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  1. For those of you who are installing these, let us know if there are any problems.. Again I haven't installed these since around 2009 or so.
  2. Version 1.0


    Did these back in like 2009 and they weren't able to be uploaded on this website for certain reasons, but here they are. -There are 1-3 realistic uniforms for each team in here. -These were done in 2009, so some of these uniforms have actually become the team's uniforms (thank you very much). -I don't have these installed anymore, but they worked with TiT back in the day so I'm assuming they work now. -The install slots are below. These shouldn't replace any of the team's main home, away, and alt uniforms, but they may replace some throwbacks/other concepts, so pay attention when installing. -Screenshots of every uniform are in the download. Uniform slots: ARI: l,m ATL: l,m BAL: l,m BOS: l,m CHC: l,m CIN: d,l,m CLE: l,m,n COL: l,m CWS: l,m DET: k,l,m FLA: m,n HOU: k,l,m KC : m,n LAA: l,m LAD: l,m MIL: e MIN: e,m NYM: l,m,n NYY: l,m OAK: e,m PHI: l,m PIT: l,m SD : l,m SEA: l,m SF : c,d STL: l,m TB : l,m TEX: l,m,n TOR: l,m WAS: l,m Enjoy and leave feedback. I unfortunately have retired from modding, so there will not be any updates on this file. Feel free to use these in any future mods, just give me a little credit por favor.
  3. File Name: hiheat32's Concept Uniforms File Submitter: hiheat32 File Submitted: 18 Aug 2012 File Category: Uniforms and Accessories Version: 1.0 Did these back in like 2009 and they weren't able to be uploaded on this website for certain reasons, but here they are. -There are 1-3 realistic uniforms for each team in here. -These were done in 2009, so some of these uniforms have actually become the team's uniforms (thank you very much). -I don't have these installed anymore, but they worked with TiT back in the day so I'm assuming they work now. -The install slots are below. These shouldn't replace any of the team's main home, away, and alt uniforms, but they may replace some throwbacks/other concepts, so pay attention when installing. -Screenshots of every uniform are in the download. Uniform slots: ARI: l,m ATL: l,m BAL: l,m BOS: l,m CHC: l,m CIN: d,l,m CLE: l,m,n COL: l,m CWS: l,m DET: k,l,m FLA: m,n HOU: k,l,m KC : m,n LAA: l,m LAD: l,m MIL: e MIN: e,m NYM: l,m,n NYY: l,m OAK: e,m PHI: l,m PIT: l,m SD : l,m SEA: l,m SF : c,d STL: l,m TB : l,m TEX: l,m,n TOR: l,m WAS: l,m Enjoy and leave feedback. I unfortunately have retired from modding, so there will not be any updates on this file. Feel free to use these in any future mods, just give me a little credit por favor. Click here to download this file
  4. Lookin good jogar! Here are some recently retired players cyberface slots. Use em if you want. 890 baek 648 durbin 366 ellison 511 alex escobar 547 johnny estrada 334 emiliano fruto 009 ken griffey jr. 172 eddie guardado 221 geoff jenkins 413 bobby kielty 510 ray king 544 danny kolb 164 paul loduca 795 macay mcbride 408 kevin millar 216 trot nixon 481 miguel ojeda 663 pablo ozsuna 555 willy mo pena 189 odalis perez 296 sidney ponson 360 luis rivas 698 rene rivera 863 chris roberson 353 dave roberts 753 kirk saarloos 341 alex sanchez 704 rudy seanez 091 richie sexson 021 gary sheffield 071 john smoltz 182 junior spivey 127 shannon stewart 742 charles thomas 806 derrick turnbow 719 javier valentin 621 daryle ward 298 jerome williams 543 craig wilson 436 mike wood 400 victor zambrano
  5. Well if you want to have the right cyberfaces, you have to start over.
  6. hey guys, are you extracting the datafile folder in the program files>ea sports>mvp baseball>data folder? you should completely replace it. you shouldn't do anything with the mbe file. also, i use mvp 08's default sliders and trues datafile to make the pitch meter larger.
  7. willybling i narrowed the problem down to the all star version of young and hamilton because they are gone from the free agent list when i delete them from the al all stars. do you know how to add them back once deleted?
  8. thanks willybling yeah i encountered that problem and i have no idea how to fix it. i'll see what i can do about it for the next release.
  9. 3798 downloads

    I used MLB 2K10 ratings to update grmrpr1313's roster. I have all of the MLB correctly done and the MiLB has accurate star potential and the top 100 prospects are updated for 2010. Various others things have been edited since my last release. Not to be full of myself, but I think these rosters are awesome. They give new life to the game because everything is slightly different. Features: -Updated rosters as of 8/14/2010 -Updated attributes according to MLB 2K10 -Uses the latest Homer cyberfaces (Strasburg, Smoak, Chapman, Stanton, etc.) and player IDs found here -All-Star teams updated -Rookie and Sophomore teams (see screenshot) -All stats updated with Lahman database Let me know of any cyberface issues, wrong player numbers, or any other issues, as I encountered a few when looking through the roster. A big thanks to: -grmrpr1313: I used his rosters as a template -kg: I'm sure grmrpr1313 used your roster as a template for his -Homer: your cyberfaces are second to none. -cammel: he fixed countless player ID issues Please use these as a template for future roster updates. Obviously this mod is completely free, but it does cost money to buy things like tywiggins' MLB2K10 Roster Editor and it takes a good chunk of time, so donations are always welcome. <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_donations"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="3WT5QNQFGWAKS"> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="hiheat32's MVP Modding"> <input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="2k10tomvp"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-DonationsBF:btn_donateCC_LG.gif:NonHosted"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"> <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"> </form> Comments?
  10. 550 downloads

    HIHEAT32'S ALTERNATE AWAY UNIFORMS V1.1 ---------------------------------- This mod replaces the coolbase jersey with an alternate away uniform for most teams. This ads a little more variety to the game because 2K provided most teams with only one away uniform. Most of these alternate away uniforms are the colored tops with grey pants and have been worn by teams at least once this season. All of the following jerseys are now paired with grey pants in the coolbase slot: V1.1: NYM black fix TB slot fix (now in BP away slot with home uni in coolbase) TOR black V1: ARI red BAL black CHC blue CHW black COR purple FLA black KC blue LAA red MIL navy MIN navy NYM black OAK green PIT black SD navy SEA navy TB navy TEX blue Fixed the overly dark blue Rangers' uniform and added a red hat to the red alternate jersey. Coming in the next version: More jersey color corrections (ie Angels and Padres) and other requested changes. Install: Backup your uniforms. Extract and copy all of the iff files to your MLB 2K9 directory. ENJOY!
  11. man, i wish the rangers couldve done that off burnett in real life yesterday. anyways, texas really stinks in the show dont they.
  12. i see you have your fsh files. just put your f fsh file, your u fsh file, and your portrait pic named 10a (128x128) and compress using winrar. then use tit to install it.
  13. thanks to Micropterus58, this whole tutorial is in a PDF format! http://mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=4461.html
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