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Everything posted by nitro0602

  1. Hi Guys, Can someone help me please.. when I select the alternative home jersey, the pants are still grey instead of white?? Any idea why that is?? I downladed the uniform form Kccitystar called 2013 Toronto Blue Jays 1.1... Any help would be great!! Thanks!
  2. Awesome!!! I was actually going to do that tonight!! I was thinking the same thing... Thanks man!!
  3. I know this old, but the home alternate Jersey still has grey pants, not the white pants in your screen shot? Am I doing somehting wrong? Otherwise, its Awesome!!!
  4. so excited for this! Been playing all weekend! can't wait for the schedule to start spring training! Thanks for all your hard work BSU-FAN and other modders who help out with this project.
  5. just did that and it worked! thanks for the quick response!
  6. Hi guys any idea if you can fix the players arm color t match its face... eg. rajai davis face is fine but his arms are white. thanks!
  7. This is awesome!!! Wish I waited another day before starting my franchise.. its okay though, only paled 4 games.. lol ps... I feel the same way about the Jays
  8. Hey bud.. its okay man.. I started a new season and simulated the entire season first to make sure it didn't crash.. which it didn't so now I can start it again.. only played 3 games anyways.. thanks though
  9. Yeah I hear ya! I just started a new one.. saved it first then simulated the whole season.. and nothing crashed.. so i can I can start from the beginning Any luck on your combo/ultimate roster
  10. No worries, I just sent it again.. in zip format.
  11. Hey bud, Just sent you the file, please see what you can do! Thx!
  12. okay, I'll send it when I get home later today.. Thanks! When i started the season I manually corrected all the 30 team rosters... Maybe I did something wrong? I did another test franchise and only selected 1 team.. then it worked fine, but I also want to control other teams lineups.
  13. Opps! forgot to click the quote section..
  14. Hey bud, thanks again for all your hard work! Had a quick question.. my game automatically turns off when I pay game 4 in the regular season. Blue jays vs Tampa Bay.. any ideas why? I even tried to sim it and it didn't work as it still crashed.
  15. LOL Never mind.. just price the help button and select reset to default under my controller!!!!
  16. Hey Guys, Not sure what happnened, but now when I play a game, it defaults to buttons for swinging on my xbox 360 controller. Never had that issue before, always been analog stick.. (down,up for Power, up for contact swing) using the left stick... Can someone please tell me what I can do to swtich it back.. i do not recall me every changing that!! LOL
  17. Thanks bud.. I'll wait patiently
  18. Amazing work!!! Can't wait to try it tonight!! Hey bud, wanted to start my season later today.. any idea when we can have the pleasure of seeing your roster?
  19. Nice that was in German!! Didn't get that until now..lol Hope we get the pleasure of getting the schedule soon
  20. Thanks man!!!! I couldn't find it in the section.
  21. Hey Guys, Been searching the downloads page.. I basically copied another tite page, but I like the Ortiz one I had.. But of course I forgot to backup that file..lol Can anyone send me the link for it.. thanks!
  22. Trying my best not to get excited... BUt I am!!!!! I hope everything works out well, I wish I could help.. But all this is German to me..lol Best of luck to everyone invloved in this project!
  23. I'm just excited it's getting worked on!! hopefully everything works out... thanks for everyone working on this!
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