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Everything posted by Hollywood70

  1. Hollywood70


    Pitcher ejections are kind of disappointing. Just for kicks, I beaned a guy. Sure enough, the other team retaliated in the next half inning. There was no animation of each team beingn warned. I presume the announcers probably say something about it, but I play with commentary off. Contniuing to test it out, I beaned another guy the following inning.. No animation of the umpire ejecting the pitcher, just a text box that says "both teams have been warned, your pitcher is ejected". Then, the manager comes out and takes the ball from the pitcher as if making a normal pitching change. Glad the feature is in there, but disappointed with the presentation.
  2. Has this been in 2K all along, and this is the first time I've noticed it? When starting a franchise game, on the screen that shows the team ratings and uniforms and such, you can press 4 (in logitech terms) and go to a screen and select whether the umpires wear black or blue uniforms, among other options. Is this new?
  3. I play in franchise mode, as the Tigers. Victor Martinez is on the roster and healthy. Naturally, I would consider him out for the 2012 season and want him to return in 2013. Any suggestions on what to do with him in the meantime? Hide him somewhere in the minors perhaps?
  4. I should have mentioned - I am using a Logitech rumble pad. No go on the left stick for me, has to be the 4 key on the keyboard. Glad everyone else who wants to use classic is finding it, though.
  5. Much to my amazement, I found it. Similar to last year, go to Go to options/mycontroller/control setup/scroll down to swing/.. But this time hit the 4 key on your keyboard to get to the menu.
  6. This is the third year in a row I've had to ask this same question regarding how to enable classic controls. In 2K10, they left them out and they had to be patched in. In 2K11 they were cleverly hidden, as illustrated in this thread: https://www.2ksports.com/forums/showthread.php?t=281573 . This year, I can't firgure out where the heck they are, if they are there at all. Not the same method to enable as 2K11. Bummed.
  7. Should there be a 2K13, I will be sure to call gamestop and request one to be shipped to their store for me. Guy at Best Buy said that the PC game section shrinks so much each year that he wouldn't be surprised if they don't carry PC games at all within a year or two. Us old schoolers are really not the target demographic, to be sure. Re: having a hard copy - I agree, I like to have one. The only thing that would cause me to buy one at full price would be if there's a situation where the inevitable patch isn't available for downloades versions. Otherwise, I'm sure by August or September, will be easy to get a copy dirt cheap.
  8. Same here. Gamestop said they don't stock it -- but they would have if I'd called last week and asked them to order one - DOH! Guess I'll download it from Amazon, and if need be by a "hard copy" later.
  9. Looks like no place near me (damn you Best Buy) bothered to order any of the PC version. Contemplating the download from Amazon, but not sure Anyone been able to find a copy?
  10. Looking forward to it! But, I suppose it probably doesn't matter since I am buying the game on Tuesday regardles. Just wondering if there have been any tweaks to franchise, so will be interested in what they say.
  11. It would have been a mess either way, but luckily 2K made the right choice. As far as I'm concerned, Butthead Bud making this decision less than a month before openening day is asanine. I don't mind the new format, but wouldn't it have made more sense to do it next year, when the Astros move to the AL, and Interleague as we know it is abolished? I hate Bud. Not the beer. The commissioner.
  12. I was very happy to see that 2K posted on their Facebook page that the new MLB Playoff format is included in 2K12. I had been worried that Brilliant Bud's last minute decision would have cause all of us franchise types to have to wait until June or whenever a PC patch is released. Speaking of franchises..... Has anyone else noticed the lack of any info regarding franchise mode?
  13. Looks fine to me, but would have been nice to see an inning with a few hits, since hit types/ball physics have been hyped. I can tell already that commentary will be turned off right away for me, since not only do I hate the continuous banter between Kruck and Phillips, it is clear from this clip that for any of us playing in franchise mode, the commentary will become dated fast. "Here's Rayburn in 2018, he had a cople of HR's in October 2011". Was surprised that the play by play part, which has been solid in years past, sounded pretty bad on the ball hit to Boesch in RF. Anyhow.. Like I said. It looks fine. I'll buy it, I'll play it. I'll very likely enjoy it, since I'm still enjoying 2K11.
  14. I'd like to see them chop the regular season down to 150 games... I know that woud screw with all the records, etc.. But, that is a reasonable amount of games for a season. Plus, if the owners would agree to go back to the old tradition of Sunday doubleheaders, that would shave another week or so off the season. Unfortuanately, all of these scnearios mean less $$$ for the owners and MLB, so it will never happen.
  15. What worries me is that 2K12 is likely already built with the current system in place, and I suspect (hopefully I am wrong) that they'd have to patch it to change the playoff format/schedule.. And since their PC patches usually come out in late June, that would be a long time to wait to start my franchise. Personally, I think last minute Bud should wait until 2013 when everything can be properly planned out. With the Astros moving to the AL, it would be good to introduce all the major changes in one season.
  16. Hollywood70


    http://www.operationsports.com/news/538379/mlb-2k12-demo-arrives-tuesday-feb-28th-360-ps3/ Us PC guys get no love :(
  17. Since I am in the minority on almost everything about baseball video games (us "old" guys usually are ), I'm probably the only one who doesn't caer about this: http://www.operationsports.com/news/537221/2k-sports-partners-with-spin-for-major-league-baseball-2k12-soundtrack/ Personally, I have been impressed that 2K9,10, and 11 have each featured at least one or two tracks that I actually like, but I inevitably end up turning the volume down to zero after a couple months of playing. I wish there was a way built in to the game to import whatever music you like, wihtout haveing to mod/edit/screw it up (my attempts) to change the tunes.
  18. All the players will reitre eventually if you play enough seasons, you can't stop that. However, you can use Ty's editor to change the age range of their "Prime" so that it ends later. One of my few complaints is that 2K has the windows way too short - i.e., Justin Verlander's "prime" being from when he's 28 until 30. Seems a bit narrow. That's why you see so many established veterans either on the FA list or bouncing around the minors in their early 30s.
  19. Thanks for answering, Vlad. I hope you can eventually figure this one out. I'd pay double :)
  20. Vlad - hope you have time for one more question.. Does your editor enable changing which team you control in franchise mode, for MLB2K11 PC?
  21. My take is: The 2K11 PC community is small, but grateful!
  22. Hi all - I've read through the various posts in this thread and am having a hard time finding a list of the core functions of the program - I see what has been updated, however. Can anyone tell me if this editor allows you to change the team you control in a franchise? I'd buy it just for that functionality. Thanks!
  23. I'll be happy to pay for an editor... I'll pay double if you can crack the "classic controls" problem. :)
  24. Love the new "look & feel" of the site! Only thing I miss (or can't find yet) is the section that shows the mods that have been released within the last week. Loved that feature. Thanks for keeping this site alive - and even more so, Vital!
  25. Ok, here's the details.. It happens when the program is "Reading Pitcher Offsets", and the error is "Run Time Error 6: Overflow". I'm going to delete the players that I created that are pitchers and see what happens.
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