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Major Leaguer

Major Leaguer (4/10)

  1. HAHAHA you need some meat man. Eat...ALOT sadly enough, college is all about the speed. The slowest pitcher i've seen pitching in college threw in the upper 70s. Good luck
  2. Lucky us. We can never have too many super-heros... :roll:
  3. ok, instead of the "F you" pitch that Mussina throws I'll teach a different one. Grab a baseball. Face the horseshoe towards you with the closed end on top. take your index and middle finger and bend them to a knuckleball grip. THen put those two fingers on the seam at the top of the horseshoe. Wrap your other two fingers around the ball and throw it like a fastball.
  4. Sliders put a lot of torque on your arm but if you throw a curve properly it wont hurt you at all. A great pitch to learn is the knucklecurve ball because it doesnt hurt your arm at all. if you want a detailed description of how to throw it just ask.
  5. Agent is the first intelligent HS coach I've ever heard. Every one of them around here is dumber than Nuke Larouche (watch bull durham)
  6. KU...Im still not guaranteed a spot on the team but I've talked with the coaches and they like me. I should have a good shot
  7. Im 18. 6'0 180. 4 Seamer- 85-91 with some movement. 2 seamer- 85-91 is just as hard as the 4 seamer with more movement usually slower but not much. Cutter- 80-83ish lots of movement. Star change- no movement, just a regular change. Palmball- drops off of a table lots of movement. Curve- Zito style curve. I throw it right at the shoulder of a right handed hitter and try to break it outside corner. Knucklecurve- straight 12-6. Harder I throw it=sharper break. Splitfinger- low 80s/upper 70s. Sharp break at the end.
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