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Everything posted by Borgi

  1. so you dont have to do anything to install the extractor, you just download the rar file, minimize the game and run the extractor?
  2. do you have to run the box score extractor throug TIT or do you just minimize the game and run the boxscoreextractor.exe? Thanks
  3. never mind, i figured it out...thanks a lot piston....even if your not a pro portrait maker this will always be a fave of mine...the problem I had was my computer didnt read it as a .rar and i had to change it to that kind of file then run it with Tit
  4. do i just run it through kraws installer thingy?
  5. thanks piston i got it....i dont know how to install it though....thanks again
  6. thanks a ton piston, really appreciate it...i emailed you
  7. lol, i guess that could be taken wrong
  8. maestro, cant figure out how to make a portrait via gimp, but still thanks a ton for telling me about gimp, it is a sweet program...i love photoshop and this will really be useful
  9. if i send someone a picture can they make a portrait for me? thanks ill send you like 5 bucks if you do this for me...ill just email it to you, i have gimp but cannont figure out how to make my bitmap picture work, so ive just given up...
  10. how do you add a portrait using gimp,i downloaded it, is it pretty much the same as photoshop?
  11. how do you get a picture the right format so you can import it into mvp edit as a portrait, so i want to use a picture of me as someone and its a jpeg or something, how do i much it the right mvp portrait format, is there a program for this, or can it not be done? thanks
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