I have my original disk, but just can't get them to run in Windows 11.
I've tried everything to try to get the secdry.sys to work on windows 11.
I did see one big long line of commands to install the secdrv.sys drive, but just didn't want to push the process that far.
It has been years since I have created a multi boot system.
I understand it's possible to create a windows 7 or whatever version dual boot on a flash drive.
I've read the directions on how to do this and the Windows dual boot is installable from Microsoft or Rufus-1.
My computer is Dell Inspiron 3793 and it's a 64 bit computer.
I know the game is a 32 bit game.
Should I install the Windows 7, 32 bit or 64 bit version for the game to work?
Will the secdrv.sys registry key work from the dual boot windows 7 or a Windows XP boot drive?
Of course, the next problem will the Windows older version work on a more up to date technical computer?
If the game will not work from a dual boot Windows 7 or Windows XP flash drive, please inform.
Thanks much for any feedback!