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Posts posted by electro_cute

  1. haven't found an option to change camera view in my player mode. i've even changed it in exhibition game and saved it, hoping it'll translate to my player mode but it didn't happen. also, can you turn automatic save in my player mode? i know you can turn it off on the starting screen, but haven't found that option in my player mode.

  2. decided to install mvp again. bought the subscription, installed 08 mod, datafile, shchedule, changed resolution, i'm downloading stadiums, but i can't find that damn year changer. i read the faq list, searched and advanced searched and google searched and went through half of the miscellanious/tools download sections and i can't find it! i'm sorry for spamming, but could someone give me a link for this tool? i'd be gratefull.

  3. If you have an old dynasty started, installing new rosters won't affect it. You have to start a new season or dynasty to get the newest players. Dynasty roster is a separate *.dyn file.

    nah, i've started a new dynasty :D spent whole day yesterday installing these files ;) i dunno what i did wrong...

  4. i've installed the mod and it looks great. really greta. but, of course, i have a problem. and, of course, it's rosters. i've done everything said in that long, long install post, but they just don't work... i've loaded the ai from the ai folder before starting the dynasty and in the interface i can see kane as the top blackhawks scorer. but when i go in game i can play with hossa, havlat and a bunch of the old blackhawks players. any ideas? oh, my os is windows 7.

  5. i'm using KSM DATAFILE and i'm searching good sliders to use with this file. i found solid sliders for all around play, but i can't get any user hr's without using the stick. i hate using the stick couse i like to base hitting purely on timing, but this way i can't hit any hr's. i have power at 50 and i have hit 2 hr's in 7 games :(

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