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Everything posted by exrxixxx

  1. Yeah, I thought about that many times. I can resize it to small piece, move to some corner, but can't find how to force it to stay visible permanently
  2. Bottom placement of SN scoreboard conqueres with Batter Intro. Therefore I resized it and moved to fit scoreboard. BTW. Now scoreboard can work "Permanently" or "Standard disspapearing time".
  3. This is pretty simple Line, which ID is 24 A0 AA 91 is responsible fpr the following stat: - Contact 50, Power 40 But this statr is not steady, it has more than one meaning, Therefore before first pitch it is Contact and Power value, later on it switches to other other texts (but as I said this the same stat with just one control for position, size, color, etc.) In Franczhize stats are more logic due to task entered by 2K - as example I remember text from NBA2K13 which was something like : Task: show stats in beggining of 3rd quarter Value text: jeremy Lin is the #? from Harward in NBA. So, for Play now games stats are given without thinking, but in Franchize algorythm has to choose wether to display generic stat or "live" depending how deep you are in the season, Thus especcialy could be said about "After count 0-1 24 HR, 11 SO...." what would fit Ok for Play now, but to calcuylate it in Franchize is much more difficult stats, plus it will confuse the player because of the question does this stats is "life stat" or "season stat" *** This ,ight be not true, but this is how I understand the game
  4. Yes... or swtich back to 1.0
  5. Ty ty, Re. "permanency" - did not look yet where is a problem of crashing when scoreboard is not dissapearing. Will take a look definitely later. BTW - this scoreboard even without stats requires modding of mlb.exe, because I had to make changes in exe in order to get correct format From Team ID A Score A Team ID B Score B to Team ID A Score A Score B Team ID B That means scoreboard can not work with Officially Patched v.1.2.0 exe, as you can't modify that exe unless Securom protection is not removed from the file. This could take some time while Securome will be solved vy somebody
  6. Almost finished...
  7. Most difficult parts of scoreboard are solved.
  8. This oner is in global.iff. I do not have any records which slot it is. Look through all pictures, there about 4-5 of them same looking, just one is responsible for watermark
  9. Community can't fix correct base running, advance from base running
  10. Patch includes only 1 file. MLB2k12.exe It has direct effect on modded scoreboards. but will not affect CSN v3.3 without stats and below (if I remember well) also make a copy of the whole directory in order quickly recover losses if they occur
  11. compearing old/new data section in mlb.exe, we see there are hundreds of modifications (look at bottom of the pic, "Matched" data and "Different", and look at scroll bar on the right how deep it can be scrolled). I think these changes covers not only date fix
  12. Of course yes, but I never did that. Wait (hope) till someboody will make no-cd crack for mlb2k12.exe v1.2.0
  13. I understood just only you can't modify exe. The rest you wrote I do not understand. Anything specific? How I could help?
  14. I think they had estimation how many users should be XBOX/PS3/PC. By no doubt PC estimated quanitity and actually sold copies maybe are in ratio 1:10 I believe. Therefore maybe there are no workers at all at 2K who are responsible for PC
  15. All files inside exe are made 3rd and 4th of May'13. 2-3 more weeks in Qyallity Assurance and it is released, The reasons why patch was not released a year ago is very understandable. Piracy. By not updating the game with a patch 2K gives a clear sign they will not develope their games for PC, at least this is not a first priority system. No pc patch - no pc gamers - more sold Xbox/PS3 copies. If I'd work at 2K I would do exactly the same
  16. Looks like SportsNet Canada can turn into quality scoreboard
  17. If you updated the game with latest patch dont put any efforts on modding new exe. It is impossible unless Securom protection is removed from the file
  18. If you are not happy with result, delete the file and bring back "back-up"
  19. Solution is wrtten in your post. You are edting mlb.exe while the game is not swtiched off or using same file with somesthing else too. Close other applications
  20. I was exploring Sliders file, and found that appart 44 sliders we can adjust in the game, there are 10-14 (don't remeber now)) sliders more that can be adjusted via hex edititing They are bordered red in the pic. I am pretty sure these red bordered are values that should affect the game somehow. I have made some and figured out that slider value 100 in the game is express 00 00 00 80 3f in hex view (in picture all available sliders to edit are set to 100) The next figures are: 100 - 00 00 80 3f 95 - 33 33 73 3f 90 - 66 cc 66 3f 85 - 99 ff 59 3f 80 - cc 32 4d 3f 75 - ff 65 40 3f .... .... 5 - cd cc 4c 3d 0 - 00 00 00 00 So these Red Bordered blocks should/could be values that are resposinble for something too. I dd not put a lot of effort on that but was able to get negative value for Batter Eye Freq. in game sliders menu. Will try to check later how could these values affect the game (my secret hope is "faster reaction to get from base / faster reaction near the wall)
  21. I think I have an unused texture in the file that could be used for that. But as I wrote I am not interested in developing FOX as It falls way behind CSN comparing REAL vs ORIGINAL and I can't do much to narrow that gap
  22. I could be make all scoreboards to be "permanent" if the are "without stats" Also I need to try to find where is exactly the problem why the game crashes in combination "Permanent/With Stat". This should be solvable I think.
  23. @QBRICK808 I totally agree about the list of scoreboards to posted. We have to agree almost all scoreboards are pretty pure designed. I remember some looked better in year 2003. But you know, if you play a franchise you could really be tired from the same bug. So something to refresh the look could be in arsenal for some games. WGN, as I am a CUBS fan for more than decade, this stuff is on the list, SportsNet Canada is really nice, plsu I figured out how to solve technical difficulties which I wrote a week or two ago. Therefore it is on the list to. Middle-Atlantic Sports Networ and ESPN are almost the same and does not differ from FOX, thus it is very easy and quick to make them, so they should be on list too
  24. I am preety sure in ReadME there is wrtten to copy all stuff from "To Replace" file to appropritate place in *.exe
  25. I had it below scoereboard and it looked bad, plus too small to read text Plus it conflcts with picture-in-picture when runner on base, I do not want to devel it more, to move down pip, resize/move down pitcher gestures,as I do not like FOX very much, FOX - *impossible for team colors to cover all area they should cover -* impossible to make OUTS as dots, not numbers
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