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Everything posted by gordgraff

  1. Thanks so much RazberyBandit, that fixed it! How did you ever notice that?? This really is one of the stupidest menu systems ever devised. Now I can FINALLY start playing :)
  2. Hi all, I am having problems with my batting controls and I was hoping some of you could help me. I have a Logitech Dual Action controller (yes, the one from the good old days of MVP). The controller works perfectly - Windows recognizes all buttons and they all respond within the 'controller setup' area. Also, when I use 'total control' for batting the controller works perfectly well. The problem is when I try to switch to 'classic controls', which I much prefer. For some reason the game just doesn't seem to recognize my 'button 2' (x on PS3), meaning I can't swing. (Oddly, the 'set the batter still works, which to me doesn't make sense in a 'classic control' mode). Weirdly, when I try to switch it back to 'total control' I can no longer swing. Has anybody experienced anything like this yet? Is it just me? Any help would be greatly appreciated
  3. Sounds like you're doing some great work with this mod BSU-FAN, I am anxiously waiting it!! Since so many of us mod-consumers play in franchise mode a good case could be made that the first thoroughly revised roster is the single most important mod for any season
  4. Great MOD! Could you dothe same for the rest of the uniforms?
  5. Hey Ty, Any progress on the global edit option for later version of the editor?
  6. Misopogon, When you say you've added those players into unused spaces, do you mean unused portrait id#? When I look at the MVP master portrait id# list, I don't see unused entries for #5,9, 12 and so on. Also, Jeff Clement, which you have as #5 above, already has a portrait id# (7084). I'm probably not understanding something...could you clarify what those numbers mean? Great idea for a mod.
  7. I paid for a 1 year membership, but now it says I have a 2 download limit again. Could you check my account to see what the problem is? Thanks
  8. The primary attribute I would like to have "mass-editing" powers for is arm strength. If it would be possible, having the ability to do the mass edit only for catchers would also be great, as their arm strengths may have to drop a bit more than fielders. Is there anything anyone else would like to see??? Thanks for taking a look at this Ty
  9. Ty, Is there any chance adding a 'mass edit' feature to a future generation of your editor? That would be extremely handy for altering the player abilities that aren't covered by sliders, like arm strength. If this is a possibility - is it possible for such mass edits to be confined to a specific team or league position (i.e. catchers)? Knowing very little about the programming required to implement such features, I have no idea of the time that would be required to make them a reality - so I ask more out of curiosity than as a request. Still, if it is in the realm of possibilities, these would be very handy features.
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