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Everything posted by andy82

  1. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Right, some news. There hasn't been any work on the Mod from me in the last week or so due to exams and a mountain of coursework. But fear not, after this Friday, I should be 100% working on this mod (and trying to work out why the Rosters is being such an **** in Dynasty mode, or in Pats' case, the whole bloody game lol).
  2. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Hey Pat have you made any discoveries?
  3. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Yeah I was a little confused by that, probably should have spotted it earlier. I looked through the teams.dat and they seemed to be completely out of order, as shown in the screenshot:
  4. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Unbelievable, I've done what you've suggested and now I cannot pass the inital loading screen. More head scratching for me...
  5. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Basically everything is completed in the roster (Although soon I'm planing on a re-rate). I will try what you what have suggested.
  6. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Does anyone have any ideas?
  7. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Using MVPEdit. For some reason, the program has completely messed up the teams .dat (as proven in the screenshot below as well as the stats table screenie in an earlier post). For some reason though, despite sorting out the org.dat, the dynasty mode removes the Reds, Angels & Marlins with the AL & NL All-Stars (Which are filled by a random minor league roster that I need to discover). Anyway, I'm done for the night as it's 2am here. If anyone has any ideas please suggest them because I'm running out of them. untitled.bmp
  8. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    I've done that and, although from what I can see that all the 30 teams are in place, there seems to be no change in regards tohaving a team named AL & NL All Stars. However, I checked out the teams .dat and for some reason, where the teams are located within the file are completely mixed up which (I hope) may be the problem.
  9. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Right, I re-exported the roster and I finally completed simming a full season (Astros bt Red Sox 4-2 in WS), but I still had the NL & AL All Stars listed in the standings, as well as having the wrong team for the player listed in the stat leaders. I've uploaded it so you can help me out. roster.zip
  10. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Right, tried it using your schedule but got the same issues again. I think it's an issue with the roster which is really pissing me off.
  11. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Ahhhh the anticipation! B)
  12. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Might be something wrong with the rosters. I'm just really confused why I'm getting all these problems. Maybe sending the rosters to someone that knows more than me could help sort this out.
  13. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Got a couple of images that are a few errors that I am coming across during simulation, I've posted this so you can see the errors I'm coming across and possibly provide help in correcting these. Picture 1 shows the NL All Star Team being included in divisional standings, the same is with the AL All Star Team Picture 2 shows the main error that I've been coming across, where the game does not allow me to advance past a random scheduled date. This same type of error has stopped me from simming the whole season Picture 3 shows the league leaders in batting, as you can see, all of the players are listed in the wrong teams, despite the fact that when clicking on the player info and accessing their team, it shows them being a member of their proper team. Also, as you can see, I've managed to sort out the power stats a bit (Albert Belle was leading the league with 41), but the averages still seem way too high and some other random goofs.
  14. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    I ran the sim through the original MVP, which could explain the strange sim. I also forgot to do the global mods for pitchers which didn't help at all. Lansing had C66, P52 against Righties and C72, P67 against lefties, so I'm sure that it was a sim problem. Although I changed the ratings for starting pitchers after that and I think the largest amount of HR's in a season was 53 (From Andres Gallaraga), but still had too high averages. I was going to try it out on the MVP 08 Mod to see how it sims out but I cannot get past the credits page of the intro which is very strange because I hadn't touched the MVP 08 files at all. I'm editing the relief pitcher ratings now to see whether that has an effect because at the current state their ratings are pretty low. Also, afterwards I'll run a sim again and if I come across any errors with the schedule I'll try and take a screenshot if possible.
  15. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    This has a very long way to go, I originally planned to have a v0.1 available sometime during the end of summer but after working on this for about six weeks, I doubt it'll be ready. I managed to run a regular season sim which produced quite accurate divisional champions, but extremely skewed batting stats (30 players passed .335, 15 had 40 HR's plus, and Mike Lansing somehow finished the year on .389 with 76 HR's). Sadly I couldn't proceed into the playoffs because of a scheduling bug that for some reason ended up with AA regular season games crossing into October, I'll need to check that out again. Because of those sim results, I may need to use a different rating system for batting (I'm looking into using Dylan Bradbury's Split Calculator because I had found his split calculator to be very good in determine ratings). Trust me, I know how your feeling yanksjames14 but there isn't any point in releasing something when it's effectively broke.
  16. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Yeah the only problem is that the game has been locking up when doing that as it asks for a non-existent team to optimize and doesn't allow it to happen.
  17. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    They were all filled to the 25 Player limits, although I hadn't assigned the lineups for AA & A levels, which might actually be the problem because IIRC the Minor League season is assigned to start at that point. Thanks for taking a look mate :)
  18. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    That is absolutely fantastic mate, doing the schedule was the thing I was dreading to do the most. I'll test that after I've addressed a few issues, as I'll reveal now: The roster is basically at completion now and I have tested in which there are no crashes ingame, which is superb. I've filled the AA, A and the empty slots in the AAA with 0 rated players creatively named "Generic Player". Came across an error where the player was unable to progress out of the team management screen due to non-filled out minor league lineups, which was okay, but then said that an MLB team which doesn't exist had lineup issues. I'm working on this now so hopefully that'll be fixed. Other than that the roster seems to be playing at a decent level. Some good news is that the leader of the MVP 94 project has given me permission to use certain parts of their mod (The whole team will be credited, if members of that team don't want it to be included in this mod then feel free to inform me and it won't be included) so that is a massive help. Also, tried out the Cardinal portraits which where produced in the manner of the MVP portraits (1x and transparent), although they looked pretty shoddy so I'm looking to go without transparency and try to use 2x portraits. If any of you are wondering how I was able to make this kind of progress during my exams, it's because strangely they gave us half term smack bang in the middle of the exam period so I had a little bit of free time to crack on the roster. Just a shame I have a bloody major maths exam tomorrow . Anyway, hopefully when I have all the portraits done then I'll start to post some screenies, although that will be a fare time away. @ DYLAN: There seems to be a lock-up on the fifth day into the season, not quite sure why at the moment because I've tried turning off injuries and trades but the same result occurs. Although could be related to the reason above.
  19. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Right, I've been working on this for the last few weeks but with my GCSE's starting in the next few days, I'm forced to stop my work on this mod temporarily as these are extremely important and I cannot afford to have my preparation reduced to work on this. Below is a little report on what I've done at this point: MLB Rosters are put together, AAA teams are filed with the players who have played for the MLB team but not enough to be included into the 25 man teams. Haven't decided whether to fill out the rest of the AAA teams with regulars of that affiliate team or just to fill it out with very low rated generic players. MLB Player ratings are close to completion, just need to muck around with speed attributes (Eg, 2nd Basemen with 30 speed, Catchers with 100 etc.) and contact/power stats depending on the contribution the player had (I call this the Shane Spencer rule). AAA listed players haven't been touched as of yet, except for players who have cyberfaces in the original MVP 2005 Models.big in which they have been designated their cyberface. All MLB players that have a cyberface in 2005 have been assigned them. I see quite a few cyberfaces in MVP 1994 (Fantastic Mod BTW) that can be used for this mod but I shall seek permission before proceeding with that. Got bored on NFL Draft weekend and created the 25 Man Portraits for the St. Louis Cardinals in 1X. Haven't got any links to some high resolution portraits for 1998 teams so I've been using portrait photos from Getty Images for now. Also, Done a few players appearances but got a long way yet in that department. What I need to do: Portraits Background Finish Rosters Sort out Stadiums/Uniforms Audio? In other words, I am light years away from completing this but as soon as my exams are over in a month, I shall be working my **** off on this. Once again (Kinda begging here lol), if anyone is willing to help in any way, shape or form, then please do!
  20. andy82

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Right, well the MLB Rosters are in decent shape at the moment (Just need to sort out pitch types and some individual tweaks) and I've started moving with the portraits, however, my exams are very soon and more of my time is being sucked up by revision so I need some help with portrait production (Or any other help) with the mod. I will be very grateful if anyone is willling!
  21. Yeah I know, I just didn't want to feel like I was be selfish because although primarily I am doing it for myself, I'm also producing it so everyone else can enjoy the season and I feel that they deserve to at least have a say.
  22. Seems like I've created a bit of a stir here. I am looking to focus the attributes on that season alone, but I plan to modify the ratings based on what role they had that season, for example, majority starters would keep their original stats after all the global edits, key bench players would have a 10% reduction, bit part players would be 15% and players who played below 20 games (for field players) would drop by 20%. I'm not dead set on how I would implement this yet, but I will ensure that bit part players like Shane Spencer won't have stats comparable to guys like Sosa and McGwire..
  23. I love you guys. Seriously, I've never been on a board where everyone is so helpful. @emath: I'm looking to have the mod as the pure season mod, where you can replicate the season rather than doing it as for example MVP09 where they are taking previous seasons into consideration. I'll try and finish the MLB Rosters first then consider the options.
  24. That sound absolutely perfect. I've done rosters before with Madden 06 for a couple of years, but rosters on there are in no way close to as difficult to produce as these are. Still, when it's all complete it'll all be worth it. Just one question though, probably something I could search up but how would I go to rename the Washington Nationals to the Montreal Expos for example?
  25. Trust me there is no one more excited about the mod than I am. I spent a large chunk of my childhood enjoying All Star Baseball '99 on the N64 even when the rosters (and the console) past their sell by dates, and with the greatest season of all time with the 98 Yankees and the great homerun battle between Sosa & McGwire, this seems to be the perfect season to for a Total Conversion Mod. I did jump the gun thinking this was going to be a short project because I know it's going to take a long while, although it would be significantly shortened if I can get permission to use stadiums, uniforms and cyberfaces produced by other members but at this time I'm just trying to get the roster in order (Got the MLB teams in order apart from naming the Expos, just need to decide how far I'm going with the minor leagues, because my preference is to focus on the MLB but I know the majority would like at least the AAA to be complete).
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