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Everything posted by NeoMExelor

  1. 371 downloads

    This mod will add a "click to start" screen to complement the MVP Baseball 2008 mod. To install, just extract into your MVP Baseball 2004 folder and start up "MVP08openingscreen".
  2. 322 downloads

    This mod will add all the Tampa Bay Rays logos to your MVP Baseball 2004 game. To install, just extract into your MVP Baseball 2004 folder and start up "RaysLogos".
  3. 107 downloads

    This MVP 2004 Mod will replace the Montreal Expos (Washington Nationals) with the Brooklyn Kings. You'll have to change the text yourself in FuzZStudio. It adds uniforms and logos. Credit goes to TheSpungo, EA, and TeamFuzz More screenies: http://www.mvpmods.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=34915.html To install, just extract into your MVP Baseball 2004 folder and start up "KingsPack". Alot of this work is TheSpungo's, the original jersey I based my edit off, and the pants for both jerseys.
  4. Go for a Soriano theme, for example, I went with the Yanket theme.
  5. I'm importing my old sig. No effects here, just a fade between Posada and Wright.
  6. How might I convert '05 portraits to be '04 compatible?
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