I'm having a problem with my controller. I've used a PS4 controller on my new laptop as well as a XBox 360 controller. In the past MVP worked just fine, but I just reinstalled it and put this mod on immediately, so I'm not sure if it's the mod that's causing it (for all I know it might work fine without it), but when I'm playing I'm unable to use the buttons properly. For example, the X button on the 360 controller (the blue left button) should allow you to throw one of the pitches, however it brings up the management screen instead, the one where you can quick select to pinch hit or warm up a pitcher and look at the lineups I've remapped the buttons through the MVP options every time and it does nothing to change that one button, so as a result, if a pitcher only has three pitches, I can only throw two. It works fine everywhere else (throwing to third or selecting a runner on third, for example), but when pitching or hitting it brings up that quick management screen and I can't seem to get it to recognize it properly.
Any idea why or how to fix this? Thanks