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Everything posted by Vlad_Zola_Jr

  1. Schedule editing confirmed! The only thing left for decoding is Players Injuries/DL Status. So, i'm starting to round it up for building a beta version. If you find any interesting parameters after the release, which are not implemented, feel free to report - so i'll look for them. Yes, it'll be compatible with XBox files, but in 7-10 days after the PC release is out (another version will be released with XBox support).
  2. REDitor II v. 5.0 Courtesy of Visual Concepts This is the tool, which will help U edit Roster-files of such games as MLB 2K12 (PC and XBox 360), NBA 2K12 (PC and XBox 360), MLB 2K11 (PC), NBA 2K11 (PC and XBox 360) and NBA 2K10 (PC)! Author: Vl@d Zola Jr. Co-Authors: M@dDog Special thanks: JaoSming, hokupguy, Leftos, STOMPTHECOURT, jrlocke, ALX, aloncho11, pena1, Ariel, Zeusnlsc, yuyuzhen2, toyomihm, njkobe, HAWK23 What is new in version 5.0? New in v. 5.0: - All functions are now available for FREE. - Two minor fixes. Download and enjoy It: v. 5.0 - Installer Read Release Notes after the installation. It is important! Notes: Please, note, that files, edited with REDitor II, are guaranteed to work correctly with REDitor II and original games only. It is not guaranteed, that the files will work correctly with any other 3rd party software. "Hidden" Hot Keys: Ctrl+Tab switches between tabs in the current file; Ctrl+Shift+Tab switches between opened files; Ctrl+Double Click on the cell activates Dynamic Linkages, if it's applied to the cell (the cell represents a color or links to another tab); Ctrl+Click on the fixed(grayed uneditable) row/column selects the whole row/column; Double Click on an item in Column Filter list to get to the beginning of the category; Ctrl + Shift + F opens Create Filter... dialog.
  3. Thank you for your support, guys! Really appreciate it! The work on MLB 2K12 Tables gradually started a couple of days ago. Though, with the release of the new version, which has just taken place, i'm putting all my efforts exactly on MLB 2K12. I'm going to open a special REDitor thread in the MLB 2K12 forums branch with some major news next weekend. Hope to finish the PC part by July, 27th, as starting from 28th i'm on a 3 week-long holiday away from my PC... But if not, then probably very early in September i'll release it. And, yes, this year i'm also going to add support for MLB 2K12 XBox 360 files. Btw, pena1, hope, you'll be able to help me with those lists of colors/accessories/etc., like last year? And a couple of Beta-testers will be needed as well, of course. :)
  4. New version has been uploaded (the link is located in the first post). NBA 2K12 Draft Class files are now supported by it + it includes several bug-fixes. I'll start working on MLB 2K12 files sometime within the next 10 days.
  5. Hot-fix for v. 3.5 has been released. The link is as always in the first post.
  6. Hey, guys! v. 3.5 is out. It's a highly recommended update, as some major general things have been improved. Enjoy!
  7. This is quite a good idea. I'll be able to tell something particular, when MLB 2K12 PC version is supported by the tool, which is, unfortunately, not going to happen at least until summer due to my heavy studies this semester... :sad:
  8. Finally got my copy of the game. From what i see, the roster format hasn't changed much, so there is a big chance, MLB 2K12 will become supported by REDitor before mid-May. More (comparing to 2K11 Tables) editing features are also planned for June.
  9. Yep, really sad news for you, guys. Anyway, if noone makes an editor earlier, you can at least count on me to do this by mid-July (maybe earlier, depending on my studies).
  10. Glad to hear, you're enjoying the tool. To assign a uniform to another team you should edit GID column. So, first open Teams tab, find the new team and remember its GID value. Then switch to Uniforms tab, find the jersey, you wish to reassign, and change its GID to the remembered value. So, the jersey will be now assigned to the new team. Hope, this will help.
  11. http://www.mvpmods.c...ndpost&p=628588 I'd be more than glad to make it MLB 2K12-compatible soon, but, unfortunately, profs at the University have gone really crazy with tasks this semester... :sad:
  12. The newest MOD Tool alone (without external decompressors) works fine with NBA 2K12 files. You can get it at NLSC, as it will probably work fine with MLB 2K12 files as well. Though, i haven't tried, as i don't have the game (yet). Old roster editors will 100% not work with the new game. It's also a pity to say, that i don't have much free time this semester, so i won't start working on MLB 2K12 files at least until mid-April. So, a good chance for Ty. Anyway, if there is enough enthusiasm and demand from modders, later i will be making an ultimate all-aspects editor, like last year. Good luck with modding, guys!
  13. Hey, guys! The new version has finally been released. The new link is in the first post. Player Statistics is now editable with Guru package. Also here we go with a special action! If you purchase or upgrade to MLB 2K11 - GURU license before March, 10th, you will get a bonus MyFriend Interfaces package for absolutely FREE! So, hurry up to make the editing process even more easy and enjoyable! ;)
  14. OK, guys. The next version, which will be released some time this week, will allow you to edit most of the stats.
  15. Hey, guys! I've just released the new version 3.0 The major addition is that it now supports NBA 2K12 PC files, though if you have faced a glitch with names, when newly edited names were saved wrong, it is also fixed. I plan to add Stats editing for MLB 2K11 in the next version (Guru license only), if there are at least five people, who tell me, they need and will use the addition.
  16. Actually, yes. These are 2 different parts of the program, so they are charged separately.
  17. So, the bug-fixing release is out. You can download it via the link in the first post. Me too, my friend, me too. :)
  18. Unfortunately, not. At least, not yet, but i'm not sure, when i'll have a possibility to take a closer look on this problem.
  19. No, i'm afraid, you need to have Developer or Guru in order to edit the Staff tab. You can read, what is editable with each license, here: http://buy.red-mods....son.htm#MLB2K11 Yes, there is a bug in the current version. I sent you the latest beta just after you'd e-mailed me. Will make a public release of the new version some time this week. Sorry, but nope. I'm worried, it won't be much popular, so i'm currently focused on NBA 2K12. ========================= Probably, i will also add Players Stats editing later this year.
  20. New version has been released. Not much new for MLB Tables, though, but the update is still recommended as it fixes some minor issues.
  21. The new version has been released (check out the first post). This is a must-have update for those, who like to edit NBA 2K11 XBox 360 files. And a highly recommended update for everyone else, as there are several quite important bug fixes in the new version. I appreciate your comments, guys. Sorry for not responding to them, as i really have a very limited amount of free time. One more thing to say: the prices for MLB 2K11 Tables were lowered by 17%, so it's a good opportunity to get an advanced license of a good editor and make your game look even better. Hope, you will enjoy the new version.
  22. Man, unfortunately, i don't live in Idaho, but i'm just a student, living in *bad word here* russia. People in most regions here are very lucky, if they get $2.5/hr, while food is of the same price here (i was in EU this summer, so i made a basic comparison), clothes, consumer electronics are slightly more expensive and cars are 1.5 times more expensive. So, of course, if i lived in Idaho, i would prefer to spend this time for something else ))) But here noone is going to hire a student for more than $1.5/hr with an at least 4-hours working day, so i can't and don't want to afford this, as i spend 7-8 hours more for studying every day. 2 years ago i also thought, editors should be free, while i was asking for donations. And i was ignoring several guys, who suggested to charge for my work, saying, i would get much more money out of it, even if it's about charging for just $5-10. But c'mon. I got a total of $120 as donations from just 4 guys during 8 months, while each version of the program was downloaded ~6000 times + 'what the hell!?', some people blamed me for asking for donations , while they were the first to request new features. (yes, that year i had enough free time, so i played NBA 2K10 and it started as a hobby). But when i fed up with adding many new features for free, working 3-4 hours a day after studies, i decided to experiment a bit and to charge. Guess, what happened? 5 times more money within a month, than it was during the whole donate-ware period. Anyway, let's put all the money questions aside. I made a free version (no tiral version) with quite a lot of functionality, i believe. I always say, free features are done by me for fun, while charged ones are those, when it stops to be funny to decode new things. Still, a month has passed and there were no comments during this period. For me this means "very little to no interest in the program", and this was the first and main reason for me to write, what i wrote. Not money or whatever. I supposed, you, guys, had too few editing abilities with Ty's editor; so i decided to add support for MLB files as well in my editor, as i possess the knowledge to find many interesting editable values. Money question is the second one. Wanted to know, if you really need those abilities or not. Pfff.. it's already a big post. Sorry, have a headache and no free time to write more
  23. Honestly? I don't play games. As of now, I only play CoD 4 rarely late evening. Prefer activities like playing real bball, running, etc., as i spend too much time in front of copy-books and PC even without playing games. So, i hope, you see the difference, why those extra features are not 4-fun for me. I respect you're making an accurate roster. Still, as i've said, i can use one of lots statistical DBs from the Internet and create a roster (let's say, just one historical team). I understand, this will take me ~30-40 hours to understand the game mechanics, 10 hours more to make the initial roster and 10 hours to polish it to the satisfactory condition. But you said, programming is easier the pie and nearly everyone can do it. Why won't you create a simple editor then? Let's say, it will only allow to change players' heights. Maybe then you will be able to value my knowledge as much, as i do. What i want to say is that any labor looks easy, until you try to do it yourself. PS: I personally spent for decoding MLB 2K11 files structure alone 400+ hours, and 500+ for the programming part. Easy? Any of your friends can do the same quality editor?
  24. OK, frankly speaking, it's not about the money only. Since the editor started to fully support MLB 2K11, the month has passed before my next message, and what did i see, posting it? No comments from other people at all. As for me, this meant "no to very little interest in the program". Again, not the paid version; the tool has quite a lot of functions, available for free. And still noone considered to write even a short mes. MarlinsMY, glad you're enjoying the program. Big posts can really encourage, man ))) Actually, i can add the ability to edit statistics, as i know how to do that. More to add, i and my friend are planning to deeply work on IFF files soon. Though, sounds look to be quite difficult to decode, but who knows... Anyway, now i can see, why there are no TCs for MLB. Guys just got accustomed to high-quality full-atmosphered mods for MVP. While, yes, MLB modders currently don't have enough possibilities to create the same full-atmosphered mods. Though, as i said, NBA 2K12 is set to be released in the beginning of October, so i will most likely invest my labour into it. Of course, everything will depend on 2K... BSU-FAN, mate, i understand, edits take time. But, c'mon, editing with a ready editor is one thing. You can edit with it, i can edit with it, even my 10-years old brother can edit with it (though, the results are unpredictable in this case ). No disrespect, but decoding file formats and creating a program is a completely different level - it requires much more knowledge and skills. As i have already stated multiple times at NBA forums, what is done by me for fun, it's released for free. What about the paid features - i just wanted to provide you, guys, with the ultimate editing possibilites and experience, but, please, understand me, i also want to eat, as any other human being. And this is really not a routine task to decode and program, so if those features weren't paid, they wouldn't exist at all, as i certainly have other ideas and projects, i can invest my skills into. What about PES or MVP2005 free editors: these games files formats are muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch easier, than 2K Sports' ones. You can ask Ty, he will answer you all the same. For example, you can edit MVP2005 even without any editors, but just with using a Notepad. Just try to do the same with MLB 2K11 and you will see the difference. What about pricing: i think, it's fair. Even comparing to Ty's editor - you get much more features for a slightly higher price. Like interfaces, once purchased, work fine for all the supported games during a year. Then Player license costs as little as $6, but allows you to do much more, than Ty's editor (not in the same comfortable way without MyFriend Interfaces, but still...). Plus, there have always been discounts for "old" customers, when a new game of the same series was released. But it's the community decision, if i should develop the project further or not; still i doubt, you can get the same amount of functionality from Ty; do not mean to offend anyone - maybe he just also finds it worthless to add more features, when he has already added. Anyway, peace, guys, enjoy the tool. I hope, the community will grow over time. PS: Still, expecting some more comments.
  25. What do you mean "it's no longer usable"? If your key has stopped working, you can always request a new one by using a special dialog or by sending me an e-mail. ========== The Hot-Fix for v. 2.1 has been released: http://www.gamefront.com/files/20738539/setup_REDitorIIv2.1.3.exe
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