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  1. Would it be safe if one, for example, ran Windows 11 Defender or put your antivirus name here, on the extracted files from the SafeDiscLoader download for safety? I know Windows 11 Defender can exclude files from anti virus scans, but can custom scan the same selected excluded files if selected for a virus scan.
  2. I wish you the best on your continued recovery. That is some nasty stuff. Plus, my hats off to Trues for getting the site back up. Thanks to all those that contribute so much to the MVPMODs web site and it's content.
  3. I have my original disk, but just can't get them to run in Windows 11. I've tried everything to try to get the secdry.sys to work on windows 11. I did see one big long line of commands to install the secdrv.sys drive, but just didn't want to push the process that far. It has been years since I have created a multi boot system. I understand it's possible to create a windows 7 or whatever version dual boot on a flash drive. I've read the directions on how to do this and the Windows dual boot is installable from Microsoft or Rufus-1. My computer is Dell Inspiron 3793 and it's a 64 bit computer. Questions? I know the game is a 32 bit game. Should I install the Windows 7, 32 bit or 64 bit version for the game to work? Will the secdrv.sys registry key work from the dual boot windows 7 or a Windows XP boot drive? Of course, the next problem will the Windows older version work on a more up to date technical computer? If the game will not work from a dual boot Windows 7 or Windows XP flash drive, please inform. Thanks much for any feedback!
  4. My post intent was to enquire about any solutions and wasn't aware the mods didn't ever do changes to the mvp2005.exe. Plus, wasn't aware the modders had no special connections with EA Sports directly. Thus, didn't want to ruffle any feathers.
  5. But, can you run the higher version mods if copied/installed over MVP 2005? Does this method and your game actually recognize the MVP 2005 disk for play? To anyone? I know this game is copyrighted, but has no support from EA_SPORTS or MICROSOFT. Can any of you guys on the forum with contact with the EA_SPORTS get permission to fix this with a patch or hex editor patch with a new approach to CD disk security using Windows 11? I'm asking these questions because I'm dumbfounded in 2023 the only fix is to bust copyright which I'm not recommending.
  6. Anyone know which file needs to be edited for turning off stadium crowd shadows and also to add light glow effects for classic day stadiums on coversion to night stadiums? I know the night glow effects are in the cram32.fsh and are adjusted on or off with alpha bitmaps for the classic night versions to day versions (glow off), but classic day versions don't appear to have this feature to (glow on). Which file would need a mapping or pointer, to a glow bitmap/alpha if added to the cram32.fsh? The crowd shadowing can also be adjusted on/off somewhat in the cram32.fsh, but there appears to be more to it, is that correct? If in the Oedit tool how does one tell which cram32.fsh bitmap is associated to which part in Oedit? Thanks for any help and I've tried many searches for these topics, but found nothing very specific to these issues.
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