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September Call-Up

September Call-Up (2/10)

  1. i modded MD's datafile a little to make pitching a little easier and hitting a little easier because i was having a lot of trouble hitting is the first couple of lines in the datafile all the ones regarding hitting? and if so, what are the defaults and how do i improve my hitting? thanks everybody
  2. i think it might be my game b/c it has happened sometimes when there is a "transition screen" it goes black or something and gives me the message. when i minimize it to extract the boxscore, it works fine, but when i go back, there is a black screen and i get the error... it might be my install files of the game but i dunno if i wanna reinstall everything!
  3. snepp, thats what i have been doing i am pretty sure
  4. ok well i saw MarkB's issues on crashing but it didn't quite solve my problem... i play a game and then press alt+tab to minimize out of the game, then i run boxscore extractor just fine and i create the html file without problems..THEN...when i press alt-tab again to return to the game so i can save, i get a black screen, my mouse cursor, and the "mvp2005.exe has had a problem and must close" message. this results in the game crashing and i lose the game i just created the box score with, rendering it useless. this happens like 40% of the time and i'm gonna try downloading the boxscore extractor again tommorw to see if a later version will fix the problem but any help would be greatly appreciated!
  5. i'm still having lots of trouble with getting enough strikeouts for me and also me giving up too many hits. i've been using sliders for user pitching and cpu batting that are similar to the ones on the last post
  6. "variable stuff" is simply the variable stuff that can occur during a baseball game. pitchers and hitters can have bad days, different sized strike zones, etc. cooperstown effect is the effect when you are playing in old time parks such as the old fenway which you unlock that makes the video grainy to simulate old baseball games...variable strike zones is self explanatory, and so is blown calls...hope this helps
  7. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?name=Foru...der+definitions
  8. last night i got 4 strikeouts with john lackey and 6 with josh beckett i'm still working on my sliders...i give up too many hits to the computer that they don't take advantage of so i need to work on that and strikeouts could be up a little more. lately tho, i've been getting pretty good results, like lackey scattered 5 hits through 8 innings of one run ball while striking out 4.
  9. i use similar sliders and get pretty good results, its just that i've never had my pitch count get worked well yet, its always like 50-60 around the 7th inning. for cpu pitch counts, its more a matter if your patient while playing and work the count or just swing away at everything. also, it is extremely helpful for anybody who posts sliders to also post the datafiles (if any) that they use.
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