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Posts posted by MilkmanAnt

  1. I like how modders get the subscription free, but I think you guy should review who is really a modder and who isn't.

    IMO, a couple CTS, does not equal a modder.

    That is a good point. I hate to read things like this, but I will definately be paying my $10. People please follow my path.

  2. KG, I am currently playing with the Ports (A) and Jeremiah Mitchell is announced as "Steve Jackson." Portrait doesn't match skin color either.

    Also B. Joynt on the SA Missions (AA) is announced as "Alex Fernandez" Just letting you know if you weren't aware of this.

  3. I just downloaded OEdit and after I installed it, I double clicked OEdit and two error pop-ups appeared.

    1. Run-time error 91

    Object variable or With block variable not set

    2. An error occured while initializing Direct3D. Please run the provided "Set 3D Device" tool and select a compatible device to use with Direct3D.

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