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    Philly Suburbs

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  1. Version 1.0.0


    For "Classics" modders... here is a batting helmet template with adjusted features to give an authentic look. Included are bmps of helmets as well as a psd for additional teams and custom adjustments. Inspiration and Expos Helmet used from Total Classics 1984 By Jim825 & dennisjames71.
  2. You would need modded system. You can edit roster with MVPEdit. Then you need to FTP over to your modded xbox. From there, you can create your "RosterSave" and copy to you AR Card.
  3. are you looking for uniform select files? as in the frontend\uniforms file? if so, you need the fshtool and xshtool. open both and copy the .bmp from fsh to xsh. you may need to resize.
  4. the first half looks like a file save from the xbox for the action replay
  5. http://forums.nba-live.com/
  6. royhobbs

    Site Issues

    Screenshot of Messaging issue. Can add to recipient and subject line, but no option for message body.
  7. royhobbs

    Site Issues

    No dice Y4L. I can't click where the body of message would go.
  8. royhobbs

    Site Issues

    Unable to send a message to someone. Able to select recipient and subject, but cannot enter text for message body.
  9. royhobbs

    KATY Roy

    don't forget neverlose sight. for the red sox st pattys day jersey. enter just like Katie roy, and save
  10. ​ ​Global Edit - 3652 (# of days in ten years plus for leap year in 08 & 12)
  11. I too started out on consoles. Prior years were on PlayStation, but '05 was new to me on Xbox. I evolved into the 360 and gave 2k a shot. Graphically, yes... playability, not so much. I went back to old reliable, and was content with my old dynasty. I had the action replay, and found some of KG's rosters in the community saves on that site. Then they disappeared. So I searched and found some of the other sites that were around. Then I came across THIS one. I was hooked in an instant. I saw what was being done for the pc, and I wanted in. I wasn't a big computer guy, and only had a laptop at the time, so I figured on finding a special box. I got one and with the help from daflyboys and online videos, I got my mods. Of course, it was limited to the Xbox files, but I remember playing my first "real" game in Citizens Bank Park. Their I was, a 31 year old child, sitting in amazement. I asked for help and probably annoyed the hell out of the daflyboys, sesbb, and kyleb, but I thought I'd try to keep the Xbox alive, at least the rosters. I spent a truthful two weeks, reading pretty much every post in the forums. I wanted to know everything. I was in over my head. I could work MVPEdit, Total Installer Thingy, and PC2Xbox. I tried and tried on Xbox but kept getting crashes. daflyboys then convinced me that console was dead and I should move on. Found PC copy online and $35 later here I am. I still am in over my head, but I can do a little bit more now. Still need a refresher on a batch file from time to time. Not a modder by any means, but will make feeble attempts for my own enjoyment. I find myself experimenting with things that were done 10 years ago, and find it fascinating. I have the utmost respect for the guys here now, and their predecessors. So here I sit, a 36 yr old MVP dork, with an old desktop only for MVP. I check my email, and head right to this site to see what's new and exciting. My 5 yr old son plays the batting mini game, and my 2 yr old daughter will sit on my lap and dance to the original soundrack. Only problem is she calls it soccer. A big thank you to Trues and the guys who make this place go round. Thank you guys for making a break from reality A LOT more fun.
  12. royhobbs

    Finding Disk

    I realize this isn't a hot topic, but if people are still looking... it is listed for $29.99 on thegamehenge.com and it says they have 84 in stock.
  13. I got called to work for 17.5 hours to replace a pole that someone decided to hit and restore power to the few hundred people that were without. Luckily, all after my kids finished opening their gifts.
  14. The hist.dat file stays ONLY in the database folder. All other 18 .dat files go into the database.big
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