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  1. Has anyone looked into exporting stats from this game? It looks like we have some tools that can read Franchise files, and what not, is it not possible to export the stats from the game? I was kind of surprised that the game itself has no way to export stats to web or anything.
  2. If you're running Windows 7, make sure you put your clean, unmodded MVP Baseball 2005 copy on your Desktop. Then install the MVP 13 mod to that. It should work fine.
  3. That worked! That's pretty fascinating that it won't work in other folders. I typically install to my D drive (D:MVP05) and it would not run. Copied to the Desktop and it's fine. There must be some hardcoded stuff in the MVP13 Mod for the Desktop or something. Thanks for the help! Maybe put that answer in a FAQ?
  4. Hi all, I did a full clean install of MVP05, applied Official Patch #3, and then installed MVP13. I get a crash to desktop as soon as I try to start an Exhibition game. From what I read in this topic, it's most likely a Cyberface issue, so I downloaded Homer's Facepack and installed it, but it's still crashing. Is there anything else I can try?
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