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Everything posted by Vlad_Zola_Jr

  1. The new version of the program has been released (view the first post for a detailed information). Here is the direct download link: http://www.gamefront.com/files/20735241/setup_REDitorII_v2.1.exe ========================== To be honest, i expected the program to be more widely used and some Total Conversion mods to appear. Unfortunately, looks like MLB area is not perspective enough to develop it further. :(
  2. OK. The new version is finally released. The links for download are located at the bottom of this page: http://red-mods.com/index.php/download I will update the first post and add more design to the site, once i'm back home. Now i'm nearly late on train, so, sorry, guys, for such a modest release )))
  3. Hey, guys, while you're waiting for the release with anticipation, watch this short funny video : Of course, this will never be a strike, but even the guy on 2nd base was very stunned with The Spiral Pitch Moreover the gravity effect of the pitch teleported the catcher away for a moment :pardon:
  4. Sure. Thx anyways. I appreciate all the bug-reports! :good:
  5. Well, this is a known bug, which was fixed months ago. The new version will be released July, 21-23. I'm finishing the documentation...
  6. The beta is out, guys. So, probably there will be a public version released next week, if no big bugs are found... And yes, more features will be added in future, as it's still a long go until MLB 2K12 is released. What about schedules and all the other franchise-specific stuff: work on it is in my plans, but not in the nearest future...
  7. Mmm... *coming soon*
  8. Wait for a couple more weeks. I'll publish the screens then.
  9. Yes, mate. I've already fixed that. A new release will be made by the end of next week. Anyway, will send the new version to you in several minutes.
  10. Well, if you're talking about the 2 editors, i'd recommend you to try both and see, which one suits you best. tywiggins editor's obvious momentum advantage is that it allows to edit more parameters. But keep in mind, those things, available in REDitor, were decoded and implemented in just one weekend. So, if i had enough time these days (mid-terms're taking most of it), i would be probably as far, as a mongolian horse (read about them in Wiki ). Moreover, there are no any trial periods for using basic REDitor functionality. The other thing is interfaces, of course. An experienced user of REDitor II, especially if he owns Developer's Interfaces license, can easily create big mods in relatively short periods of time. Unfortunately, i can't say the same is possible with ty's editor. Different filters, Global Editor, easy movement between different parts of a single file and between files, copy-pasting several values at once, ability to copy-paste ranges of cells from/to other applications, like MS Excel, and much more functions are already implemented in REDitor II, waiting for you. I was thinking of creating a more casual-friendly GUI as well. Anyway, my general recommendation to all of you is to hold your money for another 3-4 weeks and then decide, what editor you'll like more. It is already there, mate; available for all supported file types (NBA, MLB). You need Developer's Interfaces license to get Global Editor available. But, as i've said earlier, i'd recommend to hold your money to see the obvious advantages. Anyway, it's your choice, of course: you can already get it and use to globally edit the already implemented parameters and use it in future to edit new available things, when they "appear".
  11. REDitor II v. 4.0 This is the tool, which will help U to edit Roster-files of such games as MLB 2K12 (PC), NBA 2K12 (PC and XBox 360), MLB 2K11 (PC), NBA 2K11 (PC and XBox 360) and NBA 2K10 (PC)! Author: Vl@d Zola Jr. Co-Authors: M@dDog Special thanks: JaoSming, hokupguy, Leftos, STOMPTHECOURT, jrlocke, ALX, aloncho11, pena1, Ariel, Zeusnlsc, yuyuzhen2, toyomihm, njkobe What is new in version 4.0? New in v. 4.0: - Added: MLB 2K12 PC files are now supported - Added: Peak Age Start and End parameters are now editable for Players at NBA 2K12 files - Changed: Tutorials updated - Fixed: A rare "Range Check Error", which sometimes took place on files with no free space left - Fixed: Wrong range of possible values for Contract - Player Role & Animations - Free Throws on NBA 2K12 Tables - Fixed: Minor misprints Download and enjoy It: v. 4.0 FREE Read Release Notes after the installation. It is important! The instruction on How To Buy is located here: http://buy.red-mods.com/HowToBuy.htm If you're interested in placing some advertisment inside the program, you're recommended to visit this page: http://red-mods.com/index.php/advert Another small note for you : "Hidden" Hot Keys: Ctrl+Tab switches between tabs in the current file; Ctrl+Shift+Tab switches between opened files; Ctrl+Double Click on the cell activates Dynamic Linkages, if it's applied to the cell (the cell represents a color or links to another tab); Ctrl+Click on the fixed(grayed uneditable) row/column selects the whole row/column; Double Click on an item in Column Filter list to get to the beginning of the category; Ctrl + Sift + F opens Create Filter... dialog. Also Download and Try DEMO version (4.0) to test all the feautres, including the advanced interfaces, before purchasing: Demo Version 4.0 Release Notes And Restrictions for Demo version: - Files can't be saved
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