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  1. That could be the issue. I do have the game installed on a w7 machine as well so I just copied the stadiums folder over and that worked. Was their any other grass mods that you're aware of?
  2. Got mvp05 running on my W11 pc today, nice and smooth with the 5 patches. Combination of safediskshim, which unlike safediskloader does not bypass any security measures, dgvoodoo2 (thanks for that thread Mega39) and the madman/magnetic image mounted with WincdEmu.
  3. Grass changer.
  4. I'm trying to install gCHANGER 1.1 on a new PC but keep getting fatal errors in the .bat file. Example below. Thanks. C:\EA SPORTS\MVP Baseball 2005\gCHANGER>gfxpak -r data\stadium\fenwnite.big\field2.fsh fennitesgra.png sgra scanning original pack file *********** Fatal Error *********** -- couldn't open pack file 'data\stadium\fenwnite.big\field2.fsh'
  5. Yeah I know it was a feature of the game for that reason but only certain players had this bug that caused the icon to go red after one or two pitches. I think it was just a few pitchers that had this bug, Darvish was one and Drew Smyly was another.
  6. No but this this has been a problem for some time and I had remembered reading about giving pitchers an extra pitch or something to help with the issue but can't remember for sure. It could have been a bug in the game using 2k's rosters.
  7. I remember reading about this before, when pitches turn yellow then red after only a few pitches, was there ever a fix for this?
  8. sask3m


    To run as an admin you need to right click on the program then select the option.
  9. There is a slider that controls how often the text thing pops up telling you what pitch is coming, turn that up all the way then you'll know whats coming.
  10. I thought 2k was strictly timing?
  11. I just checked my full version and i can still access everything. I did switch my PC to windows 10 a while back so had to re-do the keys and then it worked fine, have you tried re-entering them?
  12. Yeah the work around is necessary, even for windows 7.
  13. So what about bunting when someone has a no hitter going?
  14. I say save it for walkoffs etc. Unless of course it's my team doing the celebrating along with me.
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