down a copy of this game? The Amazon / Ebay market seems kind of....shady. I've hit up quite a few used game shops here in Chicago to no avail. Most don't carry a big pc game inventory. I've ripped up my apartment and my parents house looking for my discs and my old rig is long gone! My buddy heard about my plight and said he could find me a copy easily. Turns out the discs are not legitimate and his instructions to get to game to load are a little over my head. I don't want to deal with all if that, I just want to play and use the great mods like I used to do. I'd imagine no one here is willing to part with their copy but if you are or know someone willing to sell for a reasonable price, let me know. My decision to choose Xbox One for Halo over PS4 for the Show is really coming in to question here lol. Even still, I prefer to play MVP. Appreciate any feedback. Thanks guys, Ryan
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