Hello all, first post here (woohoo!). I wonder if anyone could help me (or us) bringing a new breath in what used to be a great baseball fantasy league I used to grow up with. It was involving my dad, some uncles, friends of them, and they were meeting once a month to play on Amiga computers, using the Earl Weaver Baseball software. The league was as much as for the gathering and party than for the baseball itself. (sorry for my english if sometimes stuff doesn't quite make sense...) In those gathering, there would be four or five machines in one place (people would bring their machines), and eight or ten people (each owner of his own franchise) would be playing four or five games during the evening. That is what I'd like to recreate, or revive as the machines are getting old, the software graphics out of date, but the features mostly absent of the newer games... Where I would need help is to find a baseball game with decent modern graphic look for a fantasy league where each franchise owner would play his club's games, face to face with his opponent (on the same machine), and have four or five game played at the same time, in the same league. Earl Weaver Baseball used to let you play a game (like the exhibition mode in recent games) and then only update the stats of the players that played. I've seen, here, that there are many mods for custom uniforms, custom players, custum parks, so that won't be a problem. But the basic setup of having the guys in the league play their games at the same time, is what is giving us trouble... So, in short, the features we would be looking for are: - Multiple game played at the same time - Two players per game on each machine - "update" stats after a game - Pitcher's fatigue management (for rotations, starters and relief) I already have High Heat Baseball 2002 on which I'm making tests, but I can't play in a season multiple games at once without overwriting, at the eand of each game, the stats of the other games as they "haven't happened" on the other machines. I could have the teams play exhibition games, and compile the HTML stats of each games in Excel and keep track of the stats this way, but then, the pitchers management gets tricky as there would be no follow up from one game to the other (I thought of a board on which we'd keep track of the pitchers availability...). What could be awesome, but I'm daydreaming, is an "Earl Weaver Baseball mod" that would allow to create a custom leage, with custom teams and custom players, play exhibition games and update the stats of the players at the end of the game (including pitcher's fatigue, players injury, etc., just like in season mode), but on a recent game. So, if anyone understood me and have suggestions, or questions that I will answer, it will be very welcome! Thank you! Breeffeehey Owner and GM of the Darwin Shields